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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish


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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by genkicoll Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:32 am

    Posted by Honday, June 13, 2013, in THIS thread:

    Hondo wrote:Hey everyone!

    Wow, it sure has been a while since I've made an appearance, hasn't it? Seine has been doing a fantastic job filling in for me since I returned from paternity leave, but it's finally time to reveal the BIG project that I've been working on...


    Yes, you aren't dreaming. They really are coming. And I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am! :D

    For more details (including a preview screenshot), head over to the blog post I just published. This post also reveals my true identity for those who are curious! :O

    One section of the post that I wanted to make sure and highlight for our current forum users:

    What you need to do to prepare

    In short, not much! While other companies might've used this as an opportunity to start over with a fresh slate, we did everything in our power to move over all of the content you've created to the new forums. The good news is that we will be bringing all of your public content, like posts and threads. The less-than-perfect news is that we aren't able to bring your private content over with us.

    This leaves you with two tasks to complete before we make the move:

    1. Create a backup of all the names in your address book.
    2. Print out (or save into a Word doc) any private messages that you don't want to lose.

    The other thing you'll need to know is that the current forums will temporarily be put into a read-only state while we undergo the big move. What this means is that you'll be able to continue browsing the forums during this time, but you will not be able to create any new posts until the new forums are up and running.

    While the exact times are subject to change, right now we're looking at a 10-12 hour period for maintenance. We'll update this post as soon as we know the exact date that this will happen. We're also pretty certain that we'll be able to give you at least a 24-hour notice, but we'd still encourage you to back up your info as soon as possible.

    I know you've got questions, and I'll be around for a lot of the day to answer them. I can't reveal everything quite yet, but I promise to answer as many questions as I'm able to.


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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by genkicoll Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:23 pm

    Hondo wrote:Ok everyone, sorry to keep you waiting.

    First things first, blog post. :O


    Also, I have a BIG announcement to make...

    You know how we said that the New Forums were coming soon, and that I'd let you know as soon as I had a firm date? Well... I now have that date.

    If you read the blog post, you already know that during the first phase of our release, the current forums will be in a read-only state. This means that you will be able to continue browsing the forums during this phase, but you will NOT be able to post any new content.

    ***This phase will begin TOMORROW (6/18) night at approx. 10:00pm Pacific Time.***

    If all goes well, this phase is expected to last about 12 hours. After that (so around 10:00am Pacific Time) the New Forums will be LIVE!

    Of course, if we come across any major issues during the release, we may decide to roll-back and reschedule for another day, so even this time is subject to change, but I wanted to let you know now to give you as much heads up as possible. (And it isn't much, I know.)


    So that's that! I'll be moving on to answer some of the questions that have been asked over the last 24 hours or so now. Smile


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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by genkicoll Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:32 am

    An update posted on the Big Fish blog:

    Update #3: June 19, 4:30pm PDT
    We’re sorry, but our Forums will be closed for maintenance for an additional 12-24 hours.
    During this time, you will NOT be able to sign into the Forums with the email address and password associated with your Big Fish account.
    We truly apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your continued patience.

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by Esme Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:33 am

    Thanks for the updates genki. You are the best! Happy bounce

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by genkicoll Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:20 pm

    The forum is back, and off hand looks exactly the same!

    EDIT: Correction!  You still cannot access the forums unless you have the direct link above.  Can we post?  Haven't tried it Wink  but I see that there have been no posts since the 18th.

    EDIT #2:  Yes, the forum IS back now, and people are posting again.

    Hondo wrote:Hey everyone, Hondo here!

    While making the big move over to the New Forums, we ran into a few issues that are taking a bit longer to resolve than we had originally anticipated. Don't worry, we're still hard at work!

    Rather than leave the Forums down indefinitely until everything is resolved though, we wanted to make sure you still had a place to go for game help and to chat with other gamers, and so until we've finished working out all the kinks, please feel free to resume using our current Forums.

    We apologize for the prolonged downtime we experienced, and thank you all for your continued patience and understanding!

    Community Manager

    So that explains why the forum looks exactly the same... it IS!

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by genkicoll Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:34 am

    From the Big Fish Blog, August 12, 2013

    Hondo wrote:
    Over the years, our forums have been one of the key ways we communicate with you, and have served as an integral source for game-play help. We have always strived to provide you with the best experience possible, and we value your input and dialogue. Unfortunately, our current forums just haven’t been meeting our expectations of providing a first-rate customer experience.

    Recent attempts to upgrade our forums highlighted certain critical issues that cannot be resolved forcing us to abandon the new solution, and we simply cannot continue to sustain our current forums while also maintaining a positive customer experience.

    As you may know, our current forums have been unstable for quite some time. In order to shore up and scale our existing forums, we have made the difficult decision to remove Chit Chat Corner and other general forums in order to maintain a very critical forums service – the game forums. We will continue to create, support, and maintain our game-specific forums so you will have continued access to game hints and tips from both Big Fish and other players.

    Beginning Tuesday, August 13th at 3:30pm PST, our forums will enter maintenance mode so we can modify our service and address key technical and performance issues. When the maintenance is complete, the game forums will return but all other general forums will have been retired. We estimate the maintenance period may last several days.

    We’re committed to providing great games and great game-related experiences. We invite you to complete this survey and let us know what type of community engagement and social sharing you’d like to see in the future. Additionally, we encourage you to visit a dedicated news and forums site at GameBoomers if you would like to participate in their forums community.

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by vervaine Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:24 pm

    Posting since I wrote this already...

    Continued from

    Having a fight on BFG would accomplish nothing. We've had weekly fights over sales and barely anything changed. It feels like those minor changes to banners and whatnot were only to tide us over till the forums go down and voila, no more complainers.
    The only thing the weekly fights accomplished was to bring up the more intolerant, aggressive or just plain insensitive members who are so frequent on other gaming boards.

    I've never liked posting on official company forum, by the way. EA banned people from playing their games for posts on the forum, and it wouldn't surprise me if BFG also had some "difficulties".

    I hope they don't go under, though. I like my purchase history there. ;)

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by genkicoll Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:29 pm

    vervaine wrote:I hope they don't go under, though. I like my purchase history there. ;)
    Yeah... no doubt!  I have hundreds of games from them, many of which I've never played OH!

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by Spirit_of_Auron Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:34 pm

    Same here, I can't replace a lot of those games easily elsewhere, (and i refuse to back them up at GH because of the mitigation stuff I had problems with back in June)

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by vervaine Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:46 pm

    Yep, as much as I don't like BFG's censorship, sneaky sales, sneaking GC membership into cart, etc, they have a very nice offer as far as I can tell. Their game selection may not be the best, but it's the best I can find all gathered in one place. Some casual games are making it to Steam through Greenlight, but they're more expensive than on BFG. So, I won't be canceling my membership on BFG. For 12 game credits and patience I can have 12 CEs and 6 SEs, not to mention any Daily Deals that pop up. I'm happy with what I get for my money, even if I don't really love them as company.
    And I have tons of unplayed games too... About 80 I think.

    I've heard horror stories about Gamehouse. Sorry to hear that, Auron. :/

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by Spirit_of_Auron Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:52 pm

    Thanks Vervaine, yeah it was bad, and I even had Warrior(though if no one minds it's a lot easier for me to call him Keith as it's what i've always known him as, and using his BFG name always threw me off worse then some of his other website names) contact them on their FB page just to finally get a reply at all.

    But yeah, lost my Mortimer complete premium series collection after mitigation, and had to rebuy Delicious Wonder Wedding(thankfully with a coupon they provided) They did try to make it right by giving a second one to try and replace mortimer, but it was just the one, and that was 4 games in one, so it wasn't much of a consolation, but did get Apotheceum with that.

    Anyways I have over 100 myself unplayed that i'm working through right now, though I don't buy often as is, and usually buy in bulk when I do buy.

    Steam's alright, but yeah, I saw Alawar trying to get the first stray souls game on there and it has yet to get the greenlight, so I'm not too hopeful that a lot of the developers we know getting on there too easily. I do have a steam account though.

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    Post by genkicoll Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:10 pm

    GOG is still the best place to get non-casual games, IMO -- no DRM!  LOVE it!  I have a couple of Steam games, and while I hate their game interface, I do like having automatic updates to my games.  Besides, some games are ONLY available at Steam! >_<

    GamersGate is good, too, and they just released some casual games there (ie. Treasures of Mystery Island 2: The Gates of Fate & Natural Threat 2.)

    I dislike dealing with GameHouse, but when things work out, they're good.  Luckily, only had to contact CS once, and it was a problem a lot of people were having, so they got to it right away.

    Playrix is another awesome site to deal with -- they have some great deals there, and it just takes entering your activation # once to get it set up, then you're good!

    . . .

    I digress, but that's not unusual Belly laugh  Back to topic!

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by vervaine Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:20 pm

    To be honest, I doubt casual games will have much luck on Steam. Too much exposure for mainstream AAA games. Even less-than-famous indies get lost in the catalog. I've unearthed Legends of Fae by total accident during one Steam sale and was irked because I'd rather have it on Steam than BFG. I had no idea it was there. I bet there are others there, but they're impossible to find. BFG is (was? now it'll only be the homepage for news) doing well as my hub for casual games.

    GG used to omit DRM information on their game pages, not sure how they are now.

    I love GOG for their mission and no DRM, but they have mostly new point-and-clicks, story-experience games and a ton of oldies. I've binged on games a bit too much there... I doubt I will play more than half of my purchase history there, as most of my time now goes to the 3DS and to lesser extent PS3. In a way, I'm glad PS4 has nothing that looks interesting to me so far...

    But genki... We can finally do what we always wanted to on CCC - talk about competitors! Laugh

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    Post by genkicoll Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:32 pm

    lol, too true! Laugh  I am not affiliated with any game site, so I advertise all of them with nothing to gain monetarily.  The only exception is Ebates, and I do get a commission off of those who use my link (and spend $25 within the first month of signing up,) but I also give a direct link to Ebates for those who don't want to use my referral link.  In the year and a half+ that I've been here, one person has used my link (thanks, JM! *wavies*)

    By the way (here I go off-topic again!) if you're not signed up with them, you can get cash back on your Big Fish purchases!  It's really easy, and they don't need any personal information when you sign up.  I explain it all HERE, if'n you're interested, and feel free to NOT use my referral link Laugh  Cash back is goooood~! Elk grin

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by vervaine Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:48 pm

    Hm, I'm not sure whether it works with Amazon UK? Laugh That's the only one I use (well, and GOG). For more than a year my only payments at BFG were automatic Game Club renewal. I use Steam client for purchases. I'm almost scared to admit that I've become one of Amazon slave customers o.O

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by genkicoll Mon Aug 12, 2013 3:00 pm

    It might work for -- I know that Ebates works with, so maybe.  It's worth checking out Smile

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by Spirit_of_Auron Mon Aug 12, 2013 3:26 pm

    I pretty much am not loyal to any set company either, I have a good 20+ games on steam, the vast majority on BFG and about 3 pages worth at GH alone, plus my PS3/Ps2, Wii U/Wii, Ds/3DS, etc libraries. But yeah i don't think steam's best for casual at all, though I did get a nice game for my birthday off there this year that is indie and actually pretty fun. It's called Reccetear(probably spelled it wrong again) I'll get the full name later when I check steam stuff.

    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:50 pm

    Lately I have been getting new releases from the developers. Playrix always have the CE versions a few days before they are released other places. I found after I betaed for Artifex Mundi that they sent me a code for 1/2 the game I betaed. Sign up for all the developer emails for offers!
    Amazon has great sales.
    I have a few from Gamersgate and iWin.
    I did like GameHouse before they stopped that point or coin or whatever program where you could get free or discounted games.
    I have most from BFG, but that was due to PCCs from sales and things. But, I cancelled membership last month, and while it shows my card being stamped, non-members do not get a PCC when it is filled. Rather false advertising to show it filling I thought!

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by Esme Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:01 pm

    I do get the feeling that BFG is shooting themselves in the foot right now. A lot of their core members dislike change and find a lot of value in being able to chat in the forums with other members. Alienated those folks, and I see them leaving because it's no longer fun for them.

    I had cancelled my membership at the beginning of the year, then renewed about two months ago. It is very likely that I will cancel again in the very near future.

    Their loss!

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by luvtoread Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:23 am

    For the longest time,  I didn't even know about BF CCC.  I just started buying games there and just stayed with the game forums.
    I will still stay with them and get games I do like,  that, for me, will not change.
    I like Steam for their type games,  they have some Adventure games I have not
    found elsewhere,  or are cheaper.
    When marianne and I were playing Miasmata,  I found that my game,
    which I purchased through Steam, had achievements.    Hers did not.
    I have a list of games from them to be played....of course  Big smile

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by genkicoll Tue Aug 13, 2013 12:34 pm

    I will still buy from Big Fish when there are sales too good to be missed.  First and foremost for me is that I want to get my games for as little as possible.  I'm a game hoarder, I have to be thrifty where I can! Silly face

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by vervaine Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:54 pm

    genkicoll wrote:It might work for -- I know that Ebates works with, so maybe.  It's worth checking out Smile
    I don't think it works. Google is not giving me any results and I can't find anything on eBates page. Oh well, I'll live Laugh

    No loyalty to game companies either... In a way, I'm loyal to least intrusive game managers :p I'll do business with whoever has the least DRM and buggy/bloated/annoying managers. I don't mind BFG's. At least it eats up less resources than Steam.

    The game Auron is talking about is Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale, a shop simulation / dungeon crawler. A great game, I also recommend it to everyone :D

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by Spirit_of_Auron Tue Aug 13, 2013 4:24 pm

    vervaine wrote:

    The game Auron is talking about is Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale, a shop simulation / dungeon crawler. A great game, I also recommend it to everyone :D
    Yes Thank you, that's the name of it. I am horrible at spelling the first part of it, so I tend to forget to add the last part of the title.

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by genkicoll Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:04 am

    The "Forums" are back now.

    From here, click on the game title you'd like to see, and you'll find yourself at the game forums we're used to seeing, complete with reviews, gripes, etc.

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    Brand New Forums at Big Fish Empty Re: Brand New Forums at Big Fish

    Post by luvtoread Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:15 am

    vervaine wrote:
    genkicoll wrote:It might work for -- I know that Ebates works with, so maybe.  It's worth checking out Smile
    I don't think it works. Google is not giving me any results and I can't find anything on eBates page. Oh well, I'll live Laugh

    No loyalty to game companies either... In a way, I'm loyal to least intrusive game managers :p I'll do business with whoever has the least DRM and buggy/bloated/annoying managers. I don't mind BFG's. At least it eats up less resources than Steam.

    The game Auron is talking about is Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale, a shop simulation / dungeon crawler. A great game, I also recommend it to everyone :D

    Sorry....what do you mean by that?   (I really am clueless)    :Huh: 

    I will still buy from Big Fish when there are sales too good to be missed.  First and foremost for me is that I want to get my games for as little as possible.  I'm a game hoarder, I have to be thrifty where I can!  

    I agree!!

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