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    How To Get Benefactors in ZT1


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    How To Get Benefactors in ZT1 Empty How To Get Benefactors in ZT1

    Post by genkicoll Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:36 pm

    What are benefactors?
    In ZT1, benefactors are guests that donate money to your zoo every
    month. The more benefactors you have, the more money you will make
    every month - even if you have free admission and every restaurant, etc,
    set to $0.00!!

    How do guests become benefactors?
    You gain benefactors when happy guests leave your
    zoo. I believe they have to have at least 98% happiness when they
    leave, and have to be adults.

    How do I get benefactors?
    Following are my tips and tricks to gaining benefactors. The first
    thing you need to remember is that no matter how happy your guests are,
    if they don't leave the zoo, you won't have any benefactors! So, my
    first tip is to lay out your zoo in a way that you can block off all but
    a small part of the zoo for the guests to peruse. Once they see
    everything that they can GET to, they'll leave!

    Here's a zoo I put together for a Color Wheel of Fortune contest we had a
    while back. Overview of the empty zoo:
    Resized to 78% (was 800 x 600) - Click
    image to enlargeHow To Get Benefactors in ZT1 1blueempty

    You'll notice there's not a lot of empty space for decorating. That's
    because guests get unhappy when they don't have happy animals to look
    at, no matter how beautiful the surrounding area is! I blocked off a
    small area for the guests for while I built the rest of the zoo:
    How To Get Benefactors in ZT1 2blueemptywwriting

    Once I had my guest area worked out, I started adding animals to the
    exhibits where the guests would be able to see them, so the rest of the
    zoo was left blank while I worked on getting every exhibit nearby to as
    high suitability as possible for the animals in those exhibits.
    Remember, high suitability = happy animals. Happy animals = happy
    guests! How To Get Benefactors in ZT1 Elkgrin

    I left room for a restaurant on each side of the animal theater. This
    is a small zoo, and in a small zoo like this, 2 restaurants will take
    care of the needs of 1000 guests easily. I added one restaurant at
    first, and didn't add the second one until the first would no longer
    meet the needs of the many guests in the zoo. This picture is of the
    completed zoo, but the decorating actually came LAST, after every
    exhibit was finished:
    Resized to 78% (was 800 x 600) - Click
    image to enlargeHow To Get Benefactors in ZT1 3blueentrance

    Now that every exhibit where guests can see is filled, and one
    restaurant placed, just let the zoo run while you start to work on the
    rest of the zoo. LEAVE the fencing that blocks guests' access to the
    rest of the zoo in place while you work!!! Guests don't like seeing
    unhappy animals, and animals are generally not all that happy when you
    first put them in - at least not until you have the suitability up nice
    and high. It's going to take you a while to fill the rest of the zoo,
    and that's great, because it gives the guests time to look around,
    realize they've seen everything they can see, and LEAVE!!

    Be sure to check on your original animals now and then to make sure that
    they don't die off, leaving an empty exhibit. You'll lose benefactors
    if their favorite exhibit(s) is empty, or if your Zoo Rating drops
    dramatically. For this reason, SAVE OFTEN!! If a fence breaks down and
    an animal escapes, your Zoo Rating is trashed, and you'll lose

    Once you've completely finished all of the exhibits, go ahead and remove
    the barrier decorative fencing so that guests can see all of your
    lovely animals! You can decorate either before or after you remove the
    barrier, that's up to you. Remember, the longer you run the zoo, the
    more benefactors you will gain.

    What do I do if my guests just won't

    You have many happy guests, but they're just so happy that they won't
    leave! You could really use the money that benefactors donate every
    month, too! What to do? There is a way...

    Find any male guest and name him Alfred H. Your zoo will be barraged
    with a multitude of white birds, scaring the guests and leaving them
    screaming and running for the exit as fast as they can go! The thing
    is, this does NOT affect their happiness! If they're happy when the
    birds arrive, they'll stay happy even as they run screaming for their
    lives! Many of these guests will become benefactors! You CANNOT turn
    off the birds - even leaving and restarting the game will not chase the
    birds away. However, once all of the guests that have been in your zoo
    for a long time have left, the birds will disperse, leaving you with
    only your newest zoo guests happily wandering your zoo.

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2024-01-03

    How To Get Benefactors in ZT1 Empty Re: How To Get Benefactors in ZT1

    Post by ILikeMakingLongUsernames Wed Jan 03, 2024 1:17 pm

    I'll try doing this. I've been absolutely failing an easy scenario, but maybe having hundreds of adoring benefactors will help! alien2 Thank You

    Posts : 8430
    Join date : 2011-12-28
    Age : 51
    Location : Pacific Northwest

    How To Get Benefactors in ZT1 Empty Re: How To Get Benefactors in ZT1

    Post by genkicoll Thu Jan 04, 2024 5:45 pm

    ILikeMakingLongUsernames wrote:I'll try doing this. I've been absolutely failing an easy scenario, but maybe having hundreds of adoring benefactors will help! alien2 Thank You
    Hope it helps!  I was obsessed with this game for 6 years, but haven't played it for quite a while.  There's an awesome, active Zoo Tycoon community here if you're interested:

    Happy to answer any questions if I can!

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2024-01-03

    How To Get Benefactors in ZT1 Empty Re: How To Get Benefactors in ZT1

    Post by ILikeMakingLongUsernames Sun Jan 28, 2024 11:30 am

    Hope it helps!  I was obsessed with this game for 6 years, but haven't played it for quite a while.  There's an awesome, active Zoo Tycoon community here if you're interested:

    Oh wonderful, that didn't show up on search at all!

    I'll give it a look.

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