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    General Glitch Tips and Info


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    General Glitch Tips and Info Empty General Glitch Tips and Info

    Post by genkicoll Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:43 pm

    There always seems to be something new that I am discovering, and I thought it would be nice to amass this information for others who might not have figured these things out, yet.

    Please add your tips to this thread! General Glitch Tips and Info 364988687

    See the Links to Helpful Glitchy Information for in-depth information on the game, badges, items, etc.

    - Zilloween happens in Glitch every 6 weeks. You can only grow pumpkins during this time, and only get roasted peppitas from pumpkins. Whole pumpkins last forever; carved pumpkins and lighted pumpkins will rot once Zilloween is over. Carved will turn into peppitas, lighted will turn into pumpkin pies.

    With the roasted peppitas, you can make a few candies, and there are badges for eating/handing out candy:

    • Ate 17 / 43 / 79 / 137 / 353 Candies.
    • Gave Candy to 5 / 37 / 103 / 257 / 499 unique players.

    I recently saw a Guide mention that the badges are always on. Apparently you don't have to hand out/eat the candy only during Zilloween in order to get the badges! General Glitch Tips and Info 2520623126

    - For the real-life Easter, there is a Glitch egg-hunt. Find chocolate eggs by squeezing chickens or interacting with Egg Plants. There are five types to find:

    • Bugsbury Creme Egg
    • Certified Organic Chocolate Egg
    • Golden Egg
    • Pysanka
    • Secular Holiday Egg

    Find all five to get a trophy, but be warned - the eggs will be combined in order to form your chocolate bunny trophy (you will lose the eggs from your inventory). Any eggs you find beyond the first set will STAY in your inventory regardless of the date.

    - There are badges for collecting fireflies in jars. The jars are expensive, and let's face it - how many full jars do you need to hoard? You can take a full jar to a firefly swarm and open it there to get a full jar again, guaranteed - it counts towards your badges! - Thanks to Brib for the tip

    - When playing Game of Crowns, you'll be able to keep the crown for longer if you're able to stall next to a lock, then grab it as soon as someone gets close and find another lock.

    - There is a the hidden “wormhole” in Koulato Cluster in Jethimadh. Just go up the ladder hidden behind the support beam. It will take you to Ruta Asuncion in Ix (spice trees nearby, not to mention Groddle meadow and Uralia).

    - There are more hidden places than just The Missing Floor. Click HERE to find out where The Missing Floor, The Lost Floor, The Forgotten Floor, Stoot Shrine, and Axis Denyde are.

    - There is a quest you get early on in the game that has you try and collect 30 happiness coins in 30 seconds or less. In the beginning, you run out of happiness in a hurry, so when you do the activity, get all but ONE of the required coins, then let the time run out. Come back again and again as needed General Glitch Tips and Info 3994664780

    - If a crab wants to hear a tune, say yes and THEN drink your crabato juice. If you waste time trying to find where the juice is, the crab may just decide that he doesn't want you to play him a tune after all!

    - Pi Pie can only be made ONE DAY per real-life year - March 14th. 3-14... get it? *giggle*

    - We know that you can make butter by shaking butterfly milk, cheese by compressing the butter, and stinky cheese by aging the cheese. You can also get very stinky cheese by aging it again. Poke the very stinky cheese to get a small shiny object with no intrinsic value.

    - For the DNA quests, be sure to check the dead-end streets. I often found DNA there. Also look for ledges that you might not be able to get to easily. You will know there is DNA hidden somewhere on the street when the music changes to a kind of eerie, slow music.

    Last edited by genkicoll on Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:30 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 102
    Join date : 2012-01-23

    General Glitch Tips and Info Empty Re: General Glitch Tips and Info

    Post by bribling Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:14 am

    Here is another Firefly tip. Fireflies are used to make Plain Crystals using a Crytalmalizer (get it from the Alchemical Vendor). You also need some crushed Barnacles. When you make a Plain crystal, the Fireflies are used and the empty jar is returned to your inventory ready to be used again! Jars cost 200C which is a bit expensive but invest in a few of them and then make Plain Crystals so you can reuse the Jars.

    Plain Crystals used to be needed for Block Making (as I recall). originally there were several different Blocks that could be made with the Blockmaker. Now there is only one kind. I know of no use for Plain Crystals now but I am sure they will have a new use soon. Hoard them for future use or sell them to the Vendors in Cebarkul or Lev. 4 for the best payout. You can also Auction them.

    Posts : 102
    Join date : 2012-01-23

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    Post by bribling Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:19 am

    Pssst! Listen up, there is a second Wormhole! It is in Groddle Meadow, can you find it?

    There are a few secret "Forests" filled with Wood trees. Look for trees with tiny doors in them. Enter and Harvest the trees inside. They cannot be "Cleared".

    Posts : 102
    Join date : 2012-01-23

    General Glitch Tips and Info Empty Re: General Glitch Tips and Info

    Post by bribling Sun May 13, 2012 5:07 am

    House Building Tip: You will need a lot of the wood construction items and some metal. The best way to do this is to first make as many Boards as you can. After that make a good amount of wooden posts then the beams. You need Boards to make Posts and Posts to make the Beams. It took me probably 2 hours or more to make the wall panels because I did not make enough boards to start. It is helpful to make some SDBs first and then fill them with the wood and metal items that you will need for house expansion and furniture making. SDBs make it easy to see what you have and how much, then you will know what you need to make by easily seeing what you have.

    House Building Tip, Wall Panels: You need these to expand your house both upwards and outwards. Make enough wood and metal items to build the wall panels you need then build the panels.

    Doors: You need two Doors for 2 floors (1 Up, 1 Down) and 4 for 3 floors (2 Up, 2 Down).

    Snails and Barnacles: You need a lot of each so collect them. Snails are not hard to get. each metal rod you feed a sloth will give you between 7 and 10 snails. each sloth will eat 3 or more rods. Barnacles are not easy to get. They are found only in Bogs and not every street has them. You need a lot of Barnacle Talc to make wall panels (15 per panel!). Barnacle Talc is my biggest holdup. Thousands of Glitches are harvesting the few that are available.

    Jellisacs: These are sometimes hard to get but are not as rare as Barnacles. You need them to make Fuel for your machines along with the 3 soils, earth, loam and peat. One day I harvested (I believe) every Jellisac in Shimla - 79!

    Soils: Earth and Loam are in Dirt Piles. You will also receive Loam when harvesting Herbs. There are many Dirt Piles in Kajuu and Andra. I go through there almost daily and dig them all on my way to the ALs. Peat can be found in all of the Fire Bogs.

    Reminder: Group Homes are coming. All of the items you need for your own house will be needed for the Group Homes too so make extras. I belong to a Group that already has a Group Home. One member created an Alt and purchased a house for us. We all contribute to it.

    Posts : 8430
    Join date : 2011-12-28
    Age : 51
    Location : Pacific Northwest

    General Glitch Tips and Info Empty Re: General Glitch Tips and Info

    Post by genkicoll Sat May 19, 2012 1:43 pm

    - Resources you've added to your streets do not last forever! They will eventually get used up and have to be restored. You can remove them and place them again, but the iMG cost will be substantial. Restoring them gives you the added bonus of obtaining iMG from working on the projects, as well as extra iMG for anyone helping to do the restoration.

    If you don't want strangers using up your resources, put those items (such as garden plots) in the back yard where they can't access them.

    I have my front streets almost entirely trees, whilst I dedicate my back yards to gardening.

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