Yesterday when I was playing, I got a message that said that the ice was too thick, I'd have to melt it. It didn't entirely make sense until I saw that it was a mirror that I was trying to get out of the ice, but still, they at least put in the effort to say why my hammer wasn't going to work!
10 posters
Dark & Eerie Games Thread
genkicoll- Posts : 8430
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- Post n°251
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
Sometimes game logic just slays me. I really appreciate it when the game tells you WHY something is not going to work. Little things like "I can't smash the glass without damaging x-item," or "the ground is too hard to dig with my hands" goes a long way with me!
Yesterday when I was playing, I got a message that said that the ice was too thick, I'd have to melt it. It didn't entirely make sense until I saw that it was a mirror that I was trying to get out of the ice, but still, they at least put in the effort to say why my hammer wasn't going to work!
Yesterday when I was playing, I got a message that said that the ice was too thick, I'd have to melt it. It didn't entirely make sense until I saw that it was a mirror that I was trying to get out of the ice, but still, they at least put in the effort to say why my hammer wasn't going to work!
luvtoread- Posts : 1171
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- Post n°252
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
I think they started doing it after many complaints-years ago- of "why couldn't I have
used so and so tool instead of having to get a different one".
Let us know there is a method to their madness. Cause we were driving Devs mad!!
used so and so tool instead of having to get a different one".
Let us know there is a method to their madness. Cause we were driving Devs mad!!
genkicoll- Posts : 8430
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- Post n°253
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
Yay, Luv! Good to see you!
I'm a logical person by nature, and having a game with a ton of illogical steps in it (I'm looking at YOU, Nightmare on the Pacific!) will irritate me enough that I stop enjoying what is otherwise a good game!
I'm a logical person by nature, and having a game with a ton of illogical steps in it (I'm looking at YOU, Nightmare on the Pacific!) will irritate me enough that I stop enjoying what is otherwise a good game!
Esme- Posts : 1179
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- Post n°254
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
Yes, I appreciate it when it tells me why I can't use a certain item to do what I logically should be able to do. I don't always agree, but I appreciate the effort.
I still can't make myself finish Soggy Mystery Trackers. I used to love the quirkiness of this series, but this one is testing me! (I also was only home this week on two evenings. I hate that, since I'm a homebody in the winter months, but we do what we must.)
I want to try the new MCF game. At least it's veered away from the Ravenhearst story line. Don't get me wrong, I love the classic Ravenhearst games, but the last few just felt "meh" to me.
Today, in between laundry, vacuuming, dusting, mopping and such, I'm hoping to have a little time to relax. I treated myself to a Clicklist shopping session, so at least I don't have to go into the grocery store, they'll deliver it to my car. Best five dollars I've spent in a long time! LOL
I hope you all are planning a fun and relaxing weekend.
I still can't make myself finish Soggy Mystery Trackers. I used to love the quirkiness of this series, but this one is testing me! (I also was only home this week on two evenings. I hate that, since I'm a homebody in the winter months, but we do what we must.)
I want to try the new MCF game. At least it's veered away from the Ravenhearst story line. Don't get me wrong, I love the classic Ravenhearst games, but the last few just felt "meh" to me.
Today, in between laundry, vacuuming, dusting, mopping and such, I'm hoping to have a little time to relax. I treated myself to a Clicklist shopping session, so at least I don't have to go into the grocery store, they'll deliver it to my car. Best five dollars I've spent in a long time! LOL
I hope you all are planning a fun and relaxing weekend.
JustTheFacts- Posts : 5142
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- Post n°255
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
Yay!! I got a notification! I rarely seem to get them now, and Orphaned has got so used to mailing me a copy of the latest of Dragon Cave goss, I get those posts while I am not here, which makes me lazy.
So glad to see more people dropping in and commenting on the games they are playing. I still spend most of my time at Dragon Cave and Midnight Castle, but I still buy BFG's games.
Which is the 'soggy' Mystery Trackers, @esme? The Raincliffe ones? I never did get through the second one. It was making me feel too cold!
I bought the new Countess one from MCF sight unseen. So I hope it is good! I buy 90% of my games that way these days, riding on my enthusiasm for the nth game ago in the series.
Keeping the percentages going, I then play 2% of the games I buy!!
And I have nothing else to do all day but playing games.
So glad to see more people dropping in and commenting on the games they are playing. I still spend most of my time at Dragon Cave and Midnight Castle, but I still buy BFG's games.
Which is the 'soggy' Mystery Trackers, @esme? The Raincliffe ones? I never did get through the second one. It was making me feel too cold!
I bought the new Countess one from MCF sight unseen. So I hope it is good! I buy 90% of my games that way these days, riding on my enthusiasm for the nth game ago in the series.
Keeping the percentages going, I then play 2% of the games I buy!!
And I have nothing else to do all day but playing games.
Esme- Posts : 1179
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- Post n°256
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
JustTheFacts wrote:
Which is the 'soggy' Mystery Trackers, @esme? The Raincliffe ones? I never did get through the second one. It was making me feel too cold!
I'm talking about Darkwater Bay, which is not worth the purchase price IMO.
I also just realized that I already bought the new MCF one and don't even remember doing it! LOL
ETA: I got an error message and it reset to the beginning, so I deleted it. Not going through that again!
Esme- Posts : 1179
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Location : The Motor City
- Post n°257
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
Sooooooo.... just finished a Beta of "Grim Tales 16: Outcasts."
It was every bit as dumb, confusing, boring, annoying and pointless as the rest of the series. The stupid Grey/Gray family needs to stop breeding. UGHUGHUGHUGH!
On the bottom of the survey I asked if they would "Please let this boring, dumb series die."
I'm assuming I won't get any betas for a while.
I also played the beta for "Whispered Secrets: Cursed Wealth" which was also dumb, but didn't make me beg the devs to kill it off. So, yeah. Way better. Comparatively speaking. However, I think my comments went something like:
Rain and ravens? Check.
Cloaked/hooded mystery figures? Check.
Trench-coated, leather-gloved detective? Check.
Dumb guy grieving a dead wife and only I can help him? Check!
Yeah. I'm definitely not getting any betas for a while!
ETA: BF just made a liar out of me! I opened my email and "Endless Fables: Shadow Within" was waiting for me. LOLOLOL!
It was every bit as dumb, confusing, boring, annoying and pointless as the rest of the series. The stupid Grey/Gray family needs to stop breeding. UGHUGHUGHUGH!
On the bottom of the survey I asked if they would "Please let this boring, dumb series die."
I'm assuming I won't get any betas for a while.
I also played the beta for "Whispered Secrets: Cursed Wealth" which was also dumb, but didn't make me beg the devs to kill it off. So, yeah. Way better. Comparatively speaking. However, I think my comments went something like:
Rain and ravens? Check.
Cloaked/hooded mystery figures? Check.
Trench-coated, leather-gloved detective? Check.
Dumb guy grieving a dead wife and only I can help him? Check!
Yeah. I'm definitely not getting any betas for a while!
ETA: BF just made a liar out of me! I opened my email and "Endless Fables: Shadow Within" was waiting for me. LOLOLOL!
JustTheFacts- Posts : 5142
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Age : 62
Location : Western Australia
- Post n°258
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
Thank you for your lovely review @esme - I missed your quirky approach to games. I don't know how I have managed without the latest update of the Grey/Gray sagas.
Not, I hasten to add, that I'll actually play the game anytime soon, but I love reading your take on it, and will therefore have to at least buy it so that, eventually, I can spend the game time looking for you pick-ups!!
Not, I hasten to add, that I'll actually play the game anytime soon, but I love reading your take on it, and will therefore have to at least buy it so that, eventually, I can spend the game time looking for you pick-ups!!
genkicoll- Posts : 8430
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- Post n°259
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
Why do you punish yourself like this, Esme?
JustTheFacts- Posts : 5142
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- Post n°260
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
To keep the rest of us laughing of course!
Esme- Posts : 1179
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Location : The Motor City
- Post n°261
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
I figure I can take one (or three) for the team on occasion. I just finished the beta for Endless Fables: Shadow Within and honestly, I liked the bad dude. The game wasn't afraid to be a little spooky and less cutesy too. The main baddie, The Sandman, looks like if a goat and No Face had a baby. He was cool. I will probably get this one, but definitely will not be getting the stupid Grey/Gray family nonsense ever again.
If I can keep anyone else from inadvertently buying the Gray/Grey nonsense, I will do so.
Ain't I a stinker? lol
If I can keep anyone else from inadvertently buying the Gray/Grey nonsense, I will do so.
Ain't I a stinker? lol
genkicoll- Posts : 8430
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- Post n°262
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
Nice, a spooky HOG that's not cutesy! I like it!
Esme- Posts : 1179
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Location : The Motor City
- Post n°263
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
Hi everybody! Just checking in. I have only been playing sporadically, but I guess that's better than not at all?
I recently got a beta for a game called: Fatal Evidence- Cursed Island.... SO GOOD! Something I'm excited to have come out so that I can play it all the way through. A little more modern than the usual vaguely Victorian setting of many games and good graphics and game play. I'm pumped.
On the other hand, the beta for Chimeras: Wailing Waters was resoundingly MEH. Sad, because it used to be a fun series.
Anndddd the beta for Christmas Stories: Enchanted Express was kind of pitiful. I don't know if playing a beta of a Christmas game in February had anything to do with it, but yawn. And yawn some more.
I recently finished the latest Vermilion Watch werewolfy one... London Howling. I was howling too; howling with laughter. This series got me super excited when it first came out then dove into stupidity so quickly. I'm thinking the next thing we will battle is the Loch Ness Monster... and Bigfoot. Does England have Bigfoots? Bigfeet?
I hope you are all doing well and finding fun games to play!
Ohhhh.... and the latest Puppetshow? (you may recall I'm personally offended by the Puppetshow series' refusal to die a stupid death) but PORCELAIN SMILE? They're not even trying. Porcelain Throne more like!
I recently got a beta for a game called: Fatal Evidence- Cursed Island.... SO GOOD! Something I'm excited to have come out so that I can play it all the way through. A little more modern than the usual vaguely Victorian setting of many games and good graphics and game play. I'm pumped.
On the other hand, the beta for Chimeras: Wailing Waters was resoundingly MEH. Sad, because it used to be a fun series.
Anndddd the beta for Christmas Stories: Enchanted Express was kind of pitiful. I don't know if playing a beta of a Christmas game in February had anything to do with it, but yawn. And yawn some more.
I recently finished the latest Vermilion Watch werewolfy one... London Howling. I was howling too; howling with laughter. This series got me super excited when it first came out then dove into stupidity so quickly. I'm thinking the next thing we will battle is the Loch Ness Monster... and Bigfoot. Does England have Bigfoots? Bigfeet?
I hope you are all doing well and finding fun games to play!
Ohhhh.... and the latest Puppetshow? (you may recall I'm personally offended by the Puppetshow series' refusal to die a stupid death) but PORCELAIN SMILE? They're not even trying. Porcelain Throne more like!
genkicoll- Posts : 8430
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Location : Pacific Northwest
- Post n°264
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
You are too much, Esme!
I'm pumped to see that there's something you're excited about! It MUST be good!
I'm pumped to see that there's something you're excited about! It MUST be good!
Esme- Posts : 1179
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Age : 56
Location : The Motor City
- Post n°265
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
I'm glad I can make you laugh, Genki.
I just played another beta, this time for a game called Stormhill Mystery: Family Shadows. It was pretty basic in some ways, and had sort of old-school graphics for the human characters. The setting and objects were more believable. However, it intrigued me because it incorporated some of the Cthulhu mythos in the story line and "mystery" of the game. I haven't seen Lovecraft's squid monster in many (if any) games, so I thought it was an interesting take on an old HOPA. It wasn't a flawless game, and it did that thing where the stuff you try to take out of the toolbar sort of flies out of your hand and acts all wonky, so I told them about that, but I will probably get the game when it comes out... probably in a BOGO deal.
I just played another beta, this time for a game called Stormhill Mystery: Family Shadows. It was pretty basic in some ways, and had sort of old-school graphics for the human characters. The setting and objects were more believable. However, it intrigued me because it incorporated some of the Cthulhu mythos in the story line and "mystery" of the game. I haven't seen Lovecraft's squid monster in many (if any) games, so I thought it was an interesting take on an old HOPA. It wasn't a flawless game, and it did that thing where the stuff you try to take out of the toolbar sort of flies out of your hand and acts all wonky, so I told them about that, but I will probably get the game when it comes out... probably in a BOGO deal.
Esme- Posts : 1179
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- Post n°266
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
Esme wrote:However, it intrigued me because it incorporated some of the Cthulhu mythos in the story line and "mystery" of the game. I haven't seen Lovecraft's squid monster in many (if any) games, so I thought it was an interesting take on an old HOPA.
I should probably add that I'm not a huge Lovecraft fan. I've only read limited amounts of his work and find him to be a bit too in love with his own cleverness.
Which makes me want to smack him upside the head with an octopus.
Esme- Posts : 1179
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Age : 56
Location : The Motor City
- Post n°267
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
Hi everybody. I hope you are all doing well. I've been crazy busy and all that, but....
I need a moment here.
I just looked at BFG and there is ANOTHER Edgar Allan Poe game in the series. I. Just. CANNOT.
This, according to the reviews, is the tenth game that is tangentially related to Poe's Dupin stories.
The tenth game... and Poe wrote precisely THREE Dupin stories. Three. One, two, and three. That's it.
"Rue Morgue" "Purloined Letter" and "Marie Roget"............. That's it!
Now, I know I have been ranting and raving about this for literally years, but this is insanity. How many times can you milk the same cow before you get milk duds? I mean seriously.
Shooketh. Yea verily.
I need a moment here.
I just looked at BFG and there is ANOTHER Edgar Allan Poe game in the series. I. Just. CANNOT.
This, according to the reviews, is the tenth game that is tangentially related to Poe's Dupin stories.
The tenth game... and Poe wrote precisely THREE Dupin stories. Three. One, two, and three. That's it.
"Rue Morgue" "Purloined Letter" and "Marie Roget"............. That's it!
Now, I know I have been ranting and raving about this for literally years, but this is insanity. How many times can you milk the same cow before you get milk duds? I mean seriously.
Shooketh. Yea verily.
genkicoll- Posts : 8430
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- Post n°268
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
Esme, you are the best!
I seriously wanted to go on an Esme-rant when I was playing the three Greed games. The logic is SO screwed up! I did enjoy them, but good lord!
I seriously wanted to go on an Esme-rant when I was playing the three Greed games. The logic is SO screwed up! I did enjoy them, but good lord!
Esme- Posts : 1179
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Location : The Motor City
- Post n°269
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
LOL Rant away! It's good for what ails you, or at least it is for me. Sometimes you just need to let it all out so it doesn't fester.
The game festers... because it's rotten. Rotten to the core.
No more Poe/Dupin stories!!!! ARGH!
The game festers... because it's rotten. Rotten to the core.
No more Poe/Dupin stories!!!! ARGH!
Esme- Posts : 1179
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Location : The Motor City
- Post n°270
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
Well, I got two new betas in my email today: Ghost Files 2 and Unseen Fears: Stories Untold.... so we shall see. They both are part of a series, but I can't remember if I have played others in their respective series. I probably have. I have played a lot of dumb games.
I mean, I just assume they're dumb, but that's from years of experience. I could be wrong though! LOL
I mean, I just assume they're dumb, but that's from years of experience. I could be wrong though! LOL
genkicoll- Posts : 8430
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- Post n°271
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
Esme- Posts : 1179
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- Post n°272
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
Okay, my quickie reviews of the two betas:
Unseen Fears: Stories Untold- Unimaginative, unoriginal and uninteresting.
Ghost Files 2: I cannot wait for this one! You have to think a bit, and make choices and just.... way more fun and non-cutesy than a lot of things I have played recently. I will buy it the second it comes out.
If anyone wants links to the betas, let me know and I will share.
Unseen Fears: Stories Untold- Unimaginative, unoriginal and uninteresting.
Ghost Files 2: I cannot wait for this one! You have to think a bit, and make choices and just.... way more fun and non-cutesy than a lot of things I have played recently. I will buy it the second it comes out.
If anyone wants links to the betas, let me know and I will share.
genkicoll- Posts : 8430
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- Post n°273
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
Oh wow! I'm pleasantly surprised to see that Ghost Files 2 is a good one, especially when a friend gave the first one a "Meh" rating!
Do you need to have played the first one to follow the story?
Do you need to have played the first one to follow the story?
Esme- Posts : 1179
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- Post n°274
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
No, it has different characters as far as I can tell. I hadn't played the first one, but I bought the SE and am just getting started with it. I'm kind of liking it TBH. I think the story line and game play is just different enough that it's captured my interest. I get a little tired of what I call the "Vaguely Victorian" games where there are crumbling mansions and creepy old ladies with high lace collars. That motif is pretty prevalent in these games, and sometimes a change up from that is refreshing to me.
genkicoll- Posts : 8430
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- Post n°275
Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread
RE: PuppetShow 2: Souls of the Innocent
I have to say that I was super-irritated by a couple of tasks in the game. My biggest gripe is with the bonus. (Rant incoming!)
I have to say that I was super-irritated by a couple of tasks in the game. My biggest gripe is with the bonus. (Rant incoming!)
- Spoiler:
- We have a street light with a lit candle inside, and a file nestled behind the candle. We need that file, but we can't just blow out the candle. Ohhh, no! Of course not! So what do we have to do?
You're going to love this...
Find a bottle, find a cork, find a wine tap, fill up the bottle, cork it... and use FRICKIN' ALCOHOL to put out the candle!! Are you freaking kidding me?? Sure, no one specified that it was wine - and it WAS green - but c'mon!