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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread


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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by luvtoread Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:46 am

    I just bought the new MCF  and European Mysteries:  Flowers of Death.
    It does feel strange playing MCF a month early,   but it is good.
    I also have the other EM games and really enjoy them.

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by Esme Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:20 pm

    Since there's a BOGO, I got the Flowers of Mystery one and the new Fear for Sale. Haven't demoed them, but what the heck? I've played ERS games for years. I can handle it. Right? I hope. LOL

    Happy Halloween everybody!

    Dark & Eerie Games Thread 3petT-Rex2
    Though this is more how my night will probably be:
    Dark & Eerie Games Thread HalloweenSkeletonCouch

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by Esme Thu Nov 05, 2015 6:34 pm

    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Tumbleweed03

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by pippi Sat Nov 07, 2015 8:04 am

    I'm a terrible internet person, just disappearing for months on end.  How is everybody?  I might not've touched the computer in months, but you've been in my thoughts.

    Genki, how's your kitten?  Ours has grown into a little demon cat - she's into everything.  And she is so very very proud of the messes she makes!

    Esme, how are your puppies?  Justie, how fares your clowder?  Orphan, are you still living in the dragon cave?  Luvto, I've read a bunch of books the past few months, and I had to wonder - what kinds of books do you love to read?

    I haven't played a game in ages (gasp, the world is ending) but that shouldn't stop me from dropping by to say hello.  So ... Dark & Eerie Games Thread Waving-hi-text-smiley-emoticon

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by genkicoll Sat Nov 07, 2015 11:52 am

    Hi, Pippi, nice to see you~!  I totally understand about disappearing... I've not started a new game topic in months! Embarrassed  I HAVE been updating the List of Big Fish Releases for 2015 thread periodically, but scarcely interacting here on the forum.

    I've been working at a hospice since June 8, and it can be incredibly stressful, but it's also very rewarding.  I love my new job Sunny  Been playing games where I can, but I just don't have much time for other things anymore... I didn't even go crazy with the banners for Halloween! faints

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by Esme Sun Nov 08, 2015 1:31 pm

    Hey everyone!

    Nice to see you Pippi and Genki. It's been pretty quiet, but I know life gets crazy sometimes. Glad you could both say hi.

    I'm currently playing Flowers of Death, which is a Blam! game but feels like an ERS game. If you know me, you know that's not exactly a compliment. Still, it's different and I'm still saving the MCF game for Thanksgiving. 

    I hope everyone gets a chance to play something fun or at least stop in and say HI.

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by luvtoread Thu Nov 12, 2015 3:03 pm

    esme-not sure if your aware,   but there is another MCF  coming out on the 24
      Key To Ravenhurst I believe its called.

    I also have been playing the Flowers of Death.   I started the bonus,  but have not gotten back
    to it.

    Nice to see some back her.    I miss dj

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by genkicoll Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:26 pm

    Wait, I thought that MCF: Key to Ravenhearst was already out? Huh?

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by luvtoread Fri Nov 13, 2015 1:48 am

    Sorry--Unlocking Ravenhurst   is what is coming out.   Embarrassed


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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by luvtoread Fri Nov 13, 2015 2:10 am

    pippi---glad to see you here.    What have you been up to,   besides trying to bring the
    world to an end?   Big smile

    Still reading-or listening to books on CD.   Awhile back,   I had read  The Martian.
    I enjoyed the movie with Matt Damon.    I enjoy Matt Damon.  Laugh

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by djrum Fri Nov 13, 2015 8:20 am

    Hi there, everyone! Big smile

    I'm still here, been lurking only lately since I haven't played any memorable games. And my laptop had to go to the shop. Cry 
    I reckon it had some malware my anti-virus didn't pick up on or it attacked my anti-virus or something.

    I do have a ton of games to play and I am waiting for a sale Sat. to get HH: The X. I think DT: EAP's The Tell-tale Heart will be out then, too. I'll have to get it, also.

    I did finish Lost Island: Eternal Storm and loved it. That's the game that plays like a FtP game, but isn't a FtP game. It took me weeks to finish! Laugh
    Speaking of Five-BN, I'm now playing Lost Lands: The Golden Curse and enjoying it very much!
    Love this developer and love their games! Heart

    I'd read about another MCF on Eipix's FB page. I played MCF: Keys to Ravenhearst. I thought it was good, but I do miss the creepiness factor from the earlier games.

    I was like luvtoread and had to replay HH: Charles Dexter Ward before Halloween. Then I had to replay True Fear. Both excellent scary games, IMO.
    And I knew Lost Lands: The Golden Curse was coming out, so I replayed Lost Lands 1 and 2.

    Bad me...I bought the CE's of the new Redemption Cemetery and the new Haunted Legends even though I told myself I would NOT buy another ERS CE, ever!! OH! I'm just pitiful!  Silly face

    I hope y'all are doing well and I will check in more frequently! Big smile

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by luvtoread Sat Nov 14, 2015 3:16 am

    HI  dj  Happy bounce  So good to hear from you.  Clap

    The Tell Tale Heart will probably be an automatic buy for me.   I love my Dupin.
    Such a gentleman. 

    I have Haunted Legends Dl/d but have not demoed yet,  I know I liked the last one,
    so hopefully this one will be just as good.

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by djrum Sat Nov 14, 2015 8:49 pm

    Hi luvtoread! Elk grin It was a good enough sale for me to get The Tell-Tale Heart and HH: The X.

    Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how "graphic" ERS games have become? I really don't know what the developers of True Fear are worried about in terms of particular scenes being too gruesome in their games.
    I say... Bring it on, Goblinz, I think I can handle it, I'm a big girl now!

    I did read where True Fear 2 probably wouldn't be released until early next year. *sigh*

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by Esme Sun Nov 15, 2015 5:43 am

    YAY! DJ's back!  Happy bounce Happy bounce Happy bounce Happy bounce Happy bounce

     This just made my day. Whee!

    Okay, new ERS Poe game. You all know what this means: Time for an Esme rant. I'll keep it short and sweet this time.



    Overreaction Overreaction Overreaction Overreaction Overreaction

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by djrum Sun Nov 15, 2015 7:53 am

    Hi Esme!! Elk grin LMAO!! Laugh

    I haven't read all of Poe's stories, but I knew Dupin was only in a few of them.

    Though it is nice to have some Dupin eye-candy around whilst playing. Wub

    Most ERS games don't make any sense to me and at some point, I always have to peek at the SG because of illogical actions.

    My sister and I were at Ollie's a few weeks ago. They had the whole collection of Edgar Allan Poe's works in hardcover for $3.99.
    I picked the book up, looked at it, and set it back down.
    About a week later, I went back to get it...and all copies were gone. Cry
    Stupid, stupid me...why didn't I get it when I first seen it?

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by Esme Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:11 am


    Dupin is in three Poe stories, and they have already been made into games. Purloined Letter, Marie Roget, and Rue Morgue. That's it. 

    I realize I am the only one who is bothered by this, but the English major and Poe lover in me cannot keep quiet. Dark & Eerie Games Thread Rage

    That's a good price for Poe's collected works, but you're probably not missing as much as you think. His stuff can be quite a challenge to read, though it is delightfully creepy and atmospheric. 

    You all already know how I feel about ERS... especially their CEs. So much foolishness, so little bang for my buck. 
    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Really-sad-smiley-emoticon

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by luvtoread Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:06 am

    booklover    I found a book in the library and thought of you,  esme.   Its  titled  "In the Shadow

    of Edgar Allan Poe.    Classic tales of terror 1816-1914"   edited by Leslie S. Klinger
    Not sure if your interested in finding and reading it.
    It might soothe your  ERS Dupin game abused soul.   Ohm

    Or Not.     Snicker

    Has anyone else been playing Haunted Legends:  The Secret of Life?
    I am enjoying it.    You have choices you can pick,   so I am looking forward to
    replaying later and making different ones.   Though I will still feed the horse.
    I also enjoy the morphs as they go into a collectables section that is a
    collection of witchy things.
    Oh and so far no Gremlin,  or whatever that obnoxious long nosed big footed
    guy is called.  

    In the Tell Tale Heart-Dupin looks--well,   slightly worse for wear.   Not sure why.
    They need to keep him in good form.   Eye candy is important.

    dj--you cannot stay away for so long.   It breaks our heart.   Cry

    It makes us  Crazy  and want to scream  "I want my dj!!!"    Tantrum

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by Esme Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:24 am

    I'm glad DJ is back with us and that Pippi did one of her "drive by" hellos too. 

    I miss everyone when you go out and have lives and do stuff and are busy. LOL! 

    I still have no life. Still dress my dogs up funny. Still get way too worked up by ERS games... 

    I'm a bit of a broken record.  Cry

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by djrum Sun Nov 15, 2015 7:48 pm

    I have Haunted Legends #Whatever, but I haven't started it yet. So, I take it, little dude is NOT in this one? I was getting kind of tired of him, anyways.

    I'm still playing Lost Lands 3. Man, I thought I'd walk it instead of using the way is that gonna happen since I CRS!
    The cut-scenes are marvelous! It's like watching a movie.
    I really like the MO and Collectible reminder located on the map. For us forgetful people, it's very handy.

    I did get a beta for a M3 game. I don't think I'm a good judge of what constitutes a good M3 game. I don't play them often, so I probably wouldn't be able to give a decent review.
    Oh well, I'll give it a try.

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by luvtoread Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:28 am

    dj- Warning about HL.   There is a post for this in the forums for this, so not a spoiler.
      On night 2,   you will have to put the dream catcher together.   There is a glitch.
      Not sure if it is suppose to be put together in a certain order,  but I cannot get the
    Silver Amulet  on the Dreamcatcher.
    Someone posted how they redid it and put the SA on first and it worked.
    Someone else posted how they got through that  part and then the game
    had an error access or something right afterward.

    Anyway,  I cannot move on so I might have to start over.

    So Far,   I have not seen the obnoxious Goblin.    But,   who knows?   Maybe he will
    be in the Bonus   ( I won't know if I will ever get to Bonus at this rate!)

    esme-  your dressing up your dogs and rants are entertaining to us.      Big smile

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by pippi Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:43 pm

    Esme wrote:LOL

    Dupin is in three Poe stories, and they have already been made into games. Purloined Letter, Marie Roget, and Rue Morgue. That's it. 

    I realize I am the only one who is bothered by this, but the English major and Poe lover in me cannot keep quiet. Dark & Eerie Games Thread Rage

    That's a good price for Poe's collected works, but you're probably not missing as much as you think. His stuff can be quite a challenge to read, though it is delightfully creepy and atmospheric. 

    You all already know how I feel about ERS... especially their CEs. So much foolishness, so little bang for my buck. 
    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Really-sad-smiley-emoticon


    I refuse to play any of ERS' Poe games because of this.  Well, this and the fact I am decidedly not an ERS fan. 

    I liked that one Haunted Legends, the Spades one, but I think that and the Vox one are the only ERS games I own.  And I didn't like Vox nearly as much as Justie did.  (Sorry Justie)

    Oh, Esme, I don't mean to drive by and then disappear.  These past few months have been, er, difficult.  Many days I'd much rather be whiling away time playing games and chatting in the forum than "out there in real life"!  But things are calming, and I'm going to try to pop in more regularly.

    I Have Only Played the Demo But This Really Might Be A BIG Spoiler for Haunted Legends Life Game ... and the Story of the Dwarf:

    Last edited by pippi on Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by Esme Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:55 pm

    I totally get that we can all only do as much as we can do and that life has an irritating habit of getting in the way of fun stuff. Being a grown up is definitely NOT as exciting as I was led to believe as a kid. Ugh. 

    I'll just go right out and say that I hate ERS games too, though I have often bought them in the past. They have gotten increasingly suck-tastic over the years and about three or four Puppetshows ago I swore I would never buy another ERS CE. And I don't think I have.  Laugh

    BTW, I seriously love the little scowly face smilie I used in that post. I think he is my spirit animal, and if I hadn't changed my avatar to the rainbow swirly thing, I might have used Mr. Scowly-Pants! LMBO!

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by Esme Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:59 pm

    esme-  your dressing up your dogs and rants are entertaining to us.      Big smile

    You should see their Christmas jammies! There are MOOSE on the back!  Elk grin Elk grin Elk grin

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by djrum Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:20 pm

    Hi there, pippi! Elk grin

    I am a former member of the "I Love ERS Games" club. I'll still play them, but I get the SE instead of the CE (mostly). I've been a bad girl, though, and did buy a few ERS CE's recently.
    I knew I'd get The Tell-Tale Heart in CE form. I loved reading the story, it truly scared me half to
    death. Shock

    Oh, geesh. Thanks for the warning, luvtoread, about the glitch in Haunted Legends. I really don't enjoy having to restart a game. Rolling Eyes Unless it's good, then I don't mind as much. Laugh

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    Dark & Eerie Games Thread Empty Re: Dark & Eerie Games Thread

    Post by pippi Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:54 pm

    I confess to waiting on the next BOGO sale to get all the Haunted Legends games I don't have.  (Which is all but 3.  Undertaker was my last straw - that game was awful.  Cuz the story of that little dwarf is interesting enough to me I want to see how it ends.

    But I abhor my weakness.  Neeeeed. tooooooo. Knoooooow. I should just excise that refrain right outta my brain!

    Of course I need to play all the games I have that I've never finished, too.

    So what's up with TWO MCF games this year?  Are they worth it?  (As in are they really MCF Ravenhearst worthy? Those games were downright spooky the first time I played.  And I still have only played Return once because I just can't beat those <bleep> whack a trolls.

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