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    Which Games Have the Best Story?


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    Which Games Have the Best Story? Empty Which Games Have the Best Story?

    Post by genkicoll Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:52 pm

    As the title says, which games have the BEST story?  Genre doesn't matter.  I'll come back with some nominations later Smile

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    Which Games Have the Best Story? Empty Re: Which Games Have the Best Story?

    Post by luvtoread Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:13 pm

    Well,    I am a broken record on this one because I always say Syberia 1 & 2Heart 

    Thinking back,  lets see.    Dare I say Twisted Origins  1, 2, & 3?  Belly laugh    It did inspire us to a
    group play and some of esme's best rants ever,    and the oddest looking chicken discussion.

    Black Widow.     As that story progressed,  you kind of felt for her.

    Cruel Games:  Red Riding Hood   That is another one that had us in a discussion as to
    what had happened.

    Infected,  Twin Vaccine
    ---to me,  so good and interesting storyline.    I've been hoping for a sequel.

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    Which Games Have the Best Story? Empty Re: Which Games Have the Best Story?

    Post by genkicoll Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:25 pm

    I own, but haven't played the Syberia games, yet Embarrassed

    I LOVED the Twisted Lands games, all three of them, despite the oft-times confusing nature of things Laugh

    I haven't played Black Widow, yet!  I should, there's a sequel coming out this month!

    I just recently played Infected: Twin Vaccine, and while some of the game mechanics need to be tweaked, I did enjoy the story!  Very sad, and horrifying in a very The Stand kind of way.  I would like to know what happens next!

    A couple of games that I really enjoyed the story on are Whispers: Room 6 (a short, free, online adventure) and Whispers: Revelation (links go to my reviews.)  Both games are clunky, but the STORY is good on both of them, and IMO, worth slugging through.

    I know I'll think of more later!

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    Which Games Have the Best Story? Empty Re: Which Games Have the Best Story?

    Post by RenaissanceMom Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:58 pm

    There are two games that are tied for best story, imo. Very different in their approaches and subject matter, but both incredibly rich and amazingly textured. They were so good they actually changed my life! They are:
    ~ Grim Fandango (LucasArts, 1998)
    ~ The Longest Journey (Funcom, 1999/2000)

    TLJ is available again from GOG and I've since replayed it several times, the last time just a couple months ago. It is just as pleasurable and satisfying as ever. Unfortunately Grim Fandango's game design system (admittedly a bit clunky) hasn't lent itself to a re-do so I'm not sure if I'll ever get to play it again, which makes me really Cry-- I love it so!

    The Syberia story is also really good and beautifully told. In its own way, so is the Broken Sword series. In a much smaller-scaled way, I also love the stories told by Amanita Design, specifically Machinarium and Botanicula (the latter being more of an un-story). Brilliant!

    Lots of great adventure games out there, past and present! I recall that Adventure Gamers published a listing of their version of the Top 100 All-Time Adventure Games. I looked it up and - sure enough! - Grim Fandango and TLJ took spots 1 and 2.  Two thumbs up

    ETA - Some of the Nancy Drews aren't too bad, come to think of it. Zork Grand Inquisitor and Zork Nemesis both have great stories, albeit very different. And if you didn't mind figuring everything out slowly on your own there was the intriguing story of Myst and its sequels... not a story as much as a mystery. But I'll always stand firmly by my original two favorites.

    I haven't found any casual games with storylines to compare, but some are very good for what they are. I'll have to come back to this post and edit to add my favorites (once I decide on them).

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    Which Games Have the Best Story? Empty Re: Which Games Have the Best Story?

    Post by genkicoll Tue Sep 17, 2013 6:39 pm

    That is an AWESOME list, RM!  I adored Botanicula, and I still need to work through Machinarium.

    After we do our Scratches group play, we should do The Longest Journey and the Syberia games!  I own ALL of them, and have never played them!  As a matter of fact, I have Myst (Masterpiece Edition), too!  A group play is just what I need to motivate me into playing them! Sunny

    Oh, and please don't edit your post, RM!  I don't want to miss the rest of your list!  I'll happily put in a link to your new post so that we can jump to the rest of your picks Big smile

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    Which Games Have the Best Story? Empty Re: Which Games Have the Best Story?

    Post by RenaissanceMom Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:59 pm

    Thanks Genki.
    The real irony is that TLJ features... wait for it... a talking animal helper! Probably the original one, though he's hardly cute. Belly laugh

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    Which Games Have the Best Story? Empty Re: Which Games Have the Best Story?

    Post by genkicoll Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:02 pm

    Oh my gosh... *collapses in a fit of giggles* Which Games Have the Best Story? Tuzki-bunny-emoticon-007

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    Which Games Have the Best Story? Empty Re: Which Games Have the Best Story?

    Post by luvtoread Thu Sep 19, 2013 2:34 am

    I would definitely be in for the group sale.  I have t TLJ but have never gotten her
    off the boat....which is right a the beginning of the game.    Rolling Eyes 

    I believe I have Myst..must check.       Hmm... 

    Meanwhile, must go to work.

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    Which Games Have the Best Story? Empty Re: Which Games Have the Best Story?

    Post by genkicoll Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:00 am

    One of the best story games is actually a time-management!  The Delicious: Emily games are fantastic, starting with game #4, Emily's Taste of Fame.  This is a TM series done right, and all of the characters are absolutely endearing.  You really grow to care about them step-by-step (literally sometimes! Laugh)

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    Which Games Have the Best Story? Empty Re: Which Games Have the Best Story?

    Post by RenaissanceMom Fri Sep 20, 2013 7:58 pm

    I must check that series out, Genki.
    Sorry I've been AWOL. My hacking cough turned into The Head Cold from Hell and I've been in bed for the past two days. Sick

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    Which Games Have the Best Story? Empty Re: Which Games Have the Best Story?

    Post by genkicoll Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:11 pm

    Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that, RM! Hug  I hope you feel much better sooooon~!!  It seems like it's been a bad week (or perhaps a very good week, hopefully?) for most of us -- it's been very quiet.

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    Which Games Have the Best Story? Empty Re: Which Games Have the Best Story?

    Post by genkicoll Mon Oct 07, 2013 4:02 pm

    There has been a lot of talk about how amazing the new Enigmatis (The Mists of Ravenwood) is, and I'm wondering if it's because it has an amazing story, or if it's one of those trifecta games with incredible story, graphics, AND gameplay?

    While we're at it, I have a note that the first Enigmatis had the option of doing a mahjong scene instead of a hidden object scene, but I don't remember that being the case when I played it. Dunno  It's not in my review, either... Sweat drop

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