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    Gems of War Guild Wars Teams


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    Gems of War Guild Wars Teams Empty Gems of War Guild Wars Teams

    Post by genkicoll Tue Mar 29, 2022 7:12 am

    Last edited by genkicoll on Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:11 am; edited 9 times in total

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    Gems of War Guild Wars Teams Empty Re: Gems of War Guild Wars Teams

    Post by genkicoll Tue Mar 29, 2022 7:13 am

    Yellow Attack: Rope Dart, Divine Ishbaala, Archproxy Yvendra, Grave Seer

    Yellow Attack: Chalcedony, Doomed Axe, Fountain of Stars, Orrery

    Yellow Attack: Chalcedony, Glowing Core, Chalcedony, Ironhawk (from Lester Balboa)
    --or with Voiceless Golem for Silence (from Lester Balboa)
    --or with Doomed Axe and Fountain of Stars (for the team Bless/cleanse)

    Yellow Attack: Chalcedony, Doomed Axe, Fountain of Stars, Ironhawk

    Yellow Attack: Gorgotha, The Wild King, Doomed Axe, Gimlet Stormbrew

    Yellow Attack: Doomed Axe, Divinia, Archproxy Yvendra, Orrery

    Yellow Attack: Doomed Axe, Divine Ishbaala, Lamashtu, Grave Seer (from sdiverjack)

    Yellow Attack: Wrath, Rope Dart, Divinia, Divine Ishbaala (originally from reallyMessi)

    Yellow Attack: Wrath, Divine Ishbaala, Rope Dart, Gimlet Stormbrew (from sdiverjack)

    Yellow Attack: Gorgotha, Rope Dart, Divine Ishbaala, Qilin

    Yellow Attack: Gorgotha, Rope Dart, Sky Scorpion, Scorpius

    Yellow Attack: Gorgotha, Rope Dart, Mistralus, Gimlet Stormbrew

    Yellow Attack: Gorgotha, Divine Ishbaala, Rope Dart, The Bane of Mercy (from VladimirNichita)

    Yellow Attack: Doomed Axe, Lamashtu, Divine Ishbaala, Grave Seer (from Hazard)
    --modified w/new banner and class--

    Yellow Attack: Rope Dart, Forest Guardian, Divine Ishbaala, Qilin (from Hazard)

    Yellow Attack: Snowy Owl, Shahbanu Vespera, Rope Dart, Mistralus (from Boomstick Fancypants)
    [6291,6817,1228,6870,3062,2,2,3,1,3,1,1,14030] <--Stormcaller class, but use Elementalist for safety

    Yellow Attack: Finesse, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Axe (solid yellow weapon or Rope Dart), Finesse

    Yellow Attack: Gorgotha, Dawnbringer, Arachnaean Weaver, Grave Seer

    Yellow Attack: Wrath, Rope Dart, Divine Ishbaala, Qilin

    Yellow Attack: Amarok, Court Jester, Doomed Focus (if +10), Holy St. Astra

    Yellow Attack: Sky Hero, Amarok, Child of Summer, Infernus

    Yellow Attack: Exploadstool, Rope Dart, Arachnaean Weaver, Sir Quentin Hadley (Anti-triple damage)

    Yellow Attack: Tannenbaum, Rope Dart, Harpy Mage, Sir Quentin Hadley (Anti-triple damage)

    -- Use DUST DEVIL when Webspinner is at the front --
    Yellow Attack: Rope Dart, Forest Guardian, Divine Ishbaala, Dust Devil (from Hazard)

    Yellow Attack: Gorgotha, Rope Dart, King of Ravens, Dust Devil

    Yellow Attack: Rope Dart, Mistralus, Sister Superior, Astral Spirit (from Crisp-Purpose) (Anti-Scripture)
    --or with Gimlet Stormbrew
    --or with Leonis Tower (Anti-Megavore)

    Yellow Attack: Flail of Gaard, King of Ravens, Inari, Leonis Tower (Anti-Megavore)

    Yellow Attack: Doomed Axe, Lamashtu, Arachnaean Weaver, Grave Seer (from Crisp-Purpose)
    --or with Bane of Mercy

    Yellow Attack: Rope Dart, Envoy of Pride, Arachnaean Weaver, Grave Seer (Anti-Zuul/Boss)

    Yellow Attack: Rope Dart, Divine Ishbaala, Qilin, Inari (from Tyrion Shark)

    Yellow Attack: Rope Dart, Mistralus, Inari, Ishtara

    Yellow Attack: Rope Dart, King of Ravens, Fenix, Inari (from Honest Rob)

    Yellow Attack: Rope Dart, Divine Ishbaala, Qilin, Inari (from CrispPurpose)

    Yellow Attack: Rope Dart, Divine Ishbaala, Inari, Bane of Mercy (from VladimirNichita)

    Yellow Attack: Gorgotha, Rope Dart, Arachnaean Weaver, Ubastet (from Tacet)

    Yellow Attack: Tannenbaum, double bane of mercy and trick&treat. for speed. change one bane of mercy with trkz'nala (from Venderstep​, Anti-Scripture)

    Yellow Attack: High King Irongut, Wand of Stars, The Wild King, Bane of Mercy (from Tacet)
    --or with Inari

    Yellow Attack: Wand of Stars, Rath-Amon, Geryon, Orrery

    Yellow Attack: Rope Dart, Ctharrasque, Daughter of Yasmine, Moonsinger (from InsaneWitch)

    Yellow Attack: Gorgotha, Amethyst Band (or Twin Claws/Gobsticker), Ctharrasque, Daughter of Yasmine

    Yellow Attack: Silent Sentinel, Wand of Stars, Ctharrasque, Daughter of Yasmine

    Yellow Attack: Borealis, Wand of Stars, Ctharrasque, Daughter of Yasmine

    Yellow Attack: BORK-3000, Daughter of Time, Rope Dart, Mistralus (from Tacet)

    Yellow Attack: Wand of Stars, Ctharrasque, Takshaka x2 with Elementalist

    Yellow Attack: Doomed Spear, Venerabilix, Ehecatl, Voice of Orpheus (from Crisp)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:19 am; edited 64 times in total

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    Gems of War Guild Wars Teams Empty Re: Gems of War Guild Wars Teams

    Post by genkicoll Tue Mar 29, 2022 7:13 am

    Purple attack: Tezca (or Spirittooth), Obsidian Libram, Draxxius, Inara (anti-Spider Throne/Grave Seer into Book Empower)

    Purple attack: Life and Death, The Gray King, The Archdeva, Leprechaun (from RowdyRoddyDiaper)

    Purple attack: Amethyst Band, The Gray King, Leprechaun, Obsidius

    Purple attack: Reflection of Good, Venoxia, The Possessed King, Leprechaun

    Purple attack: Reflection of Good, The Wild Queen, Arachnaean Weaver, Leprechaun
    -- or with Staff of Storms

    Purple attack: Reflection of Good, The Wild Queen, Umbral Portal, Leprechaun

    Purple attack: Doomed Scythe, Divine Ishbaala, Moon Rabbit, The Possessed King (from Hazard)

    Purple attack: Doomed Scythe, The Gray King, Obsidius, Leprechaun (from Sinnycool)

    Purple attack: Obsidius, Daughter of Ice, Zuul'Goth, Drowned Sailor (from Hazard -- NO HERO)

    Purple attack: Thrall, Life & Death, Ullor, Obsidius (from Relle -- ANTI-BOOK)
    --with Leprechaun

    Purple attack: Life & Death, Ullor, Leprechaun, Inari (ANTI-BOOK)

    Purple attack: Null Sphere, Infernus, Leprechaun, Obsidius

    Purple attack: Thrall, Secrets of the Crypt, The Wild Queen, Lyrasza
    Purple attack: Thrall, The Wild Queen, Chalice of Eyes, Lyrasza

    Purple attack: Cunning, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Scythe, Cunning

    Purple attack: Trickster's Shot, Arachnaean Weaver, Infernus, Leprechaun

    Purple attack: Reflection of Good, The Wild Queen, Green Seer, Obsidius (or Voice of Orpheus if they use Elementalist) from Boomstick

    Purple attack: Reflection of Good, Green Seer, The Wild Queen, Obsidius

    Purple attack: Life and Death, Venoxia, The Gray King, Leprechaun

    Purple attack: Arboreal Crystal, Venoxia, Leprechaun, Lyrasza

    Purple attack: Thrall, Life and Death, Arachnaean Weaver, Leprechaun (from Tacet)

    Purple attack: Reflection of Good, The Wild Queen, Archproxy Yvendra, Leprechaun

    Purple attack: Thrall, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Scythe, Skeleton (from sdiverjack)

    Purple attack: Reflection of Good, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun, Lyrasza

    Purple attack: Reflection of Good, Zuul'Goth, Inari, Daughter of Ice (from CrispPurpose)

    Purple attack: Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Duskbringer, Leprechaun

    Purple attack: Thrall, Life and Death, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun

    Purple attack: Thrall, Doomed Scythe, Obsidius, Arachnaean Weaver (Anti-Tower/Enraged Kurandara from Lyna)

    Purple attack: Thrall, Obsidian Libram, Rath-Amon, Enraged Kurandara (Anti-Tower/Enraged Kurandara/Megavore-Last Slot Insta-kill)

    Purple attack: Thrall, Chalice of Eyes, Vlad the Unsated, Lyrasza
    --or with Leprechaun

    Purple attack: Voice of Orpheus, Leprechaun, Life & Death, Ullor (Anti-Webspinner w/Tome)

    Purple attack: War Sphinx, Reflection of Good, The Wild Queen, Malcandessa  (Anti-Webspinner w/Tome)

    Purple attack: Obsidian Libram, Zuul'Goth, Drowned Sailor, Daughter of Ice (from Honest Rob)

    Purple attack: Obsidian Libram, Zuul'Goth, Drowned Sailor, Inari (from VladimirNichita)

    Purple attack: Obsidian Libram, Zuul'Goth, Ahrimas (tower-killer), Inari

    Purple attack: Thrall, Doomed Scythe, Divine Ishbaala, Rath-Amon

    Purple attack: Doomed Scythe, Divine Ishbaala, Rath-Amon, Leprechaun

    Purple attack: Obsidian Libram, Sapphirax, Inari, Leprechaun

    Purple attack: Doomed Scythe (or Sins' Harvest), The Onyx Giant, Leprechaun, Inari

    Purple attack: Seekra Darkwood, Life & Death, Arachnaean Weaver, Malcandessa

    Purple attack: Thrall, Inari, Amethialas, Wand of Stars (from InsaneWitch385)

    Purple attack: Wand of Stars, Zuul'Goth, Meteoridan, Leprechaun (Sunspear class)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:00 am; edited 44 times in total

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    Gems of War Guild Wars Teams Empty Re: Gems of War Guild Wars Teams

    Post by genkicoll Tue Mar 29, 2022 7:14 am

    Empowered troops: Keghammer does triple damage to giants; Gob-Chomper for fighting Goblins
    Dagger of Zaejin does double damage against Gobs and gets an extra turn

    When facing Freeze: Glaycion, Sycorax, Mistralus, Eye of Orion (or Crown of Horns) w/Monk for cleanse

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, Cockatrice, Glaycion, King Bloodhammer

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, King Bloodhammer, Moira Cragheart, Daughter of Ice

    Brown Attack: Turtle Cannon, Null Sphere, Pan, Herald of Damnation
    [6645,1076,6976,6955,3060,2,1,2,3,2,3,2,14012] (to castrate magic-based teams)

    Brown Attack: Ogress, Null Sphere, Magma Dragon, Obsidius

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, Turtle Cannon, Pan, Daughter of Ice

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, Sycorax, Magnus, Scorpius (Anti-Web team)

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, Cockatrice, The Deep King, TINA

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, Sir Quentin Hadley, Templar, The Wild Queen (from Tacet)

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, Sycorax, Mistralus, Daughter of Ice

    Brown Attack: Sycorax, Dagger of Zaejin, Mistralus, Daughter of Ice

    Brown Attack: Sycorax, Doomed Club, Mistralus, Daughter of Ice

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, Sycorax, Ullor, Mistralus (from Relle -- ANTI-BOOK)

    Brown Attack: Norbert's Turnip, Flaming Oni, Emperinazara, Nobend Brothers (from Vishal):

    Brown Attack: Turtle Cannon, Doomed Club, The Wild Queen, Obsidius

    Brown Attack: Herald of Damnation, Doomed Club, The Wild Queen, Obsidius

    Brown Attack: Herald of Damnation, Doomed Club, The Onyx Giant, Obsidius

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, Mistralus, Nobend Brothers, Igneus

    Brown Attack: Gorgotha, Doomed Club, The Wild Queen, Mistralus

    Brown Attack: Gorgotha, Doomed Club, The Wild Queen, Obsidius

    Brown Attack: Dwarven Miner, Writhing Staff, The Gray King, Centuragon

    Brown Attack: Dwarven Miner, Centuragon, The Gray King, Mystic Manuscript

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, The Gray King, The Ghost Queen, Daughter of Ice (from VladimirNichita)

    Brown Attack: Doomed Baton (needs to be leveled), Daughter of Ice, The Gray King, Obsidius (from Drock)

    Brown Attack: Life and Death, The Gray King, Herald of Damnation, Daughter of Ice (from Crisp-Purpose)

    Brown Attack:  Mountain Crusher, The Gray King, Daughter of Ice, Obsidius (from Kimber)

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, Centuragon, Mistralus, Flaming Oni (from Boomstick Fancypants)

    Brown Attack: Chalcedony, Defiance x2, Obsidian Libram

    Brown Attack: Ogress, Doomed Club, Angry Mob, Mistralus (from Tacet)

    Brown Attack: Doomed Club, Angry Mob, The Wild Queen, Leonis Tower (Anti-Megavore)

    Brown Attack: King Chopper, Garnetaerlin, Rubirath, Magma Dragon

    Mountain Crusher, Garnetaerlin, Wrath, Czernobog (from Icy Storm)

    Brown Attack: Doomed Baton, The Onyx Giant, Daughter of Ice, Herald of Damnation (from CrispPurpose)
    --or with Mountain Crusher

    Brown Attack: Volcan's Mace, King Heliodor, Shayle, Queen Ash (from Dragonfus)

    Brown Attack: Volcan's Mace, King Heliodor, Queen Ash x2

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Daughter of Ice, Goblin King (from sdiverjack)

    Brown Attack: Daughter of Ice, Wand of Stars, Sycorax, Mistralus (from InsaneWitch)

    Brown Attack: Dagger of Zaejin, Sycorax, Megavore, Daughter of Ice (from InsaneWitch)

    Brown Attack: Czernobog, Duskbringer, Archproxy Yvendra, Herald of Damnation (from sdiverjack)

    Brown Attack:Dagger of Zaejin, BORK-3000, Ctharrasque, Soothsayer (from InsaneWitch)

    Brown Attack: Gorgotha, Centuragon, Ctharrasque, Daisy's Cudgel (or Obsidian Libram)

    Brown Attack: Gorgotha, Centuragon, Ctharrasque, Wand of Stars

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, Ctharrasque, Forest Troll, Obsidius (from sdiverjack)

    Brown Attack: Wand of Stars, Sycorax, Ctharrasque, Daughter of Ice (from sdiverjack)

    Brown Attack: B0RK, Ruby Macaque, TINA-9000, Ironhawk with Mechanist class (from supernova 030
    --or with Magma Dragon

    Brown Attack: Czernobog, Ruby Macaque, TINA-9000, Magma Dragon

    Brown Attack: Gorgotha, Wand of Stars, Bone Catapult, Moira Cragheart (anti-Leonis Tower/Enraged Kurandara)

    Dwarven Miner, The Wild Queen, Centuragon, Wand of Stars

    cookieman420it's red day for me,I used spider throne,wand,zuul,herald of damnation

    Last edited by genkicoll on Fri Dec 08, 2023 3:52 am; edited 51 times in total

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    Gems of War Guild Wars Teams Empty Re: Gems of War Guild Wars Teams

    Post by genkicoll Tue Mar 29, 2022 7:14 am

    Blue Attack: Ironhawk, Queen Beetrix, Mistralus, Arboreal Crystal

    Blue Attack: Vanguard, Rope Dart, Mistralus, Mercy (from Boomstick Fancypants)

    Blue Attack: Justice, Shahbanu Vespera, Rope Dart, Mistralus (from Boomstick Fancypants)

    Blue Attack: Arcturion, The Lord of Slaughter, Arboreal Crystal, Ironhawk (from Boomstick Fancypants)

    Blue Attack: Anu's Scepter, The Gray King, Queen Beetrix, Megavore (from RowdyRoddyDiaper)

    Blue Attack: Jar of Eyes, Sycorax, Mistralus, Malcandessa

    Blue Attack: Maraji Queen, King Gobtruffle, Arboreal Crystal, The Possessed King

    Blue Attack: Maraji Queen, King Gobtruffle, Moonsinger, Arboreal Crystal

    Blue Attack: Maraji Queen, Queen Beetrix, Arboreal Crystal, The Possessed King

    Blue Attack: Forest Troll, King Gobtruffle, Queen Beetrix, Arboreal Crystal

    Blue attack: Forest Troll, King Gobtruffle, Arboreal Crystal, Maraji Queen (for 50% mana start)

    Blue attack: Forest Troll, Queen Beetrix, Jar of Eyes, Maraji Queen (from Lester)

    Blue Attack: Moonsinger, Malcandessa, Queen Beetrix, Wild Cleaver

    Blue attack: Arboreal Crystal, Sycorax, Mistralus, Frostfire King

    Blue Attack: Treachery, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Blade, Treachery

    Blue Attack: Orb of Winter, Shahbanu Vespera, Winter Imp, The Emperor
    --or with Anu's Scepter

    Blue Attack: Anu's Scepter, Shahbanu Vespera, Ullor, Winter Imp (from Honest Rob, anti-tome)

    Blue Attack: Anu's Scepter, Shahbanu Vespera, Vidarr the Vast, Winter Imp

    Blue Attack: Sycorax, Queen Beetrix, Arboreal Crystal (or Jar of Eyes), Maraji Queen

    Blue Attack: Arcturion, Rope Dart, Mistralus, Shoggarath (From Boomstick Fancypants)

    Blue Attack: Arcturion, Rope Dart, Mistralus, Maraji Queen
    --or with Ocea's Tome

    Blue attack: Rope Dart, Queen Beetrix, Mistralus, Maraji Queen

    Blue attack: Orb of Winter, Queen Beetrix, Malcandessa, Moon Singer

    Blue attack: Forest Troll, Queen Beetrix, Blackheart's Horn, Piscea (from Beverly)

    Blue attack: Piscea, Queen Beetrix, Arboreal Crystal, Maraji Queen

    Blue attack: Piscea, Ocea's Tome, Queen Beetrix, The Maraji Queen

    Blue attack: Piscea, Ocea's Tome, Queen Beetrix, Triton

    Blue attack: Piscea, Queen Beetrix, Jar of Eyes, The Gray King

    Blue attack: Moonsinger, Queen Beetrix, Arboreal Crystal, Malcandessa (from Catgirl)

    Blue attack: Ocea's Tome, Queen Beetrix, Moonsinger, Malcandessa

    Blue attack: Arcturion, Arboreal Crystal, Mistralus, Leonis Tower (anti-Megavore)

    Blue attack: Astral Spirit, Queen Beetrix, Rope Dart, Malcandessa (from Stardust, anti-tome)
    --or with Rope Dart up front

    Blue attack: Rope Dart, Apothecary, Astral Spirit, Mistralus (from Stardust)

    Blue attack: Sky Hero (or Anu's Scepter or Rope Dart), Zuul'Goth, Tai-Pan, TPK

    Blue attack: Ocea's Tome, Baldur, Shoggarath, Mercy with Elementalist Class (from Timothy Gary Carolus)

    Blue attack: Borealis, Arboreal Crystal, Uvash-Ka, The Maraji Queen

    Blue attack: Ocea's Tome, The Lord of Slaughter, Mistralus, The Maraji Queen (from Icy Storm)

    Blue attack: The Bane of Mercy, Cobaltine Wand, King of Ravens, Zuul'Goth (from Tacet)

    Blue attack: Scarab Blade, Zuul'Goth, Eldritch Minion, The Bane of Mercy (from VladimirNichita)

    Blue attack: Colbaltine Wand, Zuul'Goth, Eldritch Minion, The Bane of Mercy (from Don Mochila)

    Blue attack: Rope Dart, Eldritch Minion, Zuul'Goth, Mercy (from CrystalDawn)

    Blue Attack: Silent Sentinel, Queen Beetrix, Ruby Macaque, Malcandessa

    Last edited by genkicoll on Thu Sep 28, 2023 9:16 pm; edited 43 times in total

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    Gems of War Guild Wars Teams Empty Re: Gems of War Guild Wars Teams

    Post by genkicoll Tue Mar 29, 2022 7:15 am

    Green Attack: Essence of Evil, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun, The Possessed King

    Green Attack: Stringfiddler, Essence of Evil, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun (from Lester)

    Green Attack: Ocularen, The Wild Queen, Fist of Heaven, Leprechaun

    Green Attack: Queen Beetrix, Sycorax, Leprechaun, Jar of Eyes

    Green Attack: King Gobtruffle, Sycorax, Leprechaun, Tome of Spores (any green weapon that explodes)

    Green Attack: Essence of Evil, Queen Beetrix, The Wild Queen, The Possessed King

    Green Attack: Essence of Evil, The Wild Queen, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun

    Green Attack: Essence of Evil, Queen Beetrix, The Wild Queen, Daughter of Yasmine (from VladimirNichita)

    Green Attack: Eagle Eye, Queen Beetrix, The Wild Queen, Leprechaun (for anti-double-green-convert)
    --or with Arachnaean Weaver

    Green Attack: Essence of Evil, The Lord of Slaughter, The Wild Queen, Leprechaun

    Green Attack: Essence of Evil, Queen Beetrix, The Lord of Slaughter, Leprechaun

    Green Attack: Child of Summer, Yao Guai, Cobaltine Wand, Suna (from Boomstick Fancypants)
    [6858,6418,1364,6554,3039,2,2,1,2,2,3,3,14016] Great against L&D teams

    Green Attack: Doomed Glaive, Apothecary, Sycorax, The Wild Queen (from Boomstick Fancypants)

    Green Attack: Queen Beetrix (or King Gobtruffle), Sycorax, Doomed Glaive, Leprechaun

    Green Attack: Arcturion, Sycorax, Doomed Glaive, Leprechaun

    Green Attack: Javelin of Suncrest, Yao Guai, Child of Summer, Queen Beetrix (from YouSev3n)

    Green Attack: Essence of Evil, King Gobtruffle, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun

    Green Attack: Essence of Evil, Queen Beetrix, Arachnaean Weaver, Leprechaun

    Green Attack: Jar of Eyes, Queen Beetrix, Suna, Leprechaun

    Green Attack: King Gobtruffle, Queen Beetrix, Ice Sapphire, Leprechaun

    Green Attack: Tannenbaum, Queen Beetrix, Mystic Manuscript, Leprechaun (Anti-triple damage)

    Green Attack: Essence of Evil, Seekra Darkwood, Arachnaean Weaver, King Avelorn

    Green Attack: Essence of Evil, Queen Beetrix, Ulfr Huntsmaster, Leprechaun (Anti-Boss)

    Green Attack: Cobaltine Wand, Phoenicia, Tourmaline, Leprechaun (Sunspear class)

    Green Attack: The Spider Throne, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun, The Possessed King (NO HERO)

    Green Attack: Essence of Evil, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun, Enraged Kurandara

    Green Attack: Tannenbaum, Wand of Stars, The Wild Queen, Leprechaun (from Nightmare)

    Green Attack: Fist of Heaven, Ctharrasque, Veneratus, Moon Rabbit (from GlassDenArt)

    Green Attack: Javelin of Suncrest, Queen Beetrix, Ctharrasque, Leprechaun (from InsaneWitch)

    Green Attack: Tannenbaum, Ctharrasque, Wand of Stars, Leprechaun (from InsaneWitch)

    Green Attack: The Spider Throne, Wand of Stars, Queen Beetrix, Ctharrasque

    Green Attack: Wand of Stars, Mercy, Ctharrasque, Moon Rabbit (from Nightmare)

    Green Attack: Savage Hunter, Wand of Stars, The Lord of Slaughter, Soothsayer (from Crisp - for when team you're fighting is using green)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:22 am; edited 30 times in total

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    Gems of War Guild Wars Teams Empty Re: Gems of War Guild Wars Teams

    Post by genkicoll Tue Mar 29, 2022 7:16 am

    Red Attack: Doomed Crossbow, Alchemist, Qilin, Gimlet Stormbrew

    Red Attack: The Lord of Slaughter, King Bloodhammer, Scurvy Seadog, Secrets of the Crypt

    Red Attack: Carnex, Harpy Mage, The Scourge of Honor, Dawnbringer

    Red Attack: Divinia, Staff of Storms, Yao Guai, Sheggra

    Red Attack: Mithrillion, Doomed Crossbow, Scurvy Seadog, Drowned Sailor

    Red Attack: Chief Dargon, Gargoyle x2, Staff of Storms (or Fist of Heaven)

    Red Attack: Marilith, TINA-9000, Tesla, Secrets of the Crypt

    Red Attack: Carnex, Doomed Crossbow, Phoenicia, The Maraji Queen

    Red Attack: Staff of Storms, Phoenicia, Magma Dragon, Maraji Queen

    Red attack: Herald of Damnation, Lamashtu, Zuul'Goth, Obsidius (NO HERO)

    Red attack: Doomed Crossbow, Scurvy Seadog, Zuul, Drowned Sailor

    Red attack: Herald of Damnation, Emerald Blade, Zuul Goth, Grave Seer

    Red attack: Lamashtu, Emerald Blade, Zuul'Goth, Herald of Damnation

    Red attack: TINA-9000, Crimson Bat, Staff of Storms, Magma Dragon
    --or with Draakulis in place of Bat--

    Red Attack: Staff of Storms, Yao Guai, Divinia, Magma Dragon

    Red Attack: Maraji Queen, Divinia, Yao Guai, Staff of Storms

    Red attack: Draakulis, Harpy Mage, Staff of Storms, The Scourge of Honor

    Red Attack: Celestial Flask, Fundingus, Wisp, Nobend Brothers (from Honest Rob)

    Red Attack: Celestial Flask, Fundingus, Wisp, Maraji Queen (Faster, and use Hellcackle instead of Wisp against Zuul'Goth)

    Red Attack: Marilith, Phoenicia, Oneiros, Fire and Ice (still effective w/Elementalist because of Oneiros, but Sunspear will give extra damage to Phoenicia)

    Red Attack: Ahries, Marilith, Celestial Flask, Obsidius

    Red Attack: The Lord of Slaughter, Divinia, Eye of Orion, Voice of Orpheus

    Red Attack: Centuragon, Fist of Heaven, Zuul'Goth, Gimlet Stormbrew (from Honest Rob)

    Red Attack: Centuragon, Zuul'Goth, Emerald Blade, Grave Seer (from sdiverjack)

    Red Attack: Doomed Crossbow, Zuul'Goth, Herald of Damnation, Grave Seer (from 13Z50P)

    Red Attack: Secrets of the Crypt, Eldritch Minion, Zuul'Goth, Obsidius (from sdiverjack)

    Red Attack: Sheggra, Fist of Heaven, Maraji Queen, Divinia (from Honest Rob for anti-Leonis Tower/Enraged Kurandara)

    Red Attack: Maraji Queen, Divinia, Sheggra, Staff of Storms (anti-Leonis Tower/Enraged Kurandara)
    --or with Fist of Heaven (from sdiverjack)

    Red Attack: Ursuvius (or Volcanic Golem), Flail of Gaard, Maraji Queen, Enraged Kurandara (anti-Megavore)

    Red Attack: Flail of Gaard, Maraji Queen, Infernus, Enraged Kurandara (anti-Megavore)

    Red Attack: Doomed Crossbow, Eldritch Minion, Hatir & Skroll, Herald of Damnation (from Bree)

    Red Attack: Crown of Horns, Garnetaerlin (or Rubirath), Magma Dragon, Gimlet Stormbrew

    Red Attack: Bile Blackheart, Fist of Heaven, Rath Amon, Elemaugrim

    Red Attack: Emerald Blade, Zuul'Goth, Herald of Damnation, Eldritch Minion (anti-Child of Summer/Axelubber double empower)

    Red Attack: Eruption of Roses, Trk'Nala, Infernus, Obsidius (with Slayer class)

    Red Attack: Harpy Mage, Centuragon, Zuul'Goth, Ice Sapphire (from Bree)

    Red Attack: Wand of Stars, The Lord of Slaughter, Fist of Zorn, Trk'Nala (from Tacet)

    Red Attack: Marilith, The Foxfire King, Ruby Macaque, Magma Dragon

    Red Attack: Wand of Stars, The Lord of Slaughter, Fist of Zorn, Trk'Nala (from Catgirl)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Wed Oct 11, 2023 6:38 pm; edited 44 times in total

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    Post by genkicoll Wed Apr 27, 2022 2:22 pm


    Gnoll, Siren, Doomed Opus, Gimlet Stormbrew

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    Post by genkicoll Wed Apr 27, 2022 2:23 pm

    NOTE: Use a class with IMPACT to combat Savage Hunter

    Savage Hunter, Malcandessa, Doomed Libram, Moonsinger

    Savage Hunter, Apophisis, Sister Superior, Writhing Staff

    Savage Hunter, The Great Wyrm, Doomed Glaive, Sister Superior

    Savage Hunter, Sister Superior, Writhing Staff, Apophisis

    Last edited by genkicoll on Sun Sep 18, 2022 4:06 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Post by genkicoll Wed Apr 27, 2022 2:42 pm

    Herald of Damnation, Doomed Chronicle, Lamashtu, Sister Superior

    Herald of Damnation, Doomed Chronicle, The Bane of Mercy, Grave Seer

    Herald of Damnation, Eldritch Minion, Doomed Chronicle, Lamashtu

    Herald of Damnation, Eldritch Minion, The Bane of Mercy, Doomed Chronicle

    Webspinner, Doomed Chronicle, Lamashtu, Herald of Damnation
    -- or with The Bane of Mercy

    Megavore, Doomed Chronicle, The Bane of Mercy, Grave Seer (from Lester)

    Lamashtu (or Bane of Mercy), Thrall, Life & Death, Zuul'Goth (from Crisp Purpose)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Fri Jul 21, 2023 7:22 am; edited 4 times in total

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    Age : 51
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    Post by genkicoll Wed Apr 27, 2022 3:05 pm


    Piscea, Daughter of Ice, Drowned Sailor, Doomed Chronicle (from sdiverjack)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Wed Jun 22, 2022 7:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by genkicoll Wed Apr 27, 2022 3:06 pm


    Ferocity, Qilin, Rope Dart, Moon Rabbit

    Leonis Tower, Child of Summer, Doomed Opus, First Mate Axelubber

    Last edited by genkicoll on Wed Apr 27, 2022 5:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 8430
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    Post by genkicoll Wed Apr 27, 2022 3:07 pm


    Divine Ishbaala, Moon Rabbit, Mercy, Doomed Scripture (Thief class)

    moon rabbit, mercy, quetzalma, rope dart on elementalist (from Bdub)

    Norbert's Turnip, King Gobtruffle, Toadsqueezer, Flaming Oni (from Tyrion)

    Wild Fang, Moon Rabbit, Doomed Scripture, Mercy

    Moon Rabbit, Veneratus, Doomed Scripture, Mercy (from CrispPurpose)

    Marrvin Truli ​Bane of Mercy / Thrall / L&D / Zuul

    Enraged Kurandara, Veneratus, Mercy, Doomed Scripture (from GW)

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