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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights


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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Fri Jul 23, 2021 10:17 am

    Last edited by genkicoll on Thu Jul 13, 2023 6:00 pm; edited 22 times in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Mon Jul 26, 2021 7:07 pm

    Zuul'Goth teams:
    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_Raid_04

    Flammifer, Thrall, Zuul, Leprechaun (from Tacet)

    Borealis (triple damage to frozen), Thrall, Jar of Eyes, Zuul'Goth -- from Boomstick Fancypants for Leveling Classes

    Borealis, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Wild Hunter -- for Leveling Classes

    Borealis, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Essence of Evil -- for Leveling Classes

    First Claw Maahes, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Bane of Mercy (from CrispPurpose)

    Volcanic Golem, Thrall, Rope Dart, Zuul'Goth (Depths of Sin level 500!)

    Greed, Bronzelock Pistol, Zuul'Goth, Cedric Sparkleshack (from Max Power)

    Doomed Glaive (or any yellow or green weapon), Centuragon, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun

    Rope Dart, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    Celestial Flask, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun 

    Guardian Crown, Thrall, Zuul, Grave Seer

    Essence of Evil, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    Writhing Staff, Marilith, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun

    Reflection of Good, Centuragon, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun

    Doomed Glaive, Centuragon, Zuul'Goth, Lava Troll

    ​Wrath, Doomed Glaive, Zuulgoth , Scylla (from Dan Quayles ITS SPELT POTATOE!)

    Purple Attack: Reflection of Good, Drowned Sailor, Zuul'Goth, Daughter of Ice

    Purple Attack: Obsidius, Daughter of Ice, Zuul'Goth, Drowned Sailor (from Hazard)

    Purple attack: Twin Claws, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun, Lyrasza

    Red attack: Herald of Damnation, Lamashtu, Zuul'Goth, Obsidius

    Red attack: Doomed Crossbow, Scurvy Seadog. Zuul, Drowned Sailor

    Red attack: Herald of Damnation, Fist of Heaven, Zuul Goth, Grave Seer

    Red attack: Marilith, Centuragon, Zuul'Goth, Staff of Storms

    Blue attack: Rope Dart (or Anu's Scepter or Sky Hero), Zuul'Goth, Tai-Pan, The Possessed King

    --With High King Irongut--

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Zuul'Goth, Matron Velenne

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Thrall, Zuul'Goth with Sunspear

    High King Irongut, Reflection of Good, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    Flammifer, High King Irongut, Thrall, Zuul'Goth

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Marilith, Zuul'Goth

    Essence of Evil, High King Irongut, Harpy Mage, Zuul'Goth

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Marilith, Zuul'Goth

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Thrall, Zuul'Goth

    NO HERO: High King Irongut, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    High King Irongut, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Doomed Glaive

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Centuragon, Zuul'Goth

    Bile Blackheart, Reflection of Good, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    Ocea's Tome, Fountain of Stars, Zuul'Goth, The Possessed King (from supernova 030)

    Nocti Silva wrote:
    (This team) clears with any class in any kingdom in 30 secs or less.  

    Rope Dart, Thrall, Centuragon, Zuul'Goth + Abyssal banner + ANY hero class


    1. Dont EVER match skulls!!!

    2. Get Thrall up (if no purple on board, Centuragon fills up quick too).

    3. Rope Dart before casting Zuul.  Start at bottom, and pick them off one by one.

    Zuul feeds Centuragon, Centuragon fills Zuul (and the others in the process, use them when needed). Keep the first enemy roped.  It's super safe and no struggle for mana, even on badly seeded boards.  *(adapted from Abby's Delve team for Crypt Keepers) Happy matching!

    Last edited by genkicoll on Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:31 pm; edited 41 times in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Fri Aug 27, 2021 5:19 pm

    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K11_16_0
    High King Irongut Teams for PvP:

    Essence of Evil, Justice, High King Irongut, Thrall
    Essence of Evil, Ethereal Sentry, High King Irongut, Thrall

    Essence of Evil, High King Irongut, Emperina, Thrall
    Essence of Evil, High King Irongut, Second Claw Anhur, Thrall

    Chief Dargon, High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Thrall
    [6705,6650,1220,6146,3070,3,2,2,1,3,0,0,14021] (from Hazard)

    High King Irongut, The Wild King, Thrall, Staff of Storms

    E12 in Blighted Lands (needs to be this kingdom, as no troops there are immune to devour):
    Mountain Crusher, Ethereal Sentry, High King Irongut, Leprechaun [1056,6620,6650,6638,3042,2,1,2,3,2,3,2,14012]
    -- Team courtesy of heggere ramappa gurumurthy (aka Vishal)

    High King Irongut, Thrall, Fiend Fire, Lyrasza

    With Zuul'Goth:
    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Zuul'Goth, Matron Velenne

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Thrall, Zuul'Goth with Sunspear

    High King Irongut, Reflection of Good, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    Flammifer, High King Irongut, Thrall, Zuul'Goth

    Flammifer, Thrall, Zuul, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Marilith, Zuul'Goth

    Essence of Evil, High King Irongut, Harpy Mage, Zuul'Goth

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Marilith, Zuul'Goth

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Thrall, Zuul'Goth

    NO HERO: High King Irongut, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    High King Irongut, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Doomed Glaive

    High King Irongut, The Wild Queen, Fist of Heaven, Leprechaun

    Last edited by genkicoll on Fri Jun 10, 2022 4:24 pm; edited 5 times in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Tue Aug 31, 2021 7:59 pm

    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K25_20_0

    Green Attack: Queen Beetrix, Sycorax, Leprechaun, Jar of Eyes

    Green Attack: King Gobtruffle, Sycorax, Leprechaun, Tome of Spores (any green weapon that explodes)

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, Sycorax, Mistralus, Daughter of Ice

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, Sycorax, Ullor, Mistralus (from Relle)

    Blue attack: Arboreal Crystal, Sycorax, Mistralus, Frostfire King

    Last edited by genkicoll on Sat Feb 05, 2022 6:43 am; edited 3 times in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Sat Sep 04, 2021 11:28 pm

    Troop Spotlight: Sacrifice
    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K33_08_0

    Dancing Daggers (or Orb of Winter), Mambasira, Sacrifice, Leprechaun with Assassin

    Flammifer, Phoenicia, Sacrifice, Herald of Damnation with Sunspear
    -- From the GoW forum, posted by igniteice, here:

    Fire and Ice, Pan, Sacrifice, Lamashtu

    Cobaltine Wand, Penglong, Sacrifice, Grave Seer

    Jar of Eyes, Queen Xochi, Sacrifice, Grave Seer

    Emperina's Tooth, Queen Beetrix, Sacrifice, Lamashtu

    Fist of Heaven, Draakulis, Sacrifice, Herald of Damnation

    Last edited by genkicoll on Sat Feb 05, 2022 6:42 am; edited 3 times in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Thu Sep 09, 2021 2:42 am

    Mythic Spotlight: Shahbanu Vespera
    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K20_18_0

    Yellow Attack: Finesse, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Axe, Finesse

    Yellow Attack: Snowy Owl, Shahbanu Vespera, Rope Dart, Mistralus (from Boomstick Fancypants)

    Purple attack: Cunning, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Scythe, Cunning

    Blue Attack: Treachery, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Blade, Treachery

    Blue Attack: Orb of Winter, Shahbanu Vespera, Winter Imp, The Emperor

    Blue Attack: Anu's Scepter, Shahbanu Vespera, Ullor, Winter Imp (from Honest Rob)

    Illithian Servitor, Shahbanu Vespera, Phylactery, Venbarek

    Skeleton, Thrall, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Scythe -- for E12's in Sword's Edge.  Skeleton does double skull against Knights. (from viewer)
    [6036,6146,6817,1258,3009,1,3,3,2,2,0,0,14005] (from Boomstick Fancypants)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Fri Sep 17, 2021 5:19 am; edited 4 times in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Thu Sep 09, 2021 3:25 am

    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K22_20_0

    Mountain Crusher, Sycorax, Ullor, Mistralus (from Relle)

    Daughter of Ice, Orb of Winter, Queen Mab, Ullor (from Mr Mo)

    --or, for Blue Attack day--
    Deck Hand, Orb of Winter, Queen Mab, Ullor

    Blue Attack: Anu's Scepter, Shahbanu Vespera, Ullor, Winter Imp (from Honest Rob)

    Thrall, Life & Death, Ullor, Obsidius (from Relle, Orbweaver class)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Sat Feb 05, 2022 6:42 am; edited 4 times in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Thu Sep 09, 2021 10:42 pm

    Mythic Spotlight: Tian Yi
    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K30_10_0

    Gorgotha, Earth's Fury, Tian Yi, Leprechaun

    Essence of Evil, Thrall, Tian Yi, Ethereal Sentry

    Bogstrider, Thrall, Tian Yi, Doomed Club (or Mountain Crusher)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Fri Oct 01, 2021 5:44 pm

    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K03_22_0
    Archproxy Yvendra

    Reflection of Good, Divine Ishbaala, Archproxy Yvendra, Orrery (for the purple and yellow storm)

    Essence of Evil, Thrall, Archproxy Yvendra, Orrery

    Doomed Axe, Thrall, Archproxy Yvendra, Orrery

    The Lord of Slaughter, Thrall, Archproxy Yvendra, Fist of Heaven (Runepriest is just for leveling)

    Deep Huntsman, Book of Brambles, Arachnaean Weaver, Archproxy Yvendra (from Faya in PvP)

    Doomed Blade, The Frostfire King, Archproxy Yvendra, King Avelorn (from cool3cubed in PvP)

    Bogstrider, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Archproxy Yvendra (no hero)
    [6312,6146,6529,7082,3074,2,1,2,3,2,1,2,14012] (from Isabella)

    Cobaltine Wand, Archproxy Yvendra, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun
    [1364,7082,6529,6638,3039,1,1,2,3,2,1,3,14029] (from M R)

    Divine Protector, Diviner, Archproxy Yvendra, Divine Ishbaala (from Hazard)

    Mountain Crusher, The Lord of Slaughter, Archproxy Yvendra, The Possessed King (from RedlineKai)

    Doomed Axe, Auspecia, Archproxy Yvendra, Queen Beetrix (from XLS78)

    Bile Blackheart, Thrall, Fist of Heaven, Archproxy Yvendra (from XLS78)

    Yellow Attack: Rope Dart, Divine Ishbaala, Archproxy Yvendra, Grave Seer

    Mountain Crusher, The Lord of Slaughter, Archproxy Yvendra, The Possessed King (from RedlineKai)

    Fist of Heaven, Divine Ishbaala, Archproxy Yvendra, Orrery

    Last edited by genkicoll on Mon Apr 11, 2022 12:10 pm; edited 9 times in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Thu Oct 14, 2021 3:27 am

    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K15_19
    Mistralus Teams:

    Mountain Crusher, Apothecary, Mistralus, Maraji Queen

    Shield of Urskaya, Rowanne, Mistralus, Daughter of Ice
    [1221,6087,6870,6723,3026,2,2,2,3,2,3,2,14012] (for Sea of Sorrow)

    Forest Troll, Arcturion, Mistralus, Maraji Queen
    [6419,6941,6870,6751,3026,2,2,2,3,2,3,2,14012] (from Tacet)

    Emerald Tear, Queen Beetrix, Mistralus, Mercy

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, Sycorax, Mistralus, Daughter of Ice

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, Sycorax, Ullor, Mistralus (from Relle)

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, Mistralus, Nobend Brothers, Igneus (from Boomstick Fancypants)

    Blue attack: Arboreal Crystal, Sycorax, Mistralus, Frostfire King

    Blue Attack: Arcturion, Mistralus, Wild Cleaver, The Maraji Queen

    Blue Attack: Arcturion, Rope Dart, Mistralus, Shoggarath (From Boomstick Fancypants)

    Blue Attack: Arcturion, Rope Dart, Mistralus, Maraji Queen

    Blue Attack: Arcturion, Dawnbringer (or Orb of Winter), Mistralus, Mercy (from Boomstick Fancypants)

    Yellow Attack: Snowy Owl, Shahbanu Vespera, Rope Dart, Mistralus (from Boomstick Fancypants)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Sat Feb 05, 2022 6:40 am; edited 6 times in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Thu Oct 14, 2021 3:28 am

    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K33_02_0

    Fist of Heaven, Draakulis, Sacrifice, Herald of Damnation

    Crypt Keeper, Charonas, The Ghost Queen, Draakulis

    Draakulis, Thrall, Secrets of the Crypt, The Ghost Queen

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Tue Nov 16, 2021 6:39 am

    The Wild Queen

    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K08_12_0

    Purple Attack: Reflection of Good, The Wild Queen, Arachnaean Weaver, Leprechaun

    Purple Attack: Thrall, Secrets of the Crypt, The Wild Queen, Lyrasza

    Brown Attack: Mountain Crusher, Sir Quentin Hadley, Templar, The Wild Queen (from Tacet)

    Brown Attack: Gorgotha, Doomed Club, The Wild Queen, Mistralus

    Brown Attack: Gorgotha, Doomed Club, The Wild Queen, Obsidius

    Green Attack: Essence of Evil, Queen Beetrix, The Wild Queen, Leprechaun

    Green Attack: Ocularen, The Wild Queen, Fist of Heaven, Leprechaun

    Green Attack: Queen Beetrix, Doomed Glaive, Sycorax, Leprechaun

    Rope Dart, The Wild Queen, Maraji Queen, Leprechaun

    High King Irongut, The Wild Queen, Fist of Heaven, Leprechaun

    Last edited by genkicoll on Sat Apr 23, 2022 8:20 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Tue Apr 05, 2022 4:55 pm

    IronhawkGems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K01_21_0

    Quick-explore Teams (must be difficulty 1, Sin of Maraj for best results):

    Ironhawk, Crude Club, Sister Superior, Dust Devil (MUST use traited Slayer class)

    Ironhawk, Sister Superior x2, Dust Devil

    Ironhawk, Greed x2, Dust Devil (gold-farming team. Medal of Yasmine can help get max of 100 gold)

    Ironhawk x2, Sister Superior, Dust Devil (fastest Gnome-a-Palooza team)

    Other Ironhawk Teams:

    Ironhawk, The Engineer's Drill, TINA-9000, Leprechaun

    Doomed Axe, Ironhawk, Mercy, Orrery

    Essence of Evil, Ironhawk, Ubastet, Carnex (from Honest Rob)
    [1220,6991,6457,6066,3067,3,2,1,1,1,0,0,14007] (don't have Ubastet yet)

    Carnex, Essence of Evil, Ironhawk, Scylla

    Blue Attack: Ironhawk, Queen Beetrix, Mistralus, Arboreal Crystal

    Blue Attack: Arcturion, The Lord of Slaughter, Arboreal Crystal, Ironhawk (from Boomstick Fancypants)

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Mon Apr 11, 2022 12:08 pm

    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K29_21_0

    Piscea, Ice Sapphire, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun

    Piscea, Thrall, Cobaltine Wand, The Wild Queen (from хиккори-тян)
    -- or with Wild Hunter

    sylverscale ​have I already shared piscea with Baldr? I feel I have but not sure. In case I haven't [7155,7080,1433,6146,3071,3,2,1,1,1,3,3,14004]

    Dust Angel
    That is the one I like most;
    and one more with true damage focus (not a big fan of Beetrix, though), switch to any green/blue banner you like best if you don't have the warband (I just thought - why not use it?)

    Imperial Topaz's Piscea team: Piscea, Queen Bee, Hero- L&D and Leprechaun. Elementalist class and Trident banner.

    Essence of Evil, Piscea, Thrall, Triton (from Tyrion Shark)
    --or with Undine for AUTO-PLAY (from Tyrion Shark)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Mon Aug 22, 2022 7:33 pm; edited 6 times in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Sat Apr 16, 2022 2:00 pm

    Troops and Weapons That Conjure Dual Storms:

    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Storm-14
    Lyrasza -- Madness Storm -- Blue and Purple (SUMMONS STORM EVERY TURN)
    The Elder Dragon -- Madness Storm -- Blue and Purple (SUMMONS AT THE START OF BATTLE)
    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Storm-15
    Magma Dragon -- Lavastorm -- Brown and Red (SUMMONS STORM EVERY TURN)
    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Storm-16
    Orrery -- Starstorm -- Purple and Yellow (SUMMONS STORM EVERY TURN)
    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Storm-13
    Tink Steamwhistle -- Electrostorm -- Red and Yellow (SUMMONS STORM EVERY TURN)
    Tinker's Buzzblade -- Electrostorm -- Red and Yellow (SUMMONS STORM WHEN CASTING)
    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Storm-10
    Hellclaw Hunter -- Hellstorm -- Red and Purple (SUMMONS STORM WHEN CASTING)
    Hellclaw Warrior -- Hellstorm -- Red and Purple (SUMMONS STORM WHEN CASTING)
    Indrajit's Claw -- Hellstorm -- Red and Purple (SUMMONS STORM WHEN CASTING)



    High King Irongut, Thrall, Fiend Fire, Lyrasza (fantastic delve team!)

    Rope Dart, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    Reflection of Good, Hatir & Skroll, Forest Guardian, Orrery (from Lester Balboa)

    Anu's Scepter, Phoenicia, Magma Dragon, Leprechaun

    Last edited by genkicoll on Wed Apr 05, 2023 10:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Sat Apr 23, 2022 6:17 am


    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K27_12_0

    Black Manacles, Phoenicia, Maraji Queen, Leprechaun with Sunspear

    Black Manacles, Phoenicia, Tink Steamwhistle, Leprechaun with any class (Tink's Electrostorm will overwrite any other storms)

    Flammifer, Phoenicia, Sacrifice, Herald of Damnation with Sunspear (for the Vault)
     -- From the GoW forum, posted by igniteice, here:

    My personal favorite for dailies:

    Anu's Scepter (or Orb of Winter), Phoenicia, Magma Dragon, Leprechaun (any class)

    E12 Teams Inspired by Crisp-Purpose:

    Scarab Blade, Phoenicia, Thrall, Oneiros

    Phoenicia, Thrall, Glitterclaw, Scarab Blade

    Original Crisp-Purpose Phoenica team: <--Link to LIVE stream

    Phoenicia, Thrall, Oneiros, Emerald Blade

    Genki's favorite for everything!
    Scaleguard Protector, Phoenicia, Magma Dragon, Leprechaun (any class)

    Can be used in the following delves:
    Crypt Keepers
    Depths of Sin
    Indrajit's Palace
    The Labyrinth

    Last edited by genkicoll on Sat Jun 04, 2022 7:49 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Fri Jun 03, 2022 12:07 pm

    Mother of Darkness

    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K19_20_0

    Life and Death, Harpy Mage, Arachnaean Weaver, Mother of Darkness

    Fist of Heaven, Court Jester, The Gemini, Mother of Darkness

    Meta team:

    Rope Dart, Night Spider, Mother of Darkness, Captain Macaw (Use All-Seeing Eye banner if you don't have the Assassin's Banner)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Tue Jul 05, 2022 9:49 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Fri Jun 03, 2022 12:29 pm

    The Wild King

    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K08_25_0

    Gorgotha, The Wild King, Doomed Scythe (or Sins' Harvest), Leprechaun

    Gorgotha, The Wild King, Celestial Flask, Archproxy Yvendra

    Celestial Flask, Thrall, The Wild King, Archproxy Yvendra

    Shield of Urskaya, Thrall, The Wild King, Skroll Reborn

    Blade of Morning, The Wild King, Orrery, Leprechaun (from Hazard)

    Borealis, Thrall, The Wild King, Ice Sapphire

    Ocea's Tome, The Wild King, Skroll Reborn, Orrery (from Reds Cozy Games)

    High King Irongut, The Wild King, Thrall, Staff of Storms

    The Wild King, Dawnstone, Archproxy Yvendra, The Possessed King (from birming69)

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Wed Jul 06, 2022 4:49 am

    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Megavo10

     (modified Honest Rob team)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Fri Jun 02, 2023 6:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Fri Jul 08, 2022 4:33 am

    HOLDING (Temp)

    Ahries (from Lester)

    Ahries, Wall-Hack, Obsidius, Leprechaun

    Venoxia (from sylverscale)

    TINA (from sylverscale)

    TheWhiteTiger87 R.k.s​my unbeatable team for explore 12 = 1, hero with rope darth , 2 thral, 3 lamashtu, 4 ubastet, this is my unbeatable team

    Esod_Ranoa​Mine for any explore and PvP is: Hero Norbert's Turnip Elementalist (or any class with Rock solid) queen bee, Venoxia, and Fundungus

    sylverscale​it's a weird team for sure but I like it sometimes. my favorite Baldr team is probably stillnocea's tome, Baldr, mistralus, tpk
    [1433,7080,6870,6594,3069,2,2,1,3,1,3,1,14034] (original)
    [1433,7080,6870,6594,3025,1,2,3,3,1,1,0,14025] (my banner and class)

    New skull waterfall team from sylverscale: [6604,1426,7200,6594,3062,2,3,2,2,1,3,2,14023]

    Morthani's Darkness
    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K13_30_0

    BORK-3000, Thrall, Obsidian Libram, Morthani's Darkness

    Draakulis, Thrall, Obsidian Libram, Morthani's Darkness

    Wand of Stars, Morthani's Darkness x2 (or Eye of Arges/The Great Wyrm), Leprechaun

    Celestial Flask, Morthani's Darkness, Archproxy Yvendra, Leprechaun

    Lester Balboa​try this out.. [1426,7264,6638,7376,3002,3,3,3,1,1,3,3,14004]

    Muinaiset​triple hi! [1426,7376,6978,6428,3021,2,1,2,1,1,3,1,14011]

    Double Morthani w/Deathknight (can change) [1426,7376,7376,6978,3021,3,1,2,3,1,3,1,14011]

    Last edited by genkicoll on Fri Jul 07, 2023 5:34 am; edited 7 times in total

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2022-07-11

    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by YardByrd Tue Aug 16, 2022 10:45 am

    I'm still new to this.... but this team has done very well for me lately.  [1061,7206,6863,6154,3071,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,14030] Be well everyone.  Hero, Czernobog, Queen Beetrix, Fauntessa. Gems of War Troop Spotlights 1f44a  Gems of War Troop Spotlights 270c &  Gems of War Troop Spotlights 2665

    Last edited by YardByrd on Tue Aug 16, 2022 10:47 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : clarity)

    Posts : 8430
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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Wed Sep 07, 2022 2:14 am

    Garnetaerlin (Brown gem dragon)
    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Garnet10

    from Sylverscale

    from Enflame Hydra

    Celestial Flask, Angry Mob, Garnetaerlin, Magma Dragon (from Lester Balboa)

    King-Chopper (or Scaleguard Protector), Rubirath, Phoenicia, Magma Dragon
    --or with Garnetaerlin [1411,7250,6649,7154,3082,1,2,3,3,1,2,2,14025]

    Wyn's Sycorax-Garnetaerlin team: [7206,6895,7250,1470,3060,1,1,2,3,1,1,1,14035]

    The Lord of Slaughter, Czernobog, Doomed Club, Leprechaun (from Muinaiset)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Fri Jun 02, 2023 6:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:27 pm

    Ethereal Sentry (obtain with chaos shards at Hall of Guardians)
    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Troop_K33_10_0

    This troop is the fastest way to increase attack, but you pair it with Shield of Urskaya, and it will absolutely make that attack skyrocket!

    The basic setup is as follows:
    Shield of Urskaya, mana-gen, troop with a boost from attack, Ethreal Sentry

    There will be teams with alternate setups below.

    Guardian Hammer, Gargoyle x2, Ethereal Sentry (Geomancer class)

    The Sparkinator, Ethereal Sentry, Essence of Evil, Clockwork Sphinx (Mechanist class)

    The Sparkinator, Shield of Urskaya, Thrall, Ethereal Sentry (Elementalist class)

    Essence of Evil, Thrall, Tian Yi, Ethereal Sentry

    Shield of Urskaya, Thrall, Ketras the Bull, Ethereal Sentry

    E12 in Blighted Lands (needs to be this kingdom, as no troops there are immune to devour):
    Mountain Crusher, Ethereal Sentry, High King Irongut, Leprechaun or Thrall
    [1056,6620,6650,6638,3042,2,1,2,3,2,3,2,14012] -- Team courtesy of Vishal

    High King Irongut for PvP or E12's in other kingdoms:
    Essence of Evil, High King Irongut, Thrall, Ethereal Sentry
    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Ethereal Sentry, The Archdeva (from sdiverjack)

    Shield of Urskaya, Czernobog, War, Ethereal Sentry. (Maxed-out Slayer class best)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Tue Apr 11, 2023 10:38 pm; edited 8 times in total

    Posts : 8430
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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Fri Jun 02, 2023 6:23 pm

    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Cantur11

    Ice Sapphire, Venoxia, Cantur, The Possessed King (or Leprechaun)

    Ocea's Tome, Shoggorath, Cantur, Maraji Queen (from CrispPurpose)

    Posts : 8430
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    Age : 51
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    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Empty Re: Gems of War Troop Spotlights

    Post by genkicoll Fri Jun 30, 2023 11:52 pm

    Gems of War Troop Spotlights Rath-a10

    Doomed Axe, Leprechaun, Rath-Amon, Orrery (Elementalist for safety)

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