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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults


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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:08 am


    Faction Index:

    Last edited by genkicoll on Thu Jan 18, 2024 12:21 am; edited 36 times in total

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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:09 am

    Factions & Their Legendary Troops:
    • All-Seeing Eye -- Xerodar
    • Amanithrax -- King Gobtruffle
    • The Black Heart -- Bile Blackheart
    • City of Thieves -- King of Thieves
    • Crypt Keepers -- Lady Morana
    • Dark Court -- Queen Leanansidhe
    • Dark Pits -- Sledgepaw
    • The Deep Hive -- Queen Beetrix
    • Depths of Sin -- Tartarus
    • Dripping Caverns -- Shoggorath
    • Duergaroth -- Nyar'Mel
    • Eldrazhor -- Matron Velenne
    • Emperinazar -- Emperinazara
    • Fang Moor -- Chief Dargon
    • Fell Roost -- Nocturnia
    • Fire Rift - Magma Dragon
    • Frostfire Keep -- Frostfire King
    • Hall of Guardians --Silent Sentinel
    • Hell Gate -- Judge of the Dead
    • Illithia -- Hive Mind
    • Indrijit's Palace --Indrijit
    • The Labyrinth -- King Minos
    • Lyrasza's Lair --Lyrasza
    • Mirrored Halls -- The Mirror Queen
    • Primal Rift --Alderfather
    • Sea of Sorrow -- The Deep King
    • Silver Necropolis --Vanya Soulmourn
    • Stonesong Eyrie -- Queen Xochi
    • Sunken Fleet -- Maraji Queen
    • Tinker Town -- Tink Steamwhistle
    • Umbral Nexus - Umbral Portal
    • The Warrens -- Luna
    • Werewoods --Beastmaster Torben
    • Wild Court -- The Wendigo
    • Wyrmrun -- The Great Wyrm

    Last edited by genkicoll on Sat Feb 05, 2022 6:50 am; edited 5 times in total

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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:21 am

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Fbbe68c67e6123ff5bd8ce6b8cd21b1e24a7595e_2_640x500

    Last edited by genkicoll on Thu Feb 10, 2022 4:03 am; edited 6 times in total

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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:23 am

    Fire Rift and Hell Gate

    Fire Rift, Red and Brown, Charred Blade weapon
    Pure Faction: Lava Scorpion, Magma Dragon x3 video here:

    Hell Gate, Red and Brown, Hellblade weapon
    Pure Faction:
    Judge of the Dead x3, Charonas
    PF 500 video:
    Fury, Judge of the Dead, Lemure, Fury
    (See Hazard's tactics and explanation here: )

    Explode/Destroy Mana-generators: Angry Mob, Behemoth, Bile Blackheart, Carnex, Centuragon, Charonas, Clockwork Sphinx, Dao, Deep Huntsman, Divinia, The Dragon Soul, Dwarven Miner, Egg Thief, Flaming Oni, Fomorian, Fundingus, Gorgotha, The Gray King, Harpy Mage, Infernus, Ironhawk, Marilith, Mechweaver, Mithrilion, NUTCRKR 1225, Obsidius, Ogress, Piscea (for green and blue gems), Plague Rat, Pyggra (might summon firestorm), Ragnagord, Raksha Free-Blood (need gold), Second-Claw Anhur, Sledgepaw, The Worldbreaker

    Also: Hellclaw Warrior (for purple and red storm, must cast), Magma Dragon (for brown and red storm), Nexus Portal (for Elemental Star storm on match-4's), Tink Steamwhistle (for red and yellow storm) Turtle Cannon for green gems; Excavator for red gems; Rover-300 for yellow gems

    No Legendaries:

    Mountain Crusher, Ba'el, Hex Rat, Angry Mob (or Harpy Mage)

    Black Manacles, Rok'Gar the Guardian, Centuragon, Marilith

    Mountain Crusher, Hex Rat, Marilith, Terraxis

    Mountain Crusher, Water Elemental, Angry Mob, Flame Cannon

    Mountain Crusher, Marilith, Nobend Brothers, Penglong (or Terraxis)

    Mountain Crusher, Marilith, Sabellius, Terraxis

    Quick-delving teams:

    FASTEST team for 20-500 (with potions):
    Shield of Urskaya, Marilith, Tesla x2

    Mountain Crusher, Marilith, Medea, Queen Xochi

    Ursuvius, King Mikhail, Phoenicia, Arboreal Crystal

    Scaleguard Protector, Phoenicia, Queen Xochi, Magma Dragon 

    Anu's Scepter, Phoenicia, Magma Dragon, Excavator

    Mountain Crusher, Judge of the Dead, Charonas, Sylvanimora
    -- ALT
    Dancing Daggers, Judge of the Dead, Charonas, The Ghost Queen

    Twin Claws (exploding weapon), Divinia, Obregonia, Sylvanimora

    Jar of Eyes, Ankhnum, Hex Rat, Harpy Mage

    Ahries, Writhing Staff, Marilith, Obsidius

    Essence of Evil (or Reflection of Good), Centuragon, Behemoth, Megavore

    Arboreal Crystal, Marilith, Oneiros, Mambasira

    Cobaltine Wand, Angry Mob, Oneiros, Tauraeus (or Tihamata)

    Amethyst Band, Queen Titania, Suna, Kalika

    Amarok, Sky Hero, Marilith, Tink Steamwhistle

    Reflection of Good, Phoenicia, Flame of Anu, Tink Steamwhistle

    Ishtara, Divinia, Tinseltail (or Obregonia), Eye of Odin

    Cobaltine Wand, Queen Titania, Pan, Tink Steamwhistle

    Mountain Crusher, The Deep King, TINA (or Scourge of Honor), Harpy Mage (or Divinia or Pyggra)

    Draakulis, Scarab Blade, Angry Mob, The Gemini

    Cobaltine Wand (or Essence of Evil), Garuda, Queen Titania, Dwarven Miner

    Gobsticker (or Mountain Crusher), Marilith, Ankhnum, Indrajit

    Hellclaw Warrior, Essence of Evil, Infernus, Magnus

    Artema, Firefly, Oneiros, The Worldbreaker

    Gobsticker, Marilith, Hex Rat, Indrajit (or Enraged Kurandara/any troop that passively curses)

    Ursuvius, Wrath, Sylvanimora, Arboreal Crystal

    Death Knell, Fundingus, Mistralus, Maraji Queen

    Essence of Evil, Infernus, Obsidius, Maraji Queen

    Reflection of Good, Angry Mob, TINA, The Archdeva

    Piscea, Marilith, Gobsticker, Yasmine's Chosen

    Sharpfang (exploding weapon that uses blue), Hex Rat, Pan, The Scourge of Honor

    Bile Blackheart (or Stonehammer), Staff of Visions, Marilith, The Archduke

    Mountain Crusher, Emperor Khorvash, The Scourge of Honor (or Nocturnia), Gimlet Stormbrew

    Shield of Urskaya, Marilith, Gaard's Avatar, Settite Warrior

    Shield of Urskaya, Angry Mob, Gaard's Avatar, Magma Dragon

    Reflection of Good, Crimson Bat, Draakulis (or Mother of Darkness), Charonas

    Draakulis, Angry Mob, Gobsticker, The Ghost Queen

    Twin Claws, Marilith, Crimson Bat, The Scourge of Honor

    Higher-level teams:

    Defiance x2, Axe of the North (or any exploding weapon with storm), Defiance

    Guardian Hammer, Gargoyle x2, Etheral Sentry
    --or with Shield of Urskaya:

    Chief Dargon, Gargoyle x2, Essence of Evil

    *Ferocity, Ferocity, Ragereaver (or Flammifer or Sky Hero), Ferocity

    Fecocity, Ketras the Bull, Ragereaver (or Horncleaver or Sky Hero), Ferocity
    --or with Tauraeus

    Shield of Urskaya, Royal Engineer, Tesla x2

    Shield of Urskaya, Tesla x2, Clockwork Sphinx (faster: remove Sphinx and use Marilith in 2nd slot)

    Shield of Urskaya, Czernobog, War, Ethereal Sentry. (Maxed-out Slayer class best for enrage + fireblade, or use Elementalist for safety)

    Essence of Evil, Magnus, Scorpius, Divinia (any non-mana-blocked troop that explodes)

    Essence of Evil, Magnus, Scorpius, The Archduke

    Mountain Crusher (or Essence of Evil), High King Irongut, Gimlet, Kurandara

    Reflection of Good, Marilith, High King Irongut, Vash'Dagon
    --or with The Scourge of Honor
    --or with Kurandara

    *Ogress, Centuragon, Zuul'Goth, Doomed Axe

    Bile Blackheart, Reflection of Good, Enraged Kurandara, Zuul’Goth (from Markus Chan)

    High King Irongut, Centuragon, Doomed Glaive (or Essence of Evil), Zuul'Goth

    Doomed Glaive, Centuragon, Zuul'Goth, Lava Troll

    High King Irongut, Marilith, Fiend Fire, Zuul'Goth (from Bree)

    Essence of Evil, Divinia, Zuul'Goth, Archproxy Yvendra (from Isabel Archer)

    From viewer Nathan Maurice wrote:Essence of Evil (Elementalist), Centuragon, Zuul'Goth, Megavore

    Repeated insta kills even at 420+ once you get Centuragon's cast. 4 of a kind over and over to abuse the third class trait to pretty much leave the enemy impotent right from the start.

    Megavore's third trait is merely a lucky bonus as is Centuragon's devour skill.

    Last edited by genkicoll on Fri Apr 14, 2023 8:45 pm; edited 33 times in total

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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:24 am

    Dark Court, Fell Roost, Lyrasza's Lair and Umbral Nexus

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K53
    Lyrasza's Lair, Yellow and Purple, Staff of Insanity
    Pure Faction: Dementicore x3, Lyrasza (from Hazard)
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K71
    Umbral Nexus, Purple and Yellow, Umbral Tome (available in soulforge and event shop during Faction Assaults ONLY)
    Pure Faction teams:  Lightborn Paladin, Void Wisp x2, Umbral Portal
    -- or Void Wisp x4
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K66
    DARK COURT, Yellow and Purple, Shadow Shot weapon
    Pure Faction: Dark Knight, Leanansidhe x3

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K56
    Fell Roost, Yellow and Purple, Fell Ward weapon
    Pure Faction: Fell Dragon, Nocturnia x2, Fell Dragon Egg - PF 500
    or use Nocturnia x4

    Fastest mana: Thrall or Leprechaun; possibly Snowy Owl

    Explode/Destroy Mana-generators: Azura, Blind Guardian, Carnex, Clockwork Sphinx, Corben Half-Elf (need gold), Czernobog, Divinia, The Dragon Soul, Emperor Liang, Exploadstool, Gorgotha, The Gray King, Harpy Mage (will also summon Duststorm), Herdmaster, Infernus, Ironhawk, Leprechaun, Obsidius, Poison Master, The Possessed King, Pyggra (might summon firestorm), Ridgeback, Sentry Bot, Shoggorath, Sledgepaw, Snowy Owl, Stringfiddler, The Worldbreaker, Thrall, Tyri

    Also: Hellclaw and Hellclaw Hunter for red and purple storm (must cast), Lyrasza for blue and purple storm, Orrery for purple and yellow storm, Tink Steamwhistle for red and yellow storm, Umbral Portal for Umbral Storm on match-4's, Court Jester for red gems, Mistralus (for enchant-all on match-4's)

    No Legendaries:

    *Mountain Crusher, Atlanta, Illithian Servitor (or Terraxis), Leprechaun

    *Mountain Crusher, Venbarak, Volthrenax, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Penglong, Hex Rat, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Flame Cannon, Dragon Spirit (or Enchantress), Leprechaun

    Quick-delve teams:

    Phylactery, Judge of the Dead, Aziris, Leprechaun (for Soul-farming whilst delving)

    Mountain Crusher, Vanya Soulmourn, Medea, Leprechaun
    --or with Ishtara/Moon Rabbit

    Axe of the North, King Mikhail, Urskula, Moon Rabbit

    Orb of Winter (or Fire and Ice), Thrall, Leanansidhe, Lyrasza

    *Arboreal Crystal, Luna, Queen Xochi, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Harpy Mage, Queen Xochi, Taloca

    Flammifer, Garuda, Queen Titania, Leprechaun

    Glaive of Many Goats, Luna, Starflower, Lapina Explorer

    Gorgotha, Pyggra, Phoenicia, Cobaltine Wand

    *Arboreal Crystal, Phoenicia, Leprechaun, Tink Steamwhistle (any class)
    --or with Black Manacles

    Arboreal Crystal, Luna, Pan, Leprechaun (or Moon Rabbit or King Silenus)

    Huanglong, The Dragon Soul, Mace of Claws (or any brown weapon), Leprechaun

    Huanglong, Venoxia, The Dragon Soul, Mace of Claws (or Mountain Crusher)

    Huanglong, The Great Wyrm, Nocturnia, Mace of Claws

    Dancing Daggers, Thrall, Infernus, Orrery

    Summer Aegis, Queen Titania, Suna, Leprechaun

    Artema, Herdmaster, Astral Mother, Eye of Orion

    Obsidius, Stringfiddler, Rope Dart, Leprechaun

    Shield of Urskaya, Thrall, Gaard's Avatar, Leprechaun

    Life & Death, Venoxia, Arachnaean Weaver, Leprechaun
    Silent Sentinel, Venoxia, Life & Death, Leprechaun

    Fist of Heaven, Quetzalma, Divine Ishbaala, Moon Rabbit

    Skull-spamming teams:

    Mountain Crusher, Leanansidhe, Fountain of Stars, Leprechaun

    Twin Claws, Hatir & Skroll, Forest Guardian, Moon Rabbit (risky team due to lycanthropy gems)

    *Wrath, Doomed Glaive, The Possessed King, Scylla (from ArtlessxArts via Boomstick Fancypants)

    Higher-level teams:

    Life and Death, Arachnaean Weaver, Malcandessa, Consort of Darkness (from sdiverjack)

    Mountain Crusher, Magnus, Scorpius, Kurandara (or Matron Velenne or Indrajit)
    --with Euryali

    Finesse, Finesse, Staff of Storms (or Nimbus Bow), Finesse

    Finesse, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Axe (or Dancing Daggers), Finesse

    Chalcedony, Stone Slicer, Cunning, Cunning

    Cunning, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Scythe (or Fiend Fire), Cunning

    Amarok, Flammifer, First Mate Axelubber, Child of Summer

    Ahries, Writhing Staff, Thrall, Obsidius

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Gimlet Stormbrew, Matron Velenne
    --or with Kurandara for curse

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Indrajit, Leprechaun

    Flammifer, High King Irongut, Thrall, Zuul'Goth

    *High King Irongut, Thrall, Fiend Fire, Lyrasza

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Thrall, Zuul'Goth

    High King Irongut, Thrall, Jar of Eyes, Zuul'Goth

    *Borealis, Thrall, Jar of Eyes, Zuul'Goth (from Boomstick Fancypants)
    --or with HKI

    *Borealis, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Wild Hunter

    Rope Dart, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    Flammifer, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun, Mistralus (from sdiverjack)

    Mountain Crusher, Rock Troll, High King Irongut, Kurandara (from sdiverjack)

    NO HERO: High King Irongut, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    Shared by viewers:

    Rope Dart, Thrall, Venoxia x2

    Divine Protector, Infernus, Ubastet, Divine Ishbaala

    The Great Maw, Thrall, Keeper of Souls, Mountain Crusher

    Tide's Lash, Thrall, Venoxia, Suna (from Bree)

    Phoenicia (from SmasherT)

    (from Lester Balboa)

    High King Irongut, Reflection of Good, Zuul'Goth, Nimue (from sdiverjack)


    Last edited by genkicoll on Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:42 pm; edited 34 times in total

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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:24 am

    The Warrens

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K41

    The Warrens, Yellow and Green, Garland Staff weapon (available in the Event shop for gems, and the Soulforge for diamonds during faction assault only)

    Luna, Luna, Bunnicorn, Luna

    Explode/Destroy mana-generators: Bogstrider, Captain Skullbeard, Deep Huntsman, Divinia, Egg Thief, Exploadstool, Flaming Oni, Fomorian, Fundingus, Gorgotha, Harpy Mage, Herdmaster, Infernus, Ironhawk, Leprechaun, Marilith, Mithrilion, Ocularen Leech, Ogress, Plague Rat, The Possessed King, Ridgeback, Sentry Bot, Snowy Owl, Stringfiddler, Trickster, The Worldbreaker

    Also: Orrery for purple/yellow storm, Court Jester and War Wolf for red

    No Legendaries:

    *SEE ROWANNE TEAM* under Higher-level Teams section

    Mountain Crusher, Penglong, Enchantress, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Terraxis, Atlanta, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Volthrenax, Dimetraxia, Leprechaun

    Black Manacles, Marilith, Sylfrostenath, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Frostfeather, Atlanta, Leprechaun

    Quick-delve teams:

    Cobaltine Wand, Yao Guai, First Mate Axelubber, King Avelorn

    Twin Claws (or Mountain Crusher), Willow, Luna, Krystenax

    Arboreal Crystal, Luna, King Mikhail, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Vanya Soulmourn, Ishtara, Leprechaun

    Borealis, Writhing Staff, The Great Wyrm, Leprechaun (or Bogstrider)

    Arboreal Crystal, Trickster, Luna, Pan

    Mountain Crusher, King Gobtruffle, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun

    Bogstrider, Fist of Heaven, Infernus, Divine Ishbaala

    Mountain Crusher, Venoxia, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun

    Life and Death, Deep Huntsman, Arachanean Weaver, King Avelorn

    Mountain Crusher, Queen Beetrix, Scourge of Honor, Leprechaun

    Life & Death (or Mountain Crusher), Queen Beetrix, Arachnaean Weaver, Leprechaun
    --or with Euryali
    --or with TINA

    Bogstrider, Arboreal Crystal, Draakulis, The Ghost Queen

    Higher-level teams:

    Tooth of the Wild, Marilith, The Empress, Emeraldrin (best with Archer or Assassin for early levels)

    Shield of Urskaya, Rowanne, Settite Warrior, Leprechaun

    Finesse, Finesse, Nimbus Bow, Finesse

    Finesse, Taloca, Nimbus Bow, Finesse

    Finesse, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Axe, Finesse

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Queen Beetrix, Kurandara*
    *Can also use The Scourge of Honor, Vash'Dagon or Matron Velenne for cursing

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Gimlet, Matron Velenne

    Bogstrider, High King Irongut, Fiend Fire, Leprechaun


    Ishtara teamfrom Muinaiset
    Quetzalma [1375,6961,6479,6167,3023,3,2,1,1,3,1,1,14003]
    Scourge [6312,6984,1354,6638,3059,3,3,1,1,1,2,1,14002]

    from Lester Balboa

    Last edited by genkicoll on Tue May 09, 2023 4:03 am; edited 9 times in total

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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:25 am

    Amanithrax, Dark Pits and The Deep Hive

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Amanit10
    Amanithrax, Brown and Green, Tome of Spores weapon
    Pure Faction: Mushroom Man, King Gobtruffle, Exploadstool, King Gobtruffle (or 4 Gobtruffles)
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Dark_p10
    Dark Pits, Brown and Green, Pit Knife weapon
    Pure Faction: Plague Rat, Hex Rat x2, Rattigar
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults The_de10
    The Deep Hive, Brown and Green, Honeydipper weapon
    Pure Faction: Scarab Knight, Beetrix x3

    Explode/Destroy Troops: Angry Mob, Behemoth, Bogstrider, Captain Skullbeard, Centuragon, Charonas, Czernobog, Clockwork Sphinx, Deep Huntsman, Dwarven Miner, Egg Thief, Exploadstool, Flaming Oni, Fomorian, Fundingus, Gorgon, Gorgotha, The Gray King, Ironhawk, Leprechaun, Marilith, Mechweaver, Mithrilion, NUTCRKR-1225, Obsidius, Ogress, Piscea (for blue and green), Plague Rat, Ragnagord, Raksha Free-Blood (need gold), Ridgeback, Sledgepaw, Stringfiddler, Trickster, Tyri, The Worldbreaker

    Also: Czernobog (for brown storm), Hellclaw Hunter for red and purple storm (must cast), Magma Dragon (for brown and red storm), Nexus Portal (for Elemental Star storm on match-4's), Tink Steamwhistle (for red and yellow storm) Turtle Cannon for green gems; Excavator and War Wolf for red gems + various trolls and empowered mana-converters

    No Legendaries:

    *SEE ROWANNE TEAM* under Higher-level Teams section

    Mountain Crusher, Ba'el, Bat Swarm, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Sabellius, Saga, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Rok'Gar the Guardian, Centuragon, Hex Rat

    Mountain Crusher, Water Elemental, Hex Rat, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Sylfrostenath, Nobend Brothers, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Hex Rat, Gargoyle, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Sky Goat, Trihorn, Leprechaun

    Rope Dart, Marilith, Ubastet, Leprechaun (from Tacet)

    Quick-delve Teams:

    Nobend Brothers, King Gobtruffle, Norbert's Turnip, Stringfiddler

    Mountain Crusher, Urskula, Ursuvius, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Centuragon, Obregonia, Magma Dragon

    Fire and Ice (or Summer's Fury), Marilith, Magma Dragon, Leprechaun

    Dancing Daggers, Deep Huntsman, King Avelorn, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, King Gobtruffle, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Venoxia, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Behemoth, Luna, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Charonas, Judge of the Dead, The Possessed King (or Leprechaun or Ghost Queen)

    Scaleguard Protector, Phoenicia, Magma Dragon, Leprechaun (any class)

    Orb of Winter, Angry Mob, Tihamata, Tink Steamwhistle

    Bogstrider, Twin Claws, Draakulis, The Ghost Queen

    Twin Claws, Draakulis, The Gray King, The Ghost Queen

    Bogstrider, Scaleguard Protector (or King-Chopper or Wall Hack), Garnetaerlin, Magma Dragon
    --or with Leprechaun instead of Bogstrider

    Mountain Crusher, Marilith, Magma Dragon, Rubirath

    Staff of Storms, The Empress, Quetzalma, Topasarth ---- Empress bad

    Sins' Harvest (or Doomed Scythe), Angry Mob, Topasarth, Anthea

    Shield of Urskaya, Marilith, Gaard's Avatar, Sir Quentin Hadley

    Shield of Urskaya, Marilith, Gaard's Avatar, Magma Dragon

    Ocea's Tome, King Gobtruffle, Mistralus, Fundingus

    Libara, Yao Guai, Cobaltine Wand, Magma Dragon

    Libara, Hex Rat, Fist of Heaven, Vash'Dagon

    Libara, Ketras the Bull, Chalice of Eyes, Magma Dragon

    Mountain Crusher, Queen Beetrix, Scourge of Honor, Leprechaun

    Jar of Eyes, The Deep King The Scourge of Honor, Leprechaun

    Life & Death, Queen Beetrix, Arachnaean Weaver, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Queen Beetrix, TINA-9000, Leprechaun
    --or with Euryali--

    Amarok, Marilith, Magma Dragon, Cobaltine Wand

    Amarok, Marilith, Sky Hero, Tink Steamwhistle

    Mountain Crusher, Uvhash-Ka, The Elder Dragon, Elemaugrim ---- FIX

    Bonus Teams:

    Tannenbaum, Writhing Staff, Leprechaun, Vernalis

    Tannenbaum, Sylvanimora, Ocea's Tome (or exploding/summoning weapon), Fundingus

    Wrath, Luna, Doomed Glaive, Possessed King

    Higher-level teams:

    Tooth of the Wild, Marilith, The Empress, Emeraldrin (best with Archer or Assassin for early levels)

    Shield of Urskaya, Rowanne, Settite Warrior, Leprechaun

    Guardian Hammer, Gargoyle x2, Ethereal Sentry (Geomancer class)

    Defiance x2, Stone Slicer, Defiance (Geomancer class)

    Defiance x2, Axe of the North or Razorclaw, Defiance (Sentinel class)

    Todd Greenwood, Persistence, Lupine's Edge (or Essence of Evil), Persistence (Spiritwalker class)

    Persistence x2, Lupine's Edge, Persistence (Spiritwalker class)

    Shield of Urskaya, Czernobog, War, Ethereal Sentry. (Maxed-out Slayer class best for enrage + fireblade, or use Elementalist for safety)

    Piscea, Ice Sapphire, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Scorpius, Euryali, Medusa
    --or with Magnus--

    Mountain Crusher, Scorpius, Consort of Darkness, Euryali

    High King Irongut, Centuragon, Fiend Fire, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Daughter of Ice, Archproxy Yvendra (from sdiverjack)

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Beetrix, Vash'Dagon
    --or with Matron Velenne--

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Angry Mob, Matron Velenne

    The Great Maw, Centuragon, Essence of Evil, Magma Dragon
    --or with High King Irongut

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Venoxia, The Scourge of Honor
    -- Level 500 delve at Silver Necropolis using this team (no potions):

    Bogstrider, Arboreal Crystal, Empress, The Scourge of Honor (from Muinaiset)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Fri Apr 14, 2023 8:36 pm; edited 46 times in total

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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:26 am

    The Black Heart, City of Thieves, Illithia

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults The_bl10

    The Black Heart, Blue and Purple, Blackheart's Horn weapon
    Pure Faction: Bile Blackheart x4 -
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Illith10
    Illithia, Blue and Purple, Forbidden Tome
    Pure Faction: Illithian Colossus, Hive Mind, Illithian Servitor x2
    PF 500, no potions:
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults City_o10
    City of Thieves, Blue and Purple, Night Dagger weapon
    Pure Faction King of Thieves, Street Thief, King of Thieves, Tomb Robber

    Explode/Destroy Mana-generators: Azura, Behemoth, Bile Blackheart, Blind Guardian, Captain Skullbeard, Carnex, Charonas, Clockwork Sphinx, Corben Half-Elf, The Dragon Soul, Emperor Liang, The Gray King, Haunted Guardian, Herdmaster, Infernus, Ironhawk, Leprechaun, Mithrilion, NUTCRKR 1225, Obsidius, Piscea (for blue and green), Poison Master, Raksha Free-Blood (need gold), Shoggorath, Stringfiddler, Thrall, Trickster, Tyri, Werebear

    Also: Hellclaw Hunter for purple/red storm (must cast); Lyrasza for purple and blue storm; Nexus Portal (Elemental Star storm on match-4's); Orrery for Starstorm (Yellow and Purple); Umbral Portal (Umbal Star storm on match-4's); Turtle Cannon for green gems; Court Jester, Excavator and War Wolf for red gems; Rover-300 and Clockwork Knight for yellow gems

    *NOTE: Both Tesla and Rowanne teams can be used in this faction

    No Legendaries:

    Mountain Crusher, Rowanne x2 (or with a Royal Engineer), Leprechaun (class w/Nature's Aura)

    Mountain Crusher, Rowanne, Leprechaun, Maraji Queen (class with Nature's Aura)

    Mountain Crusher, Atlanta, Venbarak, Leprechaun

    Gate of Souls, Soul Blade, Charonas, Leprechaun (slow, but extra souls for this team)

    Mountain Crusher, Sylfrostenath, Volthrenax, Leprechaun

    *Mountain Crusher, Water Elemental, Illithian Servitor, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Saga, Hex Rat, Leprechaun

    Quick-delve Teams:

    Soul Blade, Judge of the Dead, Charonas, Leprechaun

    *Mountain Crusher, Starflower, Venbarak, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, King Gobtruffle, Maraji Queen, Leprechaun

    Twin Claws (or Staff of Storms), Magnus, Lyrasza, Leprechaun

    Arcturion, Ankhnum, Arboreal Crystal, Leprechaun

    Huanglong, Venoxia, The Dragon Soul, Mace of Claws (or Mountain Crusher)

    Huanglong, Sylfrostenath, Fist of Heaven, Essencia

    Fist of Heaven, Quetzalma, Divine Ishbaala, Moon Rabbit

    Mountain Crusher, Vanya Soulmourn, Medea, Leprechaun
    --or with Ishtara

    Dancing Daggers, Thrall, Infernus, Orrery

    Treachery, Poison Master, Mambasira, Fist of Heaven

    Obsidius, Stringfiddler, Rope Dart, Leprechaun

    Rope Dart, Night Spider, Mother of Darkness, Captain Macaw

    *Arcturion, Rope Dart, Mistralus, Maraji Queen

    Reflection of Good, Crimson Bat, Draakulis, Charonas

    Draakulis, Venoxia, Gobsticker, Leprechaun
    --or with Thrall

    Draakulis, Scarab Blade, Leprechaun, The Gemini

    The Gemini, Gobsticker, Arachnaean Weaver (or Venoxia), Leprechaun

    Thunderbird, Crimson Bat, Lyrasza, Leprechaun
    -- with Queen Beetrix
    -- with Astral Mother

    Mountain Crusher, Thrall, Venoxia, Lyrasza (for blue and purple Storm)

    Mountain Crusher, Venoxia, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun

    *Life and Death, Queen Beetrix, Arachnaean Weaver, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Queen Bee (or Venoxia), Arachnaean Weaver, Mother of Darkness (from cactrot83)

    Higher-level Delve Teams:

    Essence of Evil, Thrall, Despond, Oneiros (or Glitterclaw) (can use class with Fireblade when using Oneiros)

    Shield of Urskaya, Tesla x2, Thrall (or Leprechaun)

    Shield of Urskaya, Rowanne, Maraji Queen, Leprechaun
    --or with Royal Engineer

    Piscea, Ice Sapphire, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun

    Cunning, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Scythe (or Fiend Fire), Cunning

    Orb of Winter, Shahbanu Vespera, Winter Imp, The Emperor (or 2nd Winter Imp)
    --or with Anu's Scepter

    Anu's Scepter, Shahbanu Vespera, Treachery x2

    Mountain Crusher, Magnus, Scorpius, Kurandara
    -- with Matron Velenne

    Mountain Crusher, Scorpius, Euryali, Kurandara

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Queen Beetrix, Vash'Dagon

    High King Irongut, Reflection of Good, Queen Beetrix, Matron Velenne

    *High King Irongut, Thrall, Fiend Fire, Lyrasza (500 Deathless at Illithia: and at The Black Heart: )

    High King Irongut, Reflection of Good (or EoE), Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    *Borealis, Thrall, Jar of Eyes, Zuul'Goth (from Boomstick Fancypants)

    *Rope Dart, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    Flammifer, High King Irongut, Thrall, Zuul'Goth (class with Fireblade fastest)

    NO HERO: High King Irongut, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    *Genki's Faves

    From viewers:

    "This team seemed to do rather well, but it began to feel a bit like cheating..."
    Bile Blackheart, Reflection of Good, Enraged Kurandara, Zuul’Goth (from Markus Chan)

    Dragon's Eye, Venoxia, Glitterclaw, Leprechaun (from Lester Balboa)

    Draakulis, Thrall, Venoxia, Leprechaun (from SmasherT)

    Dragon's Eye, Euryali, Leprechaun, Divine Ishbaala (from Boomstick Fancypants)

    Ocea's Tome, Leprechaun, Pharos-Ra, Zuul'Goth (from Supernova)

    Draakulis, Thrall, Arboreal Crystal, Leprechaun

    Bile Blackheart, Reflection of Good, Leprechaun, Captain Macaw

    High King Irongut, Thrall, Chalice of Eyes, Kurandara

    High King Irongut, Reflection of Good, Zuul'Goth, Nimue (from sdiverjack)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:30 pm; edited 43 times in total

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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:27 am

    Tinkertown and Wyrmrun

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K58
    Tinkertown, Red and Yellow, Tinker's Buzzblade weapon
    Pure Faction: Smash-o-bot x2, Tink Steamwhistle x2
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K67
    Wyrmrun, Yellow and Red, Dragon's Talon weapon

    Explode/Destroy troops: Angry Mob, Bile Blackheart, Carnex, Corben Half-Elf (need gold), Divinia, The Dragon Soul, Egg Thief, Emperor Liang, Exploadstool, Flaming Oni, Fundingus, Gorgotha, Harpy Mage (will start duststorm), Herdmaster, Infernus, Ironhawk, Marilith, Mechweaver, Mithrilion, Obsidius, Ocularen Leech, Piscea (for blue and green), Plague Rat, Pyggra (might start firestorm), Ragnagord, Ridgeback, Sentry Bot, Sledgepaw, Snowy Owl, The Sparkinator, Spectral Colossus, The Worldbreaker

    Also: Hellclaw Warrior (purple/red storm - must cast), High Priestess Ch'azka (yellow storm), Magma Dragon for red/brown storm, Orrery for purple/yellow storm, Tink Steamwhistle for red/yellow storm, Umbral Portal (umbral star storm on match-4's), Court Jester for red gems, Rover-300 for yellow gems, assorted trolls and empowered mana-converters

    FASTEST team for 20-500 (with potions):
    Shield of Urskaya, Marilith, Tesla x2

    No Legendaries:

    Mountain Crusher, Terraxis, Atlanta, Marilith

    Mountain Crusher, Penglong, Enchantress, Exploadstool

    Mountain Crusher, Volthrenax, Flame Cannon, Exploadstool

    Black Manacles, Herdmaster, Marilith, Nobend Brothers

    Quick-delve teams:

    Mountain Crusher, Vanya Soulmourn, Medea, Marilith

    Mountain Crusher, Harpy Mage, Queen Xochi, Taloca

    Fire and Ice, Harpy Mage, Queen Xochi, High Priestess Ch'azka

    Stoneflight, Divinia, Luna, High Priestess Ch'azka

    Gorgotha, High Priestess Ch'azka, Gobsticker, Ishtara

    Huanglong, The Dragon Soul, Tinseltail, Mace of Claws (or Mountain Crusher)

    Scaleguard Protector, Phoenicia, Magma Dragon, Emperor Liang

    Mountain Crusher, Snowy Owl, Garuda x2 (from Isabel)

    Reflection of Good, Marilith, Mother of Darkness, The Gemini

    Scaleguard Protector, King Oberron, Queen Titania, Faerie Gobmother (from Sylverscale)

    Gorgotha, Life and Death, Arachnaean Weaver, Crimson Bat

    Artema, Herdmaster, Astral Mother, Wild Cleaver

    Glaive of Many Goats, Luna, Pan, Starflower
    --or with Lapina Explorer

    Fist of Heaven, Lamashtu, Elemaugrim, Orrery

    The Maraji Queen, Mistralus (any Elemental troop), Exploadstool, Arboreal Crystal

    Shield of Urskaya, Marilith, Gaard's Avatar, Sapphire Knight

    Anu's Scepter, Marilith, The Scourge of Honor, Nyar'Mel

    Ahries, Bile Blackheart, Cobaltine Wand, Obsidius

    Obsidius, The Maraji Queen, Fist of Heaven, Infernus (from Boomstick Fancypants)

    Mountain Crusher, Harpy Mage, TINA, Tesla
    [1056,6754,6699,6320,3037,2,3,1,2,3,3,3,14016] (Switch to Shield of Urskaya higher levels)

    Draakulis, Scarab Blade, Crimson Bat, Flesh Golem
    --or with Euryali

    Higher-level teams:

    Guardian Hammer, Gargoyle x2, Ethereal Sentry

    Ferocity, Ferocity, Ragereaver, Ferocity
    -- with Ketras and Horncleaver

    Shield of Urskaya, Tesla x2, Holy St. Astra (or Marilith version at top of this list)

    Finesse, Finesse, Nimbus Bow (or Staff of Storms), Finesse

    Finesse, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Axe, Finesse

    Amarok, Marilith, Magma Dragon, Cobaltine Wand

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Gimlet, Indrajit (for cursing)

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Harpy Mage, Fundingus

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Marilith, Zuul'Goth

    Essence of Evil, High King Irongut, Harpy Mage, Zuul'Goth

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Marilith, Zuul'Goth

    High King Irongut, Centuragon, Doomed Glaive (green weapon), Zuul'Goth

    Borealis, Centuragon, Essence of Evil, Zuul'Goth (safest team for Wyrmrun 500 Deathless: )

    Last edited by genkicoll on Mon Jun 20, 2022 3:55 pm; edited 23 times in total

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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:45 am

    All-Seeing Eye and Dripping Caverns

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K36
    All-Seeing Eye, Blue and Green, Jar of Eyes Weapon
    Pure Faction: Ocularen Leech, Ocularen, Xerodar, Watch Mother

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K63
    Dripping Caverns, Blue and Green, Jelly Shot weapon
    Pure Faction: Rock Squid, Shoggorath, Shoggorath, Ochre Jelly (?)

    **Rowanne; Tesla teams will be fastest**

    Fastest team for 20-500:
    Shield of Urskaya, Marilith, Tesla x2

    Explode/Destroy troops: Behemoth, Bile Blackheart, Bogstrider, Captain Skullbeard, Charonas, Deep Huntsman, Egg Thief, Exploadstool, Flaming Oni, Fomorian, Fundingus, Ironhawk, Leprechaun, Marilith, Mithrillion, NUTCRKR-1225, Ocularen Leech, Ogress, Plague Rat, Poison Master, The Possessed King, Raksha Free-Blood (need gold), Ridgeback, Shoggorath, Stringfiddler, Trickster, The Worldbreaker

    Also: Lyrasza (for purple-blue storm), Orrery (for purple-yellow storm), Rover-300 for yellow gems, Turtle Cannon for green gems, empowered mana-converters

    No legendaries:

    Mountain Crusher, Rowanne x2 (or add in Settite Warrior), Leprechaun

    Black Manacles, Marilith, Saga, Exploadstool

    Mountain Crusher, Illithian Servitor, Volthrenax, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Sylfrostenath, Venbarak, Leprechaun

    Black Manacles, Water Elemental, Marilith, Leprechaun

    Quick-delve teams:

    Dancing Daggers, Deep Huntsman, King Avelorn, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Queen Beetrix, Luna, Leprechaun

    Ogress, Tihamata, The Wild Orb, Leprechaun

    Ocea's Tome, King Gobtruffle, Mistralus, Fundingus

    Arcturion, Rope Dart, Mistralus, Maraji Queen

    Wild Cleaver, Phoenicia, The Maraji Queen, Leprechaun

    Huanglong, Venoxia, Tinseltail, Mace of Claws (or Mountain Crusher)

    Willow, Pan, Twin Claws, Forest Guardian

    Gobsticker, Crimson Bat, The Deep King, Leprechaun

    Flammifer, King Oberron, Suna, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Queen Beetrix, Scourge of Honor, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Venoxia, Queen Beetrix, The Scourge of Honor

    Life and Death, Queen Beetrix, Arachnaean Weaver, Leprechaun

    Reflection of Good, Crimson Bat, Draakulis, The Ghost Queen

    Life and Death, Tesla x2, Holy St. Astra
    [1252,6320,6320,6632,3069,3,2,1,1,3,0,0,14021] with Plaguelord or Warpriest

    Bogstrider, Aquaticus, Celestial Flask, Maraji Queen

    Draakulis, Scarab Blade, Crimson Bat, The Flesh Horror

    Draakulis, Queen Beetrix, Venoxia, Scarab Blade

    Bonus Teams:

    Rope Dart, Night Spider, Mother of Darkness (or Consort of Darkness), Captain Macaw

    Piscea, Venoxia, Gobsticker, Leprechaun

    Flammifer, Yao Guai, First Mate Axelubber, Megavore

    Tannenbaum, Birchthorn, Facestick (or Mountain Crusher), Leprechaun

    Tannenbaum, Sylvanimora, Ocea's Tome (or exploding/summoning weapon), Fundingus

    Tannenbaum, Writhing Staff, Marilith, Vernalis

    Higher-level delving:

    Tooth of the Wild, Marilith, The Empress, Emeraldrin (best with Archer or Assassin for early levels)

    Shield of Urskaya, Tesla x2, Holy St. Astra
    --Faster with Marilith

    Piscea, Ice Sapphire, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun

    Persistence x2, Lupine's Edge, Persistence

    Orb of Winter, Shahbanu Vespera, Winter Imp x2 (or The Emperor, if you don't have two Imps)

    Treachery, Shahbanu Vespera, Orb of Winter, Treachery

    Shield of Urskaya, Rowanne, The Maraji Queen (for 1/2 mana start on Rowanne), Leprechaun

    Shield of Urskaya, Rowanne, Settite Warrior, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Venoxia, The Scourge of Honor

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Queen Beetrix, Vash'Dagon

    High King Irongut, Doomed Hammer, Flaming Oni, Cedric Sparkleshack (from sdiverjack)

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Zuul'Goth (or Matron Velenne), Lyrasza

    Rope Dart, Deep Huntsman, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    Borealis, Essence of Evil, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun

    Rope Dart, Marilith, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun (class with Fireblade fastest)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Wed Mar 22, 2023 1:41 pm; edited 22 times in total

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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Thu Oct 14, 2021 1:05 am

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K39
    Sea of Sorrow, Blue and Brown, Writhing Staff
    Note to self: NEED TO RE-DO VIDEO with PF team and actually *showing* the forum info

    There can be a high percentage of submerged troops at this site, but there are a few ways to get around this and still have a fast team:

    1. Use a class with the Banishment* trait, such as Runepriest, Sentinel or Warden (level 70 to unlock)
    *Dispel all enemies on 4+ matches (removes all of their positive status effects)

    2. Take along a troop that curses enemies.  This removes positive status effects from a troop

    3. Use a weapon/troops that do damage to multiple enemies, but not the whole team.  Examples: Crypt Keeper weapon (damage to an enemy and all troops below them), any weapon / troop that does splash damage such as Three Sisters / The Deep King.

    Explode/Destroy Mana-generators: Anglerfin (for yellow gems), Angry Mob, Azura, Behemoth, Bile Blackheart, Captain Skullbeard, Captain Skullbeard, Centuragon, Charonas, Clockwork Sphinx, Corben Half-Elf (need gold), Czernobog (dust storm every turn), Deep Huntsman, Dwarven Miner, Flaming Oni, Gorgotha, The Gray King, Ironhawk, Mithrillion, NUTCRKR 1225, Obsidius, Ogress, Piscea (for blue and green gems), Poison Master, Ragnagord, Raksha Free-Blood (need gold), Sledgepaw

    Also: Czernobog for brown storm, Lyrasza for blue and purple storm, Magma Dragon for red/brown storm, Nexus Portal (elemental star storm on match-4's), Orrery for purple and yellow storm, Tink Steamwhistle for red and yellow storm, Rover-300 for yellow gems, Turtle Cannon for green gems, War Wolf for red gems, empowered mana-converters

    NOTE: Both Rowanne and Tesla can be used at this site, but be sure to beware submerged enemies!

    No Legendaries:

    Chalcedony, Black Manacles, Craghound x2
    -- or with two Gargoyles

    Dwarven Miner, Black Manacles, Sylfrostenath, Angry Mob

    Mountain Crusher, Rok'Gar the Guardian, Centuragon, Hex Rat (or Venbarak)

    Mountain Crusher, Volthrenax, Nobend Brothers, Venbarak

    Mountain Crusher, Rowanne, Settite Warrior, Poison Master

    Mountain Crusher, Water Elemental, Illithian Servitor, Captain Skullbeard

    Black Manacles, Charonas, Saga, Venbarak

    Quick-delve Teams:

    Mountain Crusher, King Gobtruffle, Poison Master, Maraji Queen

    Mountain Crusher, King Gobtruffle, Queen Beetrix, Angry Mob

    Three Sisters (or any -brown weapon that does damage to all enemies), Charonas, Judge of the Dead, Lyrasza

    Arboreal Crystal, Ankhnum, Angry Mob, Frostfeather

    Mountain Crusher, Queen Beetrix, King Gobtruffle, Anhknum with Titan (or Sentinel)
    --NOTE:  If you're using Sentinel with the Banishment trait, you can substitute Malcandessa or Moonsinger

    Forest Troll, King Gobtruffle, Queen Beetrix, Arboreal Crystal

    Ocea's Tome, Queen Beetrix, Gobtruffle, Captain Macaw (from Strontium Wolf​Good)

    Willow, Queen Beetrix, Pan, Twin Claws

    Fist of Heaven, Queen Beetrix, Euryali, Scorpius

    Mountain Crusher, Apothecary, Mistralus, Maraji Queen (for 50% mana start on Mistralus)

    Orb of Winter, Czernobog, Tourmaline, Ironhawk

    Jar of Eyes, Crimson Bat, The Deep King, Poison Master

    Crypt Keeper, Queen Beetrix, Tesla, The Scourge of Honor (from Emre Furkan Özkök​)

    Arcturion, Rope Dart, Mistralus, Maraji Queen

    Shield of Urskaya, Centuragon, Gaard's Avatar, Magma Dragon
    --or with NUTCRKR-1225

    Ahries, Deep Huntsman, Writhing Staff, Obsidius

    Horncleaver, Sunweaver, King Minos, Ketras the Bull

    Arboreal Crystal, Queen Beetrix, Sycorax, The Scourge of Honor

    Borealis, Mystic Manuscript, Elemaugrim, Lyrasza

    Shield of Urskaya, Marilith, Gaard's Avatar, Settite Warrior

    Mountain Crusher, Emperor Khorvash, The Scourge of Honor, Poison Master

    Sycorax, Queen Beetrix, Arboreal Crystal (or Jar of Eyes), Maraji Queen

    Draakulis, Charonas, Amethyst Band, The Ghost Queen

    TINA-9000, Queen Beetrix, Arboreal Crystal, Ironhawk (or NUTCRKR-1225)

    Higher-level Delve Teams:

    Defiance, Chalcedony, Defiance, Stone Slicer

    Shield of Urskaya, Tesla x2, Settite Warrior (no mana-gen)

    Shield of Urskaya, Azura, Tesla, Lyrasza

    Guardian Hammer, Gargoyle x2, Etheral Sentry
    --or for higher levels, use Shield of Urskaya

    Shield of Urskaya, Bile Blackheart, Rowanne, Settite Warrior (can replace Bile with Poison Master, Gorgotha, Ragnagord, or throw TPK at the back of the team)

    Shield of Urskaya, Angry Mob, Gaard's Avatar, Magma Dragon

    Piscea, Ice Sapphire, Beetrix x2

    Treachery, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Blade, Treachery

    Orb of Winter, Shahbanu Vespera, Winter Imp, The Emperor

    Anu's Scepter, Shahbanu Vespera, Vidarr the Vast, Winter Imp

    Amarok, Cobaltine Wand, Magma Dragon, The Maraji Queen

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Queen Beetrix, Vash'Dagon

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Centuragon, Zuul'Goth

    Mountain Crusher, Sycorax, High King Irongut, Archproxy Yvendra (from sdiverjack)

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Zuul'Goth, Orrery

    Doomed Glaive, Centuragon, Zuul'Goth, Lava Troll

    High King Irongut, Angry Mob, Essence of Evil, Zuul'Goth

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Zuul'Goth, Daughter of Ice (from sdiverjack)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:41 pm; edited 18 times in total

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    Age : 51
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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Thu Oct 14, 2021 1:07 am

    Emperinazar, Hall of Guardians and Stonesong Eyrie

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K60
    Emperinazar, Yellow and Brown, Emperina's Tooth Weapon
    Pure Faction: Kobold Knight, Kobold, Kobold Magi, Emperinazara (from sdiverjack)

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K33
    Hall of Guardians, Yellow and Brown, Guardian Crown weapon
    Pure Faction: Guardian Pillar, Gargoyle, Ethereal Sentry, Arcane Golem (UPDATED October 18, 2022)

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K46
    Stonesong Eyrie, Brown and Yellow, Stoneflight weapon
    Pure Faction: Harpy Mage, Bladewing, Queen Xochi x2 (or use Xochi x3)


    Explode/Destroy troops:  Angry Mob, Behemoth, Centuragon, Charonas, Clockwork Sphinx, Corben Half-Elf (need gold), Czernobog, Deep Huntsman, Divinia, Dwarven Miner, Emperor Liang, Exploadstool, Flaming Oni, Fomorian, Goblin Bomber, Gorgotha, The Gray King, Harpy Mage, Herdmaster, Infernus, Ironhawk, NUTCRKR 1225, Ogress, Obsidius, Piscea (for blue and green), Pyggra, Ragnagord, Raksha Free-Blood (need gold), Ridgeback, Sentry Bot, Sledgepaw, Snowy Owl, The Worldbreaker

    Other mana-generators: Axolotl (green and blue), Clockwork Knight (yellow), Court Jester (red gems), Excavator (red gems), High Priestess Ch'azka (yellow storm), Magma Dragon (red and brown storm), Hellclaw Warrior (red and purple storm - have to cast), Nexus Portal (elemental star storm), Orrery (yellow and purple storm), Sycorax, Tink Steamwhistle (red and yellow storm), Turtle Cannon (green gems), Umbral Portal (umbral star storm on match-4's), assorted trolls and empowered mana-converters

    No legendaries:

    No-legendaries team for S.Eyrie

    Chalcedony, Black Manacles, Craghound x2
    -- or with two Gargoyles

    Black Manacles, Chalcedony x2, Water Elemental (or Defiance/Gargoyle/Craghound)

    Twin Claws (or Mountain Crusher), Stone-Shaker, Netherhound, Midge Swarm

    Mountain Crusher, Atlanta, Nobend Brothers, Volthrenax

    Mountain Crusher, Penglong, Enchantress, Exploadstool

    Mountain Crusher, Water Elemental, Angry Mob, Flame Cannon

    Mountain Crusher, Hex Rat, Exploadstool, Dimetraxia

    Ogress, Black Manacles, Terraxis, Charonas

    Mountain Crusher, Rok'Gar the Guardian, Centuragon, Hex Rat

    Quick-delve teams:

    Black Manacles, Herdmaster, Luna, Orrery

    Chief Dargon, Gargoyle x2, Essence of Evil (a little slower due to splash damage)

    Gorgotha, Deep Magus, Ankhnum, Fist of Heaven (or any green weapon that explodes)

    Arboreal Crystal, Willow, Water Elemental, Exploadstool

    The Molten Dipper, Angry Mob, Obsidiaxis, Magma Dragon

    Mountain Crusher, Judge of the Dead, Charonas, Pharaoh Nefertani (or Dullahan for Necromancy trait)

    Grasping Grimoire (or any exploding weapon), Queen Xochi, Luna, Leanansidhe

    Arboreal Crystal (or Reflection of Good), Queen Xochi, Starflower, Orrery

    Fire and Ice, Harpy Mage, Queen Xochi, High Priestess Ch'azka

    Stoneflight, Divinia, Luna, High Priestess Ch'azka

    Gorgotha, High Priestess Ch'azka, Gobsticker, Ishtara

    Dancing Daggers, Czernobog, Willow, Megavore

    Ahries, Deep Huntsman, Writhing Staff, Obsidius

    Leonis Tower, Arboreal Crystal, Dullahan, Tauraeus

    Borealis, TINA-9000, Obsidian Libram, Tink Steamwhistle
    Shield of Urskaya, Settite Warrior, Tauraeus, Emperor Liang

    Artema, Fire and Ice (or Reflection of Good), Herdmaster, Astral Mother

    Huanglong, The Great Wyrm (or Divinia), Nocturnia, Mace of Claws

    Ursuvius, Wrath, Sylvanimora, Arboreal Crystal

    Mountain Crusher, Vanya Soulmourn, Ishtara, Exploadstool

    Ursuvius, King Mikhail, Phoenicia, Arboreal Crystal

    Scaleguard Protector, Pyggra, Phoenicia, Magma Dragon (any class)

    Mountain Crusher, Harpy Mage, Queen Xochi, Taloca

    Volcanic Golem, Cobaltine Wand, Infernus, Magma Dragon

    Mountain Crusher, The Deep King, TINA (or Scourge of Honor), Harpy Mage (or Divinia or Pyggra)

    Glaive of Many Goats, Luna, Pan, Starflower
    Glaive of Many Goats, Luna, Starflower, Lapina Explorer

    Life and Death, Harpy Mage, Arachnaean Weaver, Mother of Darkness

    Defiance, Defiance, Axe of the North, Urskula (for enrage)

    Guardian Hammer (or Mountain Crusher), Gargoyle x2, Etheral Sentry

    Piscea, Luna, Cobaltine Wand (or Jar of Eyes), Magma Dragon

    Mountain Crusher, BORK-3000, Gaard's Avatar, Magma Dragon

    Essence of Evil, Gaard's Avatar, Herdmaster, Sir Quentin Hadley (switch to Elementalist or Titan with Shield of Urskaya for higher levels)

    Bonus teams:

    Borealis, Clockwork Sphinx (or Herdmaster), The Wild King, Ice Sapphire

    Chalcedony, Doomed Glaive, Czernobog, Ironhawk

    Higher-level teams:

    The Sparkinator, Ethereal Sentry, Essence of Evil, Clockwork Sphinx

    Amarok, Flammifer, Child of Summer, Divine Ishbaala

    Defiance, Chalcedony, Defiance, Stone Slicer

    Defiance x2, Axe of the North (or any exploding weapon with storm), Defiance

    Finesse, Finesse, Staff of Storms (or Nimbus Bow), Finesse

    Finesse, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Axe (solid yellow weapon), Finesse

    Shield of Urskaya, Czernobog, War, Ethereal Sentry. (Maxed-out Slayer class best for enrage + fireblade, or use Elementalist for safety)

    Essence of Evil, Magnus, Scorpius, Divinia (any non-mana-blocked troop that explodes)

    Mang, Scorpius, Magnus, Euryali (from sdiverjack)

    Mountain Crusher, Scorpius, Euryali, Obsidius (for stun, or use Vash'Dagon/The Scourge of Honor for curse)

    Essence of Evil, Magnus, Scorpius, The Archduke

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Gimlet, Scourge of Honor

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Harpy Mage (or Centuragon), Vash'Dagon (or Scourge of Honor or Medusa)

    Chief Dargon (if you need to boost HKI's attack), High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, The Scourge of Honor

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Ethereal Sentry, Gimlet Stormbrew (from sdiverjack)

    High King Irongut, Angry Mob, Essence of Evil, Magma Dragon (from Lester) -- Class with Root Trap or Elementalist best

    Teams shared by viewers:

    Deep Huntsman, Book of Brambles, Arachnaean Weaver, Archproxy Yvendra (from sdiverjack)

    Harpy Mage, Infernus, Celestial Flask, Divine Ishbala

    Reflection of Good, Angry Mob, TINA, The Archdeva

    Turtle Cannon, The Scourge of Honor, Sharpfang, Forest Guardian

    Fist of Heaven, Court Jester, Mother of Darkness, Holy St. Astra

    Finesse, Angry Mob, Phoenicia, Arboreal Crystal

    Rope Dart, Divine Ishbaala, Luna, Voice of Orpheus

    Merovax, Aquaticus, Cobaltine Wand, Megavore

    Sin's Harvest, Sir Quentin Hadley, Harpy Mage, Orrery

    High King Irongut, Angry Mob, Ctharrasque, Harpy Mage (from Tacet)

    [1354,7228,6650,7393,3067,2,2,1,3,1,3,1,14034] frm insanew
    How to Use Team Codes:

    Last edited by genkicoll on Sun Jul 30, 2023 3:34 pm; edited 40 times in total

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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Thu Oct 14, 2021 1:11 am

    Eldrazhor and Primal Rift

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K59

    Eldrazhor, Green and Purple, Eldrazi Wand weapon

    Pure Faction: Deep Huntsman, Deep Elven Rogue, Matron Velenne
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K40

    Primal Rift, Green and Purple, Riftblade weapon

    Pure Faction: Green Golem, Redthorn (or Dark Dryad), Alderfather x2
    [6653,6654,6655,6655,3043,2,2,3,2,1,2,1,14034] PF 500:
    Redthorn, Alderfather, Dark Dryad, Alderfather (from sdiverjack)
    Explode/Destroy Mana-Generators: Azura, Bogstrider, Captain Skullbeard, Carnex, Clockwork Sphinx, Deep Huntsman, The Dragon Soul, Egg Thief, Emperor Liang, Exploadstool, Flaming Oni, Fomorian, Fundingus, The Gray King, Herdmaster, Infernus, Leprechaun, Marilith, Mithrilion, Obsidius, Ogress, Plague Rat, Poison Master, Ridgeback, Stringfiddler, Thrall, Trickster, Tyri, The Worldbreaker

    Also: Lyrasza for blue/purple storm, Hellclaw Hunter for purple/red storm (must cast), Court Jester and War Wolf for red gems, empowered mana-converters

    No Legendaries:

    Mountain Crusher, Rowanne, Settite Warrior (or 2nd Rowanne), Leprechaun (see team for higher levels below)

    Mountain Crusher, Atlanta, Illithian Servitor, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Venbarak, Enchantress, Leprechaun

    Dancing Daggers, Marilith, Saga, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Hex Rat (or Venbarak), Sylfrostenath, Leprechaun

    Quick-delve Teams:

    Dancing Daggers, Deep Huntsman, King Avelorn, Leprechaun

    Baphomet, Nocturnia, Writhing Staff, Leprechaun (with Sorcerer or Archmagus)

    The Flesh Horror, Vanya Soulmourn, Scarab Blade, Leprechaun (or Captain Skullbeard)

    Twin Claws (or Mountain Crusher), Willow, Luna, Krystenax

    Minos' Cleaver, Lord Belanor, King Avelorn, Malcandessa

    Luna, Leanansidhe, Medea, Grasping Grimoire

    Ogress, Tihamata, Fire and Ice*, Leprechaun (*or switch Tihamata to the 3rd position and use Summer's Fury)

    Carnex, Frostfeather, Dragon's Eye (or Mountain Crusher/any brown weapon), Skadi

    Cobaltine Wand, Phoenicia, Indrajit (or Infernus), Leprechaun

    Elemental Bow (or Twin Claws), King Gobtruffle, Willow, Leprechaun
    or with Arboreal Crystal:

    Orb of Winter, Thrall, Tauraeus, Leprechaun

    Cobaltine Wand, Yao Guai, Emperor Liang, Moon Rabbit

    Huanglong, Yao Guai, Cobaltine Wand, Moon Rabbit

    Huanglong, Thrall, Cobaltine Wand, Lyrasza

    Fist of Heaven, Quetzalma, Divine Ishbaala, Moon Rabbit

    Mountain Crusher, Vanya Soulmourn, Ishtara, Leprechaun (or Moon Rabbit)

    Baphomet, Cobaltine Wand, Infernus, Elemaugrim

    Thrall, Elmaugrim, Infernus, Wild Cleaver

    Cobaltine Wand, Yao Guai, First Mate Axelubber, King Avelorn

    Yasmine's Pride, Yao Guai, Queen Titania, Poison Master

    Mountain Crusher, Rowanne, Starflower, Leprechaun with Hierophant (or Frostmage)

    Summer Aegis, Queen Titania, King Oberron, Leprechaun (from Avenged Against)

    Bogstrider, Phylactery, Judge of the Dead, Pharos Ra (or any troop with Necromancy)

    Glaive of Many Goats, Luna, Pan, Starflower

    Bogstrider, The Scourge of Honor, Arboreal Crystal, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Queen Beetrix, Luna, Leprechaun

    Eye of Odin, Venoxia, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun

    Guardian Crown, Marilith, Queen Beetrix, Venoxia

    TINA, Queen Beetrix, Amethyst Band (or Twin Claws), Leprechaun

    Fist of Heaven, Queen Beetrix (or Venoxia), Euryali, Leprechaun

    Life & Death, Venoxia, Arachnaean Weaver, Leprechaun
    -- or with Beetrix

    Mountain Crusher, Draakulis, The Ghost Queen, Leprechaun (from SmasherT)

    Draakulis, Thrall, Flammifer, Oneiros (from Crisp-Purpose)

    Skull-based teams:

    Twin Claws, Hatir & Skroll, Forest Guardian, Moon Rabbit

    Divine Protector, Divine Ishbaala, Archproxy Yvendra, Ishtara (inspired by Drock)

    Glaycion, Shoggorath, Doomed Crossbow, Leprechaun

    Bogstrider, Doomed Axe, Nimue, Sekhma (modified Sdofigew team)

    The Lord of Slaughter, Archproxy Yvendra, Essence of Evil, Leprechaun (from sdiverjack)

    Higher-level teams:

    Tooth of the Wild, Marilith, The Empress, Emeraldrin (best with Archer or Assassin for early levels)

    Life and Death, Arachnaean Weaver, Malcandessa, Consort of Darkness (from sdiverjack)

    Shield of Urskaya, Rowanne, Settite Warrior, Leprechaun

    Reflection of Good, Shahbanu Vespera, Spooky Imp, Lyrasza

    Cunning, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Scythe (or Fiend Fire), Cunning

    Mountain Crusher, Magnus, Scorpius, Kurandara
    Mountain Crusher, Magnus, Scorpius, Matron Velenne

    Mountain Crusher, Scorpius, Euryali, Matron Velenne

    Essence of Evil (or Rope Dart), Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    Bogstrider, Thrall, Earth's Fury, Zuul'Goth

    Flammifer, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun (use class with Fireblade for triple skull damage, or Elementalist for safety)

    Shared by Viewers:

    from Lester [1388,6070,6426,6638,3074,3,1,1,1,1,3,1,14004]

    Utilize Hex Rat w/Curse

    Phoenicia-Oneiros [1052,6649,7111,6638,3054,3,3,2,1,1,1,0,14024]

    Last edited by genkicoll on Thu Apr 20, 2023 6:48 am; edited 30 times in total

    Posts : 8430
    Join date : 2011-12-28
    Age : 51
    Location : Pacific Northwest

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Thu Oct 14, 2021 1:13 am

    Fang Moor and Sunken Fleet

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K45
    Sunken Fleet, Blue and Red, Last Harbor weapon
    Need to re-do video to include info on Submerge, splash damage and using Captain Macaw
    Pure Faction:
    The Maraji Queen, Water Elemental x2, Drowned Sailor

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K42
    Fang Moor, Red and Blue, Bloodthirsty Axe faction weapon
    Pure Faction:
    Chief Dargon x2, Horned Asp, Shaman of Set


    FASTEST team for 20-500 (with potions):
    Shield of Urskaya, Marilith, Tesla x2

    Explode/Destroy Troops: Ahries, Angry Mob, Azura, Behemoth, Bile Blackheart, Captain Skullbeard, Carnex, Charonas, Corben Half-Elf (need gold) Divinia, The Dragon Soul, Egg Thief, Flaming Oni, Fundingus, The Gray King, Harpy Mage, Infernus, Ironhawk, Mechweaver, Marilith, Mithrilion, NUTCRKR-1225, Obsidius, Ocularen Leech, Plague Rat, Piscea (for blue and green) Poison Master, The Possessed King, Pyggra (may start firestorm), Ragnagord, Raksha Free-Blood (need gold), Shoggorath, The Worldbreaker

    Also: Hellclaw Warrior (for purple and red storm, must cast), Lyrasza for blue/purple storm, Magma Dragon (for brown and red storm), Orrery for purple/yellow storm, War Wolf and Shaman of Set for red gems, Turtle Cannon for green gems, Rover-300 for yellow gems, Trolls and empowered mana-converters for specific colors

    No legendaries:

    Mountain Crusher, Azura, Sylfrostenath, Penglong

    Mountain Crusher, Marilith, Venbarek, Teraxxis

    Mountain Crusher, Water Elemental, Volthrenax, Marilith

    Mountain Crusher, Illithian Servitor Marilith, Penglong

    Mountain Crusher, Saga, Flame Cannon, Azura

    Quick-delve teams:

    Krystenax, Flesh Horror, Twin Claws, Angry Mob

    Twin Claws (or Gobsticker or Ocea's Tome), Water Elemental, King Avelorn, Fundingus

    Arboreal Crystal, Marilith, Magma Dragon, Garuda

    Anu's Scepter, Phoenicia, Magma Dragon, Tai-Pan

    Chief Dargon, Mountain Crusher, Behemoth, The Wendigo

    Mountain Crusher, King Gobtruffle, Fundingus, Maraji Queen

    Mountain Crusher, King Gobtruffle, Queen Beetrix, Harpy Mage
    -- with Twin Claws and Megavore

    Arboreal Crystal, Ankhnum, Angry Mob, Frostfeather

    Baphomet, Garuda, The Frostfire King, Cobaltine Wand

    Anu's Scepter, Marilith, The Scourge of Honor, Nyar'Mel

    Chief Dargon, Gargoyle x2, Sharpfang (exploding weapon)

    Huanglong, Celestial Flask, Divinia, Tinseltail

    Jar of Eyes, Crimson Bat, The Deep King, Harpy Mage

    Glaive of Many Goats, Queen Beetrix x2, Malcandessa

    Mountain Crusher, Queen Beetrix, TINA-9000, Gimlet Stormbrew

    Mountain Crusher, Marilith, Queen Beetrix, Euryali

    Mountain Crusher, Queen Beetrix, The Scourge of Honor, King Silenus

    Mountain Crusher, Emperor Khorvash, The Scourge of Honor, Gimlet Stormbrew

    Piscea, Azura, Queen Beetrix, Ice Sapphire

    Carnex, The Scourge of Honor, Crimson Bat, Twin Claws

    Reflection of Good, Crimson Bat, Draakulis, Charonas

    Draakulis, Angry Mob, Euryali, Arboreal Crystal

    Shield of Urskaya, Marilith, Gaard's Avatar, Settite Warrior

    Higher-level teams:

    Shield of Urskaya, Marilith, Tesla x2

    Shield of Urskaya, Rowanne, Marilith, Harpy Mage

    Ferocity, Ferocity, Ragereaver, Ferocity
    -- with Ketras and Horncleaver

    Anu's Scepter, Shahbanu Vespera, Winter Imp, The Emperor (or 2nd Imp)

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Gimlet Stormbrew, Kurandara

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Queen Beetrix, Vash'Dagon

    High King Irongut, Centuragon, Fiend Fire, Gimlet Stormbrew

    High King Irongut, Centuragon, Essence of Evil, Zuul'Goth

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Zuul'Goth, Orrery

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Marilith, Zuul'Goth

    Reflection of Good, Marilith, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    From viewers:
    Dead Gauntlet, Captain Skullbeard, The Gray King, Drowned Sailor (from Muinaiset)

    TINA, Marilith, Arboreal Crystal, Queen Beetrix (from Cronus Gow)

    Scaleguard Protector, King Oberron, Queen Titania, Faerie Gobmother (from Sylverscale)

    For Sunken Fleet: I used ocea's tome queen Beatrix marajji queen and captain macaw (submerge killer) with elementalist. (from supernova 030)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Sat Jul 16, 2022 6:11 am; edited 23 times in total

    Posts : 8430
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    Age : 51
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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Mon Oct 18, 2021 3:17 am

    Mirrored Halls and Frostfire Keep

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K51
    Frostfire Keep, Blue and Yellow, Frostfire Jewel weapon
    Pure Faction:
    Frostfire Wraith x3, The Frostfire King
    or with the Frostfire Witch
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K50
    Mirrored Halls, Blue and Yellow, Mirror Orb Weapon (in the Soulforge and Event Shop during Faction Assaults only)
    Pure Faction: Glass Golem, Doppleganger, The Mirror Queen x2

    Destroy/Explode Troops: Anglerfin (yellow gems), Azura, Behemoth, Bile Blackheart, Captain Skullbeard, Charonas, Corben Half-Elf (need gold), Divinia, Emperor Liang, Exploadstool, The Gray King, Gorgotha, Harpy Mage, Herdmaster, Infernus, Ironhawk, Mithrilion, NUTCRKR 1225, Piscea (for blue and green gems), Poison Master, Pyggra (may start a firestorm), Ridgeback, Shocktopus, Sledgepaw, Shoggorath, Snowy Owl, The Worldbreaker

    Also: High Priestess Ch'azka (yellow storm), Hellclaw Warrior (red and purple storm - must cast), Lyrasza for Madness Storm (Purple and Blue) Orrery for Starstorm (Yellow and Purple), Tink Steamwhistle (red and yellow storm), Umbral Portal (umbral star storm on match-4's), Turtle Cannon for green gems, Court Jester and War Wolf for red gems, Rover-300 for yellow gems, empowered mana-converters (search for 'empower')

    ROWANNE AND TESLA TEAMS FASTEST - See Higher-level Teams section

    No Legendaries:

    Mountain Crusher, Rowanne, Templar, Azura -- Golden Cog or something that buffs armor for higher levels. Shield of Urskaya best

    Mountain Crusher, Saga, Terraxis, Azura

    Mountain Crusher, Volthrenax, Venbarak, Captain Skullbeard

    Mountain Crusher, Sylfrostenath, Atlanta, Harpy Mage

    Mountain Crusher, Volthrenax, Syfrostnath, Malcandessa

    Mountain Crusher, Water Elemental, Illithian Servitor, Captain Skullbeard

    Quick-delving teams:

    Kryshound, Frost Lizard, Jar of Eyes, Queen Mab (from KINIMIX)

    Knight Coronet, Ankhnum, King Avelorn, Fist of Heaven (or Arboreal Crystal)

    Krystenax , Rover-300, Staff of Storms, Ironhawk

    Mountain Crusher, Saga, Leanansidhe, Divinia

    Glaive of Many Goats, Luna, Pan, Starflower
    or with Lapina Explorer instead of Pan:

    Rope Dart, Divine Ishbaala, Luna, Voice of Orpheus

    Vidarr the Vast, Essence of Evil, Blind Guardian, Lyrasza

    Mountain Crusher, Vanya Soulmourn, Ishtara, Captain Skullbeard

    Artema, Herdmaster, Astral Mother, Fist of Heaven

    Mountain Crusher, Queen Beetrix, Pan, King Silenus (50% mana start for team)

    Jar of Eyes, Crimson Bat, The Deep King, Harpy Mage

    Forest Troll, Queen Beetrix x2 (or Gobtruffles), Arboreal Crystal

    Mountain Crusher, Queen Beetrix, Crimson Bat, Charonas

    Life and Death, Crimson Bat, Draakulis, Charonas

    Arboreal Crystal, Sycorax, Mistralus, Frostfire King

    Arboreal Crystal, King Gobtruffle, Sycorax, Mistralus (from sdiverjack)

    Arboreal Crystal, Queen Beetrix x2 (or Gobtruffles), Sycorax (from oldscool101)

    Life and Death, Queen Beetrix, Arachnaean Weaver, Divinia

    Fist of Heaven, Court Jester, Mother of Darkness, Holy St. Astra (from Muinaiset)

    Ocea's Tome, Tesla x2, Holy St. Astra (from Roman Tinnikov)

    Shield of Urskaya, NUTCRKR-1225, Gaard's Avatar, Luna (or The Possessed King)

    Skull-spamming Teams:

    Sin's Harvest (or Doomed Scythe), Sir Quentin Hadley, Harpy Mage, Orrery

    Eye of Orion, Divine Ishbaala, Qilin, Fountain of Stars
    --or with Skroll Reborn (or Hatir and Skroll)

    Writhing Staff, Infernus, Hatir and Skroll, Green Slime

    Gorgotha, Doomed Blade, Skroll Reborn, Tink Steamwhistle (from Boomstick Fancypants)

    Twin Claws, Hatir and Skroll, Forest Guardian, Behemoth

    Wrath, Doomed Glaive, The Possessed King, Scylla (from DrockSavage)

    Higher-level teams:

    Shield of Urskaya, Rowanne, Divinia, Holy St. Astra (or Templar)

    Shield of Urskaya, Tesla x2, Holy St. Astra (with Plaguelord or Warpriest)

    Shield of Urskaya, Divinia, Tesla x2 (with Sunspear)

    Piscea, Valkyrie, Queen Beetrix, Fiend Fire

    Piscea, Ice Sapphire, Queen Beetrix x2

    Finesse, Finesse, Nimbus Bow (or Staff of Storms), Finesse

    Finesse, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Axe, Finesse

    Rope Dart, King Gobtruffle, Mistralus, The Maraji Queen

    Anu's Scepter, Shahbanu Vespera, Winter Imp, The Emperor

    Orb of Winter, Shahbanu Vespera, Treachery x2

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Gimlet Stormbrew, Vash'Dagon
    -- VARIATIONS: Harpy Mage or Apothecary instead of Gimlet

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Queen Beetrix, Vash'Dagon

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Harpy Mage, Zuul'Goth

    Essence of Evil, High King Irongut, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    Borealis, Poison Master, Zuul'Goth, Cobaltine Wand

    Gorgotha, Essence of Evil, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza

    From viewers:

    Deck Hand, Orb of Winter, Queen Mab, Ullor

    How to Use Team Codes:

    Last edited by genkicoll on Sat Apr 01, 2023 4:03 pm; edited 22 times in total

    Posts : 8430
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    Age : 51
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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Mon Oct 25, 2021 4:34 am

    Duergaroth, Obsidian Depths and Silver Necropolis

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K44
    Silver Necropolis, Purple and Brown, Life and Death Weapon

    Pure Faction: Bone Golem x2, Vanya Soulmourn x2

    NOTE: Taking a troop that either curses or stuns (or both) is going to be especially important at Silver Necropolis, since Irongut can't devour blessed troops!  Troops with a trait that will curse enemies without casting:  The Scourge of Honor, Indrajit, Matron Velenne, Kurandara, Vash'Dagon
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K62
    Duergaroth, Purple and Brown, Memories of Stone weapon

    Pure Faction:
    Deep Golem, Nyar'Mel, Deep Dwarf, Nyar'Mel -- Pure Faction 500:
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults K73
    Obsidian Depths, Purple and Brown, Obsidian Libram weapon

    Pure Faction: Dark Golem, Obsidiaxis x3

    Mana-generating Troops: Angry Mob, Azura, Behemoth, Carnex, Centuragon, Charonas, Clockwork Sphinx, Czernobog, Deep Huntsman, The Dragon Soul, Dwarven Miner, Emperor Liang, Flaming Oni, Gorgotha, The Gray King, Herdmaster, Infernus, Ironhawk, Leprechaun, NUTCRKR 1225, Obsidius, Ogress, Piscea (for blue and green gems), Poison Master, Ragnagord, Raksha Free-Blood (need gold), Shoggorath, Sledgepaw, Stringfiddler, Thrall, Trickster

    Also: Czernobog (brown storm), Hellclaw Hunter for red and purple storm (must cast), High Priestess Ch'azka (yellow storm), Lyrasza (for purple/blue storm), Magma Dragon (for brown/red storm), Nexus Portal (elemental star storm), Tink Steamwhistle (for yellow/red storm), Umbral Portal (umbral star storm on match-4's), Turtle Cannon for green gems, Court Jester for red gems, empowered mana-converters (search for 'empower')

    No Legendaries:

    Chalcedony, Black Manacles, Craghound x2
    -- or with two Gargoyles

    Mountain Crusher, Enchantress, Midge Swarm, Angry Mob

    Mountain Crusher, Atlanta, Ba'el, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Spinnerette, Venbarak, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Water Elemental, Illithian Servitor, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Rok'Gar the Guardian, Centuragon, Hex Rat (or Venbarak)

    -- NOTE: Spinnerette and Midge Swarm are weaker than some of the other options, such as Venbarak and Atlanta, but can be used if you don't have the more powerful epics.

    Quick-delve teams:

    Soul Blade, Judge of the Dead, Charonas, Leprechaun (with Assassin for Soul Caller and Dusk Storm talents)

    Mountain Crusher, Vanya Soulmourn, Medea, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Sylvanimora, Ankhnum, Leprechaun

    Arboreal Crystal, King Mikhail, Ursuvius, Leprechaun

    The Molten Dipper, Angry Mob, Obsidiaxis, Magma Dragon

    Arboreal Crystal, Willow, Water Elemental, Leprechaun

    Fist of Heaven, King Mikhail, Leanansidhe, High Priestess Ch'azka

    Daisy's Cudgel (or Life & Death), Venoxia, Arachnaean Weaver, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Venoxia, Nocturnia, Angry Mob (or Leprechaun)

    Mountain Crusher, Thrall, Venoxia, Lyrasza (for blue and purple Storm)

    Mountain Crusher, Queen Xochi, Medea, Leprechaun with Archmagus

    Orb of Winter, Thrall, Magnus, Lyrasza

    Huanglong, The Dragon Soul, Mystic Manuscript, Lyrasza

    Arboreal Crystal (or Mountain Crusher), Pan, Starflower, Ragnagord

    Artema, Herdmaster, Astral Mother, Wild Cleaver (or Arboreal Crystal)
    With Fist of Heaven: [6358,6019,7058,1375,3052,2,3,1,1,0,0,0,14010]

    Rope Dart, Thrall, Venoxia, Venoxia

    Huanglong, Thrall, Cobaltine Wand, Lyrasza

    Fist of Heaven, Quetzalma, Divine Ishbaala, Moon Rabbit

    Ishtara, Angry Mob, Fist of Heaven, High Priestess Ch'azka

    Obsidius, Stringfiddler, Rope Dart, Leprechaun

    Piscea, Ice Sapphire, Venoxia, Leprechaun

    Jar of Eyes, The Deep King The Scourge of Honor, Thrall

    Guardian Hammer, Gargoyle x2, Etheral Sentry

    Earth's Fury (or Mang), Chalcedony, Gargoyle x2 (from Honest Rob)

    Chalcedony, Doomed Glaive, Czernobog, Ironhawk

    Amarok, Sky Hero, First Mate Axelubber, Tink Steamwhistle

    Ahries, Writhing Staff, Leprechaun, Obsidius

    Shield of Urskaya, Gaard's Avatar, Thrall, Settite Warrior

    Higher-level teams:

    Wrath, Doomed Glaive, The Possessed King, Scylla (Tidecaller or any class that has Lightning Strike)

    Cunning, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Scythe (or Fiend Fire), Cunning

    Shield of Urskaya, Czernobog, War, Ethereal Sentry. (Maxed-out Slayer class best for enrage + fireblade, or use Elementalist for safety)

    Mountain Crusher, High King Irongut, Venoxia, The Scourge of Honor
    -- Level 500 delve at Silver Necropolis using this team (no potions):

    High King Irongut, Thrall, Fiend Fire, Lyrasza

    Essence of Evil, High King Irongut, Thrall, Zuul'Goth

    High King Irongut, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Doomed Glaive

    Essence of Evil, Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza (for madness storm)

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Thrall, Zuul'Goth

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Ethereal Sentry, The Archdeva (from sdiverjack)

    Doomed Glaive (or any yellow or green weapon), Centuragon, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun

    Reflection of Good, Centuragon, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun

    From viewers:

    Daughter of Ice, Orb of Winter, Queen Mab, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Scourge of Honor x2, Leprechaun

    Arachnaean Weaver, Astral Mother, Baba Yaga, Life and Death

    Wrath, Doomed Glaive, Zuul'Goth, Scylla (from Dan Quayles ITS SPELT POTATOE!)

    High King Irongut, Essence of Evil, Leprechaun, Obsidius (from Anthony)

    High King Irongut, Reflection of Good, Zuul'Goth, Nimue (from sdiverjack)

    How to Use Team Codes:

    Last edited by genkicoll on Tue Sep 26, 2023 7:01 pm; edited 32 times in total

    Posts : 8430
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    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Sat Oct 30, 2021 7:52 am

    Crypt Keepers, Depths of Sin, Indrajit's Palace and Nightmare Circus

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Crypt_10
    Crypt Keepers, Red and Purple, Secrets of the Crypt
    Pure Faction: Lady Morana x3, Grave Seer
    --OR what I used:
    Lady Morana x3, Grave Seer
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Depths10
    Depths of Sin, Purple and Red, The Eighth Sin weapon
    Pure Faction:
    Ironjaw, Deminaga, Tartarus, The Infernal Machine
     --PF Level 500:
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Indraj10
    Indrajit's Palace, Red and Purple, Indrajit's Claw weapon
    Pure Faction:
    Hellclaw Warrior x2, Indrajit x2
     -- Pure Faction 500
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Nightm10
    Nightmare Circus, Red and Purple, Bone Whip weapon
    Pure Faction:
    Fire Juggler, Strongman, Ringmaster, Fire Lion

    Mana-generating Troops: Ahries, Angry Mob, Azura, Bile Blackheart, Blind Guardian, Carnex, Clockwork Sphinx, Czernobog, Divinia, The Dragon Soul, Egg Thief, Emperor Liang, Eye of Arges, Flaming Oni, Fundingus, The Gray King, Harpy Mage (will summon duststorm), Herdmaster, Infernus, Leprechaun, Marilith, Mechweaver, Mithrilion, Obsidius, Ocularen Leech, Piscea (for blue and green), Plague Rat, Poison Master, The Possessed King, Pyggra (might start a firestorm), Ragnagord, Shoggorath, Stringfiddler, Thrall, Trickster, Tyri, The Worldbreaker

    Also: Czernobog (brown storm), Hellclaw Hunter and Hellclaw Warrior (for purple and red storm--must cast), High Priestess Ch'azka (yellow storm), Lyrasza (for purple/blue storm), Magma Dragon (for brown/red storm), Nexus Portal (for Elemental Star storm on match-4's), Umbral Portal (for Umbral Storm on match-4's), Court Jester and Excavator for red, Rover-300 and Vanguard for yellow, and empowered mana-converters

    No Legendaries:

    Mountain Crusher, Marilith, Sabellius, Teraxxis

    Mountain Crusher, Penglong, Enchantress, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Hex Rat, Bul'Tauros, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Atlanta, Nobend Brothers, Marilith

    Mountain Crusher, Illithian Servitor, Terraxis, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Flame Cannon, Venbarark, Leprechaun

    Quick-delve Teams:

    FASTEST team for 20-500 (with potions):
    Shield of Urskaya, Marilith, Tesla x2

    Mountain Crusher, Starflower, Wisp, Tinseltail

    Essence of Evil, Thrall, Magnus, Lyrasza

    Bile Blackheart, Mountain Crusher, Medea, Leanansidhe

    Marilith, Gobsticker, High Priestess Ch'azka, Magnus

    Eye of Orion, Garuda, High Priestess Ch'azka, Marilith

    Black Manacles, Pyggra, Phoenicia, Leprechaun

    Orb of Winter, Thrall, Phoenicia, Leprechaun

    Scaleguard Protector, Phoenicia, Magma Dragon, Leprechaun (any class)

    Black Manacles, Marilith, Magma Dragon, Eye of Arges (Slayer class, Elementalist later for safety)

    Chief Dargon (or Glaycion or King Heliodor), Marilith, The Ruby Macaque, Magma Dragon

    Mountain Crusher, Vanya Soulmourn, Medea, Leprechaun
    Mountain Crusher, Vanya Soulmourn, Ishtara, Moon Rabbit

    Flammifer (or Summer's Fury), Garuda, Queen Titania, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Czernobog, Garnetaerlin, Starflower

    Orb of Winter, Gaard's Avatar, Thrall, Leprechaun

    Twin Claws, Magnus, Flesh Horror, Leprechaun

    Summer Aegis, Queen Titania, Suna, Leprechaun

    Cobaltine Wand, Obregonia, Thrall, Magma Dragon

    Cobaltine Wand, The Dragon Soul, Judge of the Dead, Magma Dragon (or Lyrasza)

    Piscea, Venoxia, Twin Claws, Marilith

    Celestial Flask, Centuragon, Tihamata, Leprechaun

    Celestial Flask, Thrall, Leanansidhe (or Venoxia), Megavore

    Rope Dart, Night Spider, Mother of Darkness, Captain Macaw

    Orb of Winter, Centuragon, The Worldbreaker, Leprechaun

    Obsidius, Stringfiddler, Rope Dart, Leprechaun

    Huanglong, The Great Wyrm, Nocturnia, Mace of Claws

    Ishtara, Marilith, Eye of Odin, High Priestess Ch'azka

    Draakulis, Thrall, Crimson Bat, Scarab Blade (or Secrets of the Crypt/Life & Death)

    Draakulis, Staff of Storms, Arachnaean Weaver, Lyrasza

    The Gemini, Gobsticker, Arachnaean Weaver (or Venoxia), Leprechaun

    Draakulis, Gobsticker, The Gemini, Leprechaun

    Rope Dart, Marilith, Venoxia, Mambasira

    Life & Death, Venoxia, Arachnaean Weaver, Leprechaun

    Thunderbird (Stormcaller class weapon), Marilith, The Scourge of Honor, Thrall

    TINA-9000, Venoxia, The Engineer's Drill, Harpy Mage

    Carnex, The Engineer's Drill, Flame Cannon, TINA-9000

    Rope Dart, Thrall, Venoxia x2

    Essence of Evil, Thrall, Despond, Oneiros (can use class with Fireblade; Elementalist safer)

    Higher-level Delve Teams:

    Shield of Urskaya, Tesla x2, Thrall (use Mountain Crusher for earlier levels)
    --or with Marilith

    Chief Dargon, Gargoyle x2, Essence of Evil
    -- or with weapon, Sharpfang

    Shield of Urskaya, Gaard's Avatar, Alastair, Leprechaun (or Thrall)

    Ahries, Writhing Staff, Leprechaun, Obsidius

    Flammifer, Amarok, Thrall First Mate Axelubber

    Amarok, Summer's Fury, Flame Troll, First Mate Axelubber (class with Firestorm)

    Fountain of Stars, Doomed Axe, The Possessed King, Scylla (with Tidecaller or any class that has Lightning Strike)

    Piscea, Marilith, Gobsticker, Yasmine's Chosen

    Piscea, Venoxia, Gobsticker, Leprechaun

    Ferocity, Ferocity, Ragereaver, Ferocity

    Ferocity, Sky Hero (or Ragereaver or Horncleaver or Flammifer), Ketras the Bull, Ferocity
    --or with Tauraeus

    Cunning x2, Essence of Evil, Cunning

    Cunning, Shahbanu Vespera, Doomed Scythe (any solid purple weapon), Cunning

    Essence of Evil, Magnus, Scorpius, Matron Velenne*
    *Other troops that curse without casting: Kurandara, Vash'Dagon, Indrajit, The Scourge of Honor

    Essence of Evil, Magnus, Scorpius, Poison Master

    *Essence of Evil, Magnus, Scorpius, The Archduke

    Writhing Staff, Marilith, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun

    Rope Dart (or Essence of Evil), Thrall, Zuul'Goth, Lyrasza (for madness storm)
    -- Use any class with the Fireblade talent unlocked (if possible).  Lyrasza's storm will override class-created storms.

    *Doomed Glaive (any weapon that's not red or brown), Centuragon, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun

    *Volcanic Golem, Thrall, Rope Dart, Zuul'Goth -- Level 500 Deathless at Depths of Sin:

    Secrets of the Crypt, Eldritch Minion, Zuul'Goth, Obsidius (from sdiverjack)

    Stellarix, Wand of Stars, Blind Guardian, Leprechaun (from CrispPurpose -- Use Plaguelord Class for the team bonus)

    Nebuladryx, Wand of Stars, Thrall, Leprechaun (from CrispPurpose -- Use Plaguelord Class for the team bonus)

    More from viewers:

    Rope Dart, The Wild Queen, Maraji Queen, Leprechaun

    Essence of Evil, Thrall, Venoxia, Astral Mother

    Mang, The Great Wyrm x3 (from Willy Foo)

    Last edited by genkicoll on Fri Jan 19, 2024 12:33 am; edited 52 times in total

    Posts : 8430
    Join date : 2011-12-28
    Age : 51
    Location : Pacific Northwest

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Empty Re: Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults

    Post by genkicoll Wed Nov 03, 2021 10:44 pm

    Court of Foxes, The Labyrinth, Werewoods and Wild Court

    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Court_10
    Court of Foxes, Green and Red, Court Scepter weapon
    Pure Faction:
    The Foxfire King x3, Court Herald
    --or Foxfire King, Phantom Fox, Foxfire King, Court Herald
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults The_la10
    The Labyrinth***, Green and Red, Minos' Cleaver weapon
    ***Guardian Crown (weapon) and/or Ogress highly recommended for this faction***
    Pure Faction:
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Werewo10
    Werewoods, Green and Red, Beastly Claw weapon
    Pure Faction: Werebear, Werecat, Beastmaster Torbern x2
    Gems of War - Delves and Faction Assaults Wild_c10
    Wild Court, Green and Red, Wild Hunter weapon
    Pure Faction: Wild Knight x3, The Wendigo

    Mana-generators: Angry Mob, Azura, Bile Blackheart, Bogstrider, Captain Skullbeard, Carnex, Centuragon, Deep Huntsman, Divinia, The Dragon Soul, Egg Thief, Exploadstool, Flaming Oni, Fundingus, Harpy Mage, Infernus, Leprechaun, Luna, Marilith, Mithrilion, Plague Rat, The Possessed King, Obsidius, Ogress, Pyggra (can create red storm), Ragnagord, Ridgeback, Stringfiddler, Trickster, Tyri, The Worldbreaker
    Also: Anglerfin (destroys yellow), Piscea (for blue and green gems), Voidcaller (for purple), War Wolf for red, Rover-300 and Vanguard create yellow, trolls and empowered mana-converters

    NOTE: Can replace Venoxia with Queen Beetrix or Gobtruffle

    No Legendaries:

    Mountain Crusher, Sylfrostenath, Terraxis, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher, Nobend Brothers, Penglong, Leprechaun

    Mountain Crusher,  Rowanne, Fey Cap, Leprechaun

    Black Manacles, Marilith, Sylfrostenath, Leprechaun

    Summer's Fury, Marilith, Dimetraxia, Nobend Brothers

    Mountain Crusher, Angry Mob, Flame Cannon, Saga

    Quick-delve teams:

    FASTEST team for 20-500 (with potions):
    Shield of Urskaya, Marilith, Tesla x2

    Bile Blackheart, Garuda, Obregonia, King-Chopper (or Obsidian Libram)

    Carnex, Flame Cannon, The Engineer's Drill, Leprechaun

    Willow, Pan, Twin Claws, Forest Guardian

    Mountain Crusher, Venoxia (or Crimson Bat), Tesla, Leprechaun (for those with only 1 Tesla)

    Bogstrider, Venoxia, Oneiros, Wild Cleaver

    Shield of Urskaya, Gaard's Avatar, Settite Warrior, Leprechaun
    --or with Marilith

    Bogstrider, Summer's Fury, Queen Titania, The Worldbreaker

    Baphomet, Orb of Winter, Leprechaun, Flaming Oni

    Chief Dargon, Marilith, Scaleguard Protector, Mambasira (or Magnus/Judge of the Dead)

    Bogstrider, Marilith, Scaleguard Protector, Mambasira

    Rope Dart, The Wild Queen, Maraji Queen, Leprechaun

    Scaleguard Protector, Phoenicia, Magma Dragon, Leprechaun (any class)

    Bogstrider, Draakulis, Secrets of the Crypt, The Ghost Queen

    Mountain Crusher, Queen Beetrix, Pan, Leprechaun

    Broken Guard, Leprechaun, Taureaus, Emperinazara

    Bile Blackheart, Shield of Urskaya, Taureaus, Magma Dragon

    Mountain Crusher, Venoxia, Scourge of Honor, Leprechaun

    Bogstrider, Aquaticus, Celestial Flask, Maraji Queen

    Bogstrider, Emeraldrin, Oneiros, Tooth of the Wild

    Summer's Fury, Marilith, Rubirath, Magma Dragon (any class)

    Rope Dart, Venoxia, Arachnaean Weaver, Leprechaun

    Life and Death, Beetrix, Arachnaean Weaver, Leprechaun

    Higher-level teams:

    Tooth of the Wild, Marilith, The Empress, Emeraldrin (best with Archer or Assassin for early levels)

    Bogstrider, Arboreal Crystal, Empress, The Scourge of Honor (from Muinaiset)

    Shield of Urskaya, Rowanne, Settite Warrior, Leprechaun

    Chief Dargon, Gargoyle x2, Essence of Evil
    --or with weapon Sharpfang--

    Ferocity, Ferocity, Ragereaver, Ferocity

    Persistence x2, Lupine's Edge, Persistence

    Shield of Urskaya, Tesla x2, Holy St. Astra
    --or with The Archdeva--

    Piscea, Ice Sapphire, Queen Beetrix, Leprechaun

    Amarok, Marilith, Magma Dragon, Child of Summer

    Cobaltine Wand, Garnertaerlin, Consort of Darkness, Magma Dragon

    Rope Dart, Marilith, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun (class with Fireblade fastest)
    --or with the Writhing Staff--

    Doomed Glaive (or any yellow or green weapon), Centuragon, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun

    Reflection of Good, Centuragon, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun

    Writhing Staff, Bogstrider, Marilith, Zuul'Goth

    Last edited by genkicoll on Sun Apr 09, 2023 6:35 pm; edited 28 times in total

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