The description already has me scratching my head and befuddled. I'm going to assume this is the same dim-witted nephew that I've saved in at least two other games. Someone needs to put a leash or a microchip or at the very least a warning sign on this boy. He's a danger to himself and others. It's a good think he's not a were-thingamabob like his father-- the were-creatures would eat him out of embarrassment. I can just imagine them, "Nope, nope, he's not one of us. Haven't seen him. Nope... " *shifty eyes*
I'm taking a deep breath and getting ready to wade in. It'll be fun to have you guys play along or just follow along if you want to avoid the insanity personally; just be warned, I'll be posting about game content, so there will be spoilers aplenty!
Last edited by Esme on Sun May 18, 2014 9:58 am; edited 1 time in total