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    Highway of Heroes


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    Highway of Heroes Empty Highway of Heroes

    Post by orphaned Wed Nov 11, 2015 9:32 pm

    Half Flower 

    Today I travel along a highway
    My final destination.
    I did not plan on travelling here
    My dream was not that clear.
    I’d hoped that when I went away
    I’d come back not a hero.
    My plan was simple...stay alive.
    Fight for freedom, serve the country I love.
    Fight against oppression, cruelty, and strife.
    Fight to help my fellow man.
    I fought, I helped, I saved, I served.
    My mission was always clear.
    My thoughts were always homeward bound.
    But God had other plans for me
    My future wasn’t sound you see.
    In one quick blink of fire and death
    My future slipped away.....
    My dreams, my family and my friends
    Became distant haze...not reality.
    For now I am among the dead
    A hero for my country
    I am travelling like so many others
    Along a highway lined with flags and tears;
    Lined with people who want to show they care
    That I did not die in vain.
    Now my home is marked with Graves and bare.
    Do not despair and cry for me
    I did not ask for this.
    I only wanted to do my best
    To serve my country with the rest.
    I was proud to leave my mark
    So proud of my country where I live
    For being free and nothing less.
    For serving always with the best.
    Now I come home and travel here
    Along this Highway of Hero’s.
    Am I a hero or just a man
    Who loved my country and my flag
    For all it stands for and to prove
    That we will never give defeated.
    We can’t give in to tyranny
    Nor others who want to take our freedom
    To turn us into something else.
     There is no place for hate and killing.
    I did not give my life for this
    I gave my life for family
    So you can live in harmony and freedom.
    I thank you for honoring me
    Along this Highway of Hero’s.
    Are we heroes or merely a man who fought.
    I do not’s not quite clear
    The answer’s up to you.
    For me it’s just a simple fact
    You’re here and I am looking down on you.
    Written by:  Brenda MacDonald
                           Remembrance Day 2015

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 1:57 am