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    Hi to all I'm new here..


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    Hi to all I'm new here.. - Page 3 Empty Re: Hi to all I'm new here..

    Post by Sportygal2009 Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:37 pm

    Oh heck no I'm not retyping them! Belly laugh  I'm copying/pasting them from Big Fish. I'm just pretty picky. I have to have things just so that's why it's taking me awhile. Big smile

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    Hi to all I'm new here.. - Page 3 Empty Re: Hi to all I'm new here..

    Post by genkicoll Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:42 pm

    Oh, whew~!  I REALLY understand about being picking and having to have things just so. Snicker  *looks around*  Never woulda guessed it, huh!

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    Hi to all I'm new here.. - Page 3 Empty Re: Hi to all I'm new here..

    Post by Sportygal2009 Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:49 pm

    Well I have both of the Millennium Secret games done and now I'm going to take a break and play the TGT at Big Fish this Dance of Death game so I'll be back after bit.

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    Hi to all I'm new here.. - Page 3 Empty Re: Hi to all I'm new here..

    Post by sunshinej Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:34 am

    Hi Genki & everyone.  Smile  My name over at BigFish is sunshinej, so now I like to keep it simple and use it everywhere.  I was most active in the Adventurous Fish thread there.   I did quite a few of the group plays over there and when I saw that there was a group play for The Longest Journey here, I signed up right away.  I had this game for quite awhile and would love to play it.

    I am married and with 2 grown children and 1 granddaughter 15 months old.  I first started with pc games in 2010 and haven't quit since.

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    Hi to all I'm new here.. - Page 3 Empty Re: Hi to all I'm new here..

    Post by JustTheFacts Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:04 am

    Hi Sunshine! Welcome to the forum!! I'm sorta new too. Been here 4 months now. My big thing is reviews, mostly for HOPAs. I also have some adventure games that have been sitting around in desktop, but I always get the jitters trying to play them! lol So the last group play, Shiver, was my first, and I am supposed to be getting my act together for Fallout! group play, but again, freaked out about it. lol

    I'm not much of a forum person, so I like it here because there are not so many people as there is elsewhere (and they're nicer flutter eyelashes) (genki, why don't we have a wink smilie? Or am I just missing it?)

    I'm from Australia, which means I'm on around this time every day, and if I'm lucky, I'm still up when the Americans and Brits get up  Big smile 

    Really glad to meet you and welcome!!!! Welcome! 

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    Hi to all I'm new here.. - Page 3 Empty Re: Hi to all I'm new here..

    Post by Sable Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:07 am

    Welcome!  Sunshine, glad to see you here.  This is a great forum, hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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    Hi to all I'm new here.. - Page 3 Empty Re: Hi to all I'm new here..

    Post by genkicoll Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:18 am

    (genki, why don't we have a wink smilie? Or am I just missing it?)

    Yepsa, you just missed it~  It's right next to the EEK!  smilie, but you can always just type : wink: (without the space) Wink

    Sunshinej, I remember seeing your nick, and a most hearty Welcome!  to GGG!  I'm so glad to have someone else joining in on the TLJ group play!  The thread is here: The Longest Journey - Group Play, and I hope you enjoy playing along with us!!  I'll likely lag behind, as I've never played it before, and am still somewhat new to playing TRUE adventures! Sunny

    OH, and you may want to check out these threads:

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    Hi to all I'm new here.. - Page 3 Empty Re: Hi to all I'm new here..

    Post by sunshinej Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:36 am

    Thanks for the welcome JustTheFacts,  Sable  & Genki 

    JustTheFacts Love your reviews at BigFish.  I just played Shiver for the first time last summer and thought it was excellent and loved it.

    Sable Yes, Thank you.  I have been enjoying poking around in here.  Many interesting things to read.

    Genki  Thanks for the links, I will check them out.

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    Hi to all I'm new here.. - Page 3 Empty Re: Hi to all I'm new here..

    Post by JustTheFacts Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:43 am

    Glad you like my reviews sunshinej  Happy bounce 

    Love the avatar!

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    Post by volnole68 Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:02 pm

    Welcome Sunshine!! I do love saying that!  I am just getting more into adventure games.  Normally play HOPA's.  I don't have the Longest Journey but plan to check it out.  We are so glad you are here.  I do love all of the reviews here.

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    Post by sunshinej Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:19 pm

    JustTheFacts...I have the biggest crush on Keanu Reeves and I love him in the Matrix.  So when picking my avatar I found this one and thought it was just perfect.

    Hi volnole,  Nice to meet you too.  HOPA's and adventures are my favorite type of games to play.  Smile   I just can't get enough of them.

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    Post by JustTheFacts Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:18 pm

    I adore him too sunshinej, but he is lower on my list than Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Spike lol. I love the Matrix even if I didn't care about Keanu (think Trinity is seriously cool too), because the story is so good, and the special effects floored me when I first saw it.

    What kind of HOPA's are you into? What are your favourites?

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    Hi to all I'm new here.. - Page 3 Empty Re: Hi to all I'm new here..

    Post by sunshinej Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:52 am

    JustTheFacts...If I was Buffy I would have picked Spike over Angel any day of the week.  lol  Spike has such a gorgeous accent.

    I am into all kinds of HOPA's.  I recently just did a marathon of the Dark Tales series.  On Saturday I just finished Fall of the New Age which I thought was a excellent game.  It is very hard to pick my favorites as I am rarely dissatisfied with a game I play.  On the whole I like ERS games.  Oh, Nearwood by MagicIndie is one of my favorites.

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    Post by JustTheFacts Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:36 am

    I'm a big fan of the Dark Tales series too. That's how I first started buying from big fish. I just did the beta for Dark Tales 6 (you can check out my review here)

    Dark Tales 6: The Fall Of The House Of Usher (Beta)

    And I like almost everything made by ERS, although these days I'm also very impressed with Eipix, and of course, Elephant.

    My favourite at the moment would have to be Hope Diamond, but I'm also into Haunted Hotel as well.
    And I love Spike mostly because, unlike Angel, even before he got his soul, ie. when he was still evil, he tried to be good for love. And he's such a smart arse!  Belly laugh

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    Post by tesamoine Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:26 pm

    HI everyone.  I'm Suzanne (known otherwise as tesamoine on BFG).  I am so excited to have been told about this site from another gamer.  ------>  Happy bounce   Really, how thrilled I am Smile  I really look forward to this forum as it's right up my alley.

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    Post by JustTheFacts Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:08 pm

    yay! hi tesamoine! so glad you dropped in!! you'll have lots of fun here with the gang because I think just about all of us like dark and eerie games!! Spooky bats 

    And it is nice to be able to just chat...

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    Post by JustTheFacts Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:13 pm

    I don't know where everyone is tonight, they've been terribly quiet, but feel free to roam around and check out the threads, see all the fun stuff we talk about!  Big smile 

    I have to duck out, but will be back in 10.

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    Hi to all I'm new here.. - Page 3 Empty Re: Hi to all I'm new here..

    Post by genkicoll Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:50 pm

    Welcome to GGG, Tesa! Glad you could join us!  Sunny

    You may want to check out these threads to help you get familiar with the site:

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    I have everything linked and cross-linked... which is good, 'cause sometimes the search function doesn't find obvious hits! Laugh

    Justie, I think it's been quiet because at least four of us are caught up in playing The Longest Journey!  I've barely been able to drag myself away from it all day!  (Snow day, home from work again~)

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    Post by JustTheFacts Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:55 pm

    Yes, genki, you do all seem heavily into it. Pity I couldn't join you for this one. But we'll get there. Keep enjoying  Big smile 

    A whole bunch of people are doing a group play of an adventure game called The Longest Journey, Tesa. I'd never heard about such an idea. It's great. We all played Shiver together the other day. Was wonderful to talk about the game while playing it with others who were too.

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    Post by tesamoine Tue Feb 11, 2014 4:34 pm

    Thanks for the warm welcome y'all.  I will check out those links to familiarize myself with your great site !!!!!

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    Post by genkicoll Tue Feb 11, 2014 4:54 pm

    One more link, and that is to the Dark & Eerie Games Thread.  You may have seen it at Big Fish when CCC was still around.  It started out as a thread for those who enjoy the D&E games, but it's turned into our "chatting" thread, where we talk about anything and everything. 

    Our Bright & Cheery area is woefully unloved, as (it seems) that all of our posting members prefer the scary games! Laugh

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