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    The Christmas Spirit: Untold Mother Goose Tales


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    The Christmas Spirit: Untold Mother Goose Tales Empty The Christmas Spirit: Untold Mother Goose Tales

    Post by Esme Sun Dec 16, 2018 5:23 am

    Hi everyone!

    I wasn't sure where to put this since it's neither dark nor eerie, so I figured what the heck? It's a holiday game and it strives for cheerfulness so here I am.

    This game is okayish. I like that I can play a Match 3 instead of endless HO scenes. It's a happy and harmless game.

    A few things though:

    1. Humpty Dumpty is 110% annoying. Fortunately he's not in every scene.

    2. This game, when asked about logical behavior, said "Logic? Hold my beer"! Beer Beer Beer

    Case in point and without actual plot spoilers (there would need to be a plot to spoil it), after we have find a hose and put out the fire whilst Old Mac Donald Old Days stands around wringing his hands (even though we are next to a river and everything is covered in snow) I have to go in the barn and open the cabinet. It's one of those cabinets where you have to slide something thin in between the doors and lift the latch. In my possession there is a perfectly good metal file. Do you think I can use the metal file to either lift open the latch or saw it open? Nah, bro. That's way too sensible. Let's get creative!

    Instead we have to go catch a pig, take him to Old Mac Donald (because he's too old and feeble to go looking for his own pig) build a bridge to cross the river and chase the pig into the house where OMD is already (apparently he's not too old to walk home without looking for his pig, but I digress) then we have to use the file to saw off the pendulum from the grandfather clock and use the pendulum to open the cabinet back in the barn. 


    I tried to insert a piggy emoji, but I forgot how to do it, so pretend there is a cute little pig emoji running around making life better and more pig-ly.

    Posts : 8430
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    The Christmas Spirit: Untold Mother Goose Tales Empty Re: The Christmas Spirit: Untold Mother Goose Tales

    Post by genkicoll Mon Dec 17, 2018 11:41 am

    OMG, that's hilarious Belly laugh  Sheesh... *shakes head*

    I made a topic for the game in case you'd like to share this info there, as well Sunny

    Posts : 1179
    Join date : 2013-06-12
    Age : 56
    Location : The Motor City

    The Christmas Spirit: Untold Mother Goose Tales Empty Re: The Christmas Spirit: Untold Mother Goose Tales

    Post by Esme Thu Dec 20, 2018 12:11 pm

    The ending was on par with the rest of the game. LOL!

    I love it when the bad guy at the end is vanquished and then suddenly, and somewhat miraculously, said bad guy realizes that gee, he shouldn't be bad anymore because being good is... good? I dunno.

    And then everything is all forgiven and it's almost like the whole stupid thing never happened. 

    This is especially prevalent in the holiday and fairy tale games, at least IMO. 

    Anyhoo... everything is once again hunky dory back in Mother Goose Land... well, other than the barn that was burned and so forth, but hey, it's Christmas so whoop-a-dee-doo!  carol

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