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    The Walking Dead: Season 1


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    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Empty The Walking Dead: Season 1

    Post by genkicoll Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:26 pm

    The Walking Dead: Season 1
    by Telltale Games - April, 2012

    The Walking Dead Season 1 Spoiler Discussion Thread

    Series linksThe Walking Dead: Season 1, The Walking Dead: 400 Days (must have Season 1 to play), The Walking Dead: Season 2, The Walking Dead: Michonne, The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, The Walking Dead: The Final Season

    Available at:
    GamersGate (or get bundled with 400 Days)

    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Header

    Gain access to the full season [5 episodes] of The Walking Dead by purchasing the Season Pass, which will act as your gateway to every episode of the game. All five episodes are now available immediately upon purchasing the full season.

    The Walking Dead is a five-part game series set in the same universe as Robert Kirkman’s award-winning comic book series. Play as Lee Everett, a convicted criminal, who has been given a second chance at life in a world devastated by the undead. With corpses returning to life and survivors stopping at nothing to maintain their own safety, protecting an orphaned girl named Clementine may offer him redemption in a world gone to hell.

    A continuing story of adventure horror spanning across 5 episodes:

    • Episode 1 – A New Day
    • Episode 2 – Starved for Help
    • Episode 3 – Long Road Ahead
    • Episode 4 – Around Every Corner
    • Episode 5 – No Time Left

    Key Features:

    • Based on Robert Kirkman’s Eisner-Award winning comic book series, The Walking Dead allows gamers to experience the true horror of the zombie apocalypse
    • A tailored game experience – Live with the profound and lasting consequences of the decisions that you make in each episode. Your actions and choices will affect how your story plays out across the entire series.
    • Experience events, meet people and visit locations that foreshadow the story of Deputy Sheriff Rick Grimes
    • Meet Glenn before he heads to Atlanta, explore Hershel’s farm before Rick and his group of survivors arrive and before the barn becomes a notorious location in Walking Dead lore
    • You’ll be forced to make decisions that are not only difficult, but that will require you to make an almost immediate choice. There’s no time to ponder when the undead are pounding the door down!
    • Features meaningful decision-making, exploration, problem solving and a constant fight for survival in a world overrun by the undead
    • Artwork inspired by the original comic books

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    Last edited by genkicoll on Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:54 am; edited 4 times in total

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    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Empty Re: The Walking Dead: Season 1

    Post by genkicoll Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:51 pm

    The Walking Dead - Season 1

    So much to say, the first of which is that THIS REVIEW CONTAINS NO SPOILERS!  If I mention anything specific, it is only a fabricated example.  That being said, let's start with the technical stuff, which is based off of the keyboard/mouse PC gameplay.

    I should also mention that I've never seen the TV series, nor read the comic series that this game is based upon.  I have read that this game follows a different set of characters, so you don't have to worry about spoilers via crossovers.


    Separate settings for Music, Voice and Sound. 

    Subtitles (NOT the default), Detect Selectables, Story Notification, Show Controller Buttons (in case you have a controller -- I didn't), Mouse Sensitivity. 

    Graphics Quality, Shadow Quality, Aftereffects, Texture Quality, Anti-aliasing, Brightness, Full Screen, and Resolution.

    There are two modes of play - the normal mode (which gives you a little extra feedback, but does NOT add hints) and a more advanced mode.

    For my first play through, I played normal mode and left everything at default, except that I DID turn on the subtitles, and I upped my mouse sensitivity to 15.

    MOVEMENT:  W-A-S-D or Arrow keys.

    W - Move forward (up arrow)
    S - Back up (down arrow)
    A - Step left (left arrow)
    D - Step right (right arrow)

    FIGHTING:  Q and E keys

    Q - Struggle
    E - Hit


    There is no option to save -- it's automatic.  Watch for a swirl of lines in the top right corner.  This is the game saving your progress.  If you exit the game or go back to the main menu, you will lose anything you've done since the last auto-save.

    To pause the game, just hit the Escape key.  You'll go right back to where you left off (even in the middle of a conversation) when you continue.

    When you are on the main menu and hit play, you'll see that there are three profiles The Walking Dead: Season 1 2520623126  You have two choices at this point.  Choose one and continue, or COPY the profile you've got to one of the save slots if you want to take your profiles in two different directions without having to replay the whole game.

    Once you choose a profile to play, you can continue where you left off (last auto-save) or you can REWIND to a previous auto-save.  If you do rewind, you'll lose any progress you've made on that profile up to THAT POINT (nothing before that point will be affected.)  This is another reason someone might want to copy their profile to another save slot.


    These are not the running, jumping, climbing, can-almost-think-type of zombie that you see in the movies as of late.  What we have in The Walking Dead are the more classic-style of the undead.  They shamble, barely have the coordination to stand upright.  They're slow because their bodies are rotting away.  They will never stop coming. 

    There seem to be three things they react to:  Sight, sound, and a ravenous hunger for living flesh.  The Walking Dead: Season 1 284588694  Rawr.

    To fight off the undead, rapidly hit the Q key when you see the prompt on the screen, and be ready to hit the E key to attack as soon as the prompt pops up.  Sometimes you'll have to use the mouse to aim an attack, and that's not as easy as you may think!  During fighting scenes the cursor can be hard to move around.  Make no mistake, this is definitely intentional, and a brilliant decision by the development crew.  It really adds to the reality and intensity of the situation, further immersing you in the story.

    You can expect to die in this game, but it's pretty easy to figure out what you're supposed to be doing so that you can avoid it happening in that scene again.  There was only one instance where I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing, and I kept dying over and over and over again... The Walking Dead: Season 1 3286387481  This is not a spoiler, just instructions so that you know what to do when it happens to you!  When you see orange arrows like this appear on the sides of the screen:
    <                                                 > you need to click on the screen and drag your mouse to the left or right.


    YOUR CHOICES WILL AFFECT THE WAY THE PLOT OF THE GAME.  You're told this each time you start a new chapter of the game, and it's absolutely true.  Not only do your choices carry over from one chapter to another, but also to new seasons.  We play as a man named Lee, and WE choose what his personality is like.  Is he angry and defiant?  Calm and caring?  Some combination of the two?  That's entirely up to YOU, and it will affect how the other characters interact with you.  This is only one example of how the game molds to your choices, but I don't want to give anything away, so 'nuff said!

    There is not a lot of fighting, as one might expect from a title about zombigeddon.  Yes, of course we struggle, we shoot, we flee, and sometimes we die... but the primary thrust of the game is the story.  This is like no adventure game I've ever seen, seeming more like we're part of a movie, rather than playing a game.

    In tense situations, as in real life, we don't have an unlimited amount of time to decide what to say or do.  We have to make some snap decisions, and it heightens the immersiveness, wrapping around our psyche, taunting, calling, making us unable to stop thinking about what's happened, and what WILL happen because of our choices.

    The way interactions and inventory are handled are much different than I'm used to.  You can see small icons that show your inventory on the left-hand side of the screen, but you don't do the usual "click on inventory item, then click on the scene" routine.  Instead, when you mouse-over a hotspot on the scene, you will see options that you can choose from (assuming that there's more than one action available.)  If it's possible to try an inventory item on that spot, you'll see it in the options.  Just use your mouse wheel or arrow keys on your keyboard to highlight your desired choice; same as you do when you're having a conversation or choosing an action to take.

    This is not the kind of game where you can speed up the dialogue or skip cutscenes.  The Walking Dead is all about experiencing the story, and what a story it is!  Intense, gripping, distressing, touching.  Through all of the turmoil and strife, there are still moments that made me smile; even laugh out loud!  The only other game I've seen that evoked so much emotion was Cognition, though of course for entirely different reasons.


    You can see from the screenshots that the characters are done graphic art-style.  Not surprising since this is based off a comic book series.  And yet... deep within the gameplay, there are startling moments when the characters look real.  I would swear that they had live actors doing the modelling.  The mannerisms are so well done, the nuances of expression so poignant.  A slight softening of the eyes, the ghost of a smile... Beautifully done!

    There is some gore, but it's tolerable... and to be expected!  This IS a game featuring the dead, after all!  I have one friend who is not into zombies at all, and another who really can't stand gore, and both were so completely sucked in by the story that they couldn't stop playing!

    The music is so perfectly melded with the situations you encounter that they're well-nigh unnoticeable.  There is nothing to jar you out of the the environment, nothing to distract you from the situation you're in.

    The voice acting is absolutely superb.  Of course there are some exceptions, but very few.  I especially love Lee.  I love everything about him.  The way he walks, the way he moves, his facial expressions, the personality I chose for him. and above all else, his voice.  It is so perfect in every way, I can't even begin to explain it... *looks back at text and grimaces The Walking Dead: Season 1 2219796482  *  Well, OK, I did begin to explain it, but you get the point! The Walking Dead: Season 1 580207494  Eet ees very very goot!

    In case you're sensitive to such things, be aware that there is some STRONG language in this. The Walking Dead: Season 1 3781861646  I'm not big into swearing, myself, but let's face it... If you had a very-obviously dead person get up and try to EAT YOU, you'd probably have some colorful words to say, yourself!  The Walking Dead: Season 1 1524988580


    If you haven't figured out how I feel about the game by now, you must have skipped over the rest of the review!  There's been a lot of hype about the game, and it's all -- in my opinion -- very well-deserved. 

    If you're looking for complex gameplay, this isn't for you.  Likewise if you're looking for a lot of combat or a shoot 'em up.  The Walking Dead isn't a game; it's an experience like no other, and one I highly recommend to anyone who loves a good story The Walking Dead: Season 1 1404866550

    I've played it through once by myself, and am currently playing through a second time with my sis, letting her make all of the decisions.  Excuse me?   The Walking Dead: Season 1 2431214003   Why yes, I did mention that our decisions carry over to future games (like the DLC 400 Days and Season 2.)  Wait, did I forget to mention that we have three save slots?  *scrolls back to look*  Oh, nope!  It's there!  Whew~!

    I am dying to play Season 2 -- No, not literally!  Leave my brains intact, please! -- but for now, will have to settle for roping my husband into playing the game with me on the third save slot.  Must.  Have.  More.  Undead!  The Walking Dead: Season 1 1896680709

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    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Empty Re: The Walking Dead: Season 1

    Post by Frodo Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:52 am

    Excellent review Genki.   Okay    And love those zombie smilies.   Elk grin 

    Would you consider it more of an adventurey game, or an actiony game?  I've seen it described as both.   Hmm...

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    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Empty Re: The Walking Dead: Season 1

    Post by volnole68 Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:23 am

    Great review Genki.  I have been debating getting this.  It is not like anything I have ever played so I am reluctant to make the purchase.  I just can't seem to get into these type games even if there is a good story.

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    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Empty Re: The Walking Dead: Season 1

    Post by genkicoll Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:03 am

    It's more adventure-y, definitely.

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    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Empty Re: The Walking Dead: Season 1

    Post by Frodo Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:59 am

    Thanks.  I'm tempted by it.   Smile

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    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Empty Re: The Walking Dead: Season 1

    Post by JustTheFacts Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:24 pm

    Well, that didn't work out as well as I planned! I was supposed to find another game I can't play and so find it perfectly resistable. But this game sounds really cool genki!

    You've done it to me again!  da blame 

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    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Empty Re: The Walking Dead: Season 1

    Post by genkicoll Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:15 pm

    I wholeheartedly recommend it for anyone who loves a good story!

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    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Empty Re: The Walking Dead: Season 1

    Post by JustTheFacts Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:36 pm

    I've bought it! I did it while you were posting, I think.  Big smile 

    I don't think I'll be sorry. I am not really into gory and stuff. But it looks like it's done so well! And I love a good story-driven game, so that works  Big smile 

    But that will have to be it. I now have 50 games that are outside my little "box" of HOPA games. As well as about the same in all the "other" game genres, like time management. I think I've got enough to last me about 1000 hours or so outside my comfort zone lol... OH! 

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    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Empty Re: The Walking Dead: Season 1

    Post by genkicoll Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:44 pm

    Seriously, play The Walking Dead soon.  Did I mention that I'm on my third time through? Laugh

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    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Empty Re: The Walking Dead: Season 1

    Post by JustTheFacts Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:48 pm

    Impressive!!  Sunny 

    I will somehow squeeze it in somewhere...

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    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Empty Re: The Walking Dead: Season 1

    Post by genkicoll Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:51 pm

    Once you start you'll be singing its praises right along with me... and then you'll be cursing me, because only two chapters of Season 2 are available right now, and the game's going to be too expensive to buy 'til all of the chapters are out Silly face  Laugh

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    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Empty Re: The Walking Dead: Season 1

    Post by JustTheFacts Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:55 pm

    Knew there'd be a catch lol  Yeah right 

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    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Empty Re: The Walking Dead: Season 1

    Post by genkicoll Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:08 pm

    Don't worry, it's a good stopping place.  I'm doing OK waiting (by replaying over and over Laugh  )

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    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Empty Re: The Walking Dead: Season 1

    Post by JustTheFacts Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:11 pm

    How long is a season? - and what's the whole concept anyway? They bring out a game in bite-sized pieces or something, and you have to pay for each installment and at the end of it all you've got a game-sized game? And then they go and sell it for sfa?

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    The Walking Dead: Season 1 Empty Re: The Walking Dead: Season 1

    Post by genkicoll Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:21 pm

    No no, not for this one.  With The Walking Dead you buy one season at a time, and it includes all five episodes.  Episodes run at least two hours each.  Season One took me 13+ hours to complete.  Season Two is coming out with a new chapter every three months or so, with two(?) more chapters left in the season.

    400 Days is kind of a bonus half-chapter that's purchased separately.  You can go ahead and read the review I put up yesterday, there are no spoilers Wink  That will explain what it's all about in more detail.

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