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    Indie Royale Spiral Groove Bundle


    Posts : 8430
    Join date : 2011-12-28
    Age : 51
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    Indie Royale Spiral Groove Bundle Empty Indie Royale Spiral Groove Bundle

    Post by genkicoll Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:14 pm

    The Spiral Groove Bundle is leaving the gun barrel! The latest collection of Indie Royale games, from developers large and small, is now live. This week’s bundle features four hard-hitting games ranging from a sniper tour through Berlin’s crumbling streets during World War 2 to a futuristic twin-stick mecha shoot ‘em up.

    Indie Royale Spiral Groove Bundle Sg-woo

    Sniper Elite V2, Gatling Gears, Bloody Trapland (amazing co-op!) and Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death are available in this week’s bundle. All the games are Windows only. The Spiral Groove Bundle represents a saving of over 90% to the current $79 price of the separate games.
    In addition, beat the $8 target and you also get the chiptune album: Lost Beats & Found Friends from legendary video game music producer Dj CUTMAN.
    Indie Royale Spiral Groove Bundle SGIcon8
    You can find more information on The Spiral Groove Bundle, including real-time statistics and its current price, on its official website or via its Facebook, Twitter and Google+ pages.
    This week the bundle is cheaper the sooner that you purchase it (unless, of course, some kind purchaser opts to lower the price for others by paying over the odds). Support indie developers by gunning down a copy of The Spiral Groove Bundle now.

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 26, 2024 11:58 pm