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    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison


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    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison Empty The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison

    Post by genkicoll Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:47 pm

    I was at the bookstore yesterday, and saw a book called White Witch, Black Curse by Kim Harrison.  It seemed to be an urban fantasy - not usually my type of thing - but I looked a bit closer... and decided to buy it simply based on the name of the previous book:  The Outlaw Demon Wails. The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison 597951271 I bought it based simply upon the pun. (For those that don't get it, The Outlaw Josie Wales is an old Clint Eastwood movie.  When I went to look up the name of the first book in the series, I found out that what I bought is actually the fifth in the series!   I'll be picking up #1 at the library some time soon, and will get back to you with my impressions, but I'm hoping this series is going to be akin to the Iron Druid Chronicles, which I love soooo much The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison 3026146359

    Check out the names of the books, they're ALL puns!

    The Hollows, by Kim Harrison - Official Site

    Titles linked below will take you to my review of that book.  NO SPOILERS are included, so read without worry The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison 364988687


    Novellas / Short Stories

    • Undead in The Garden of Good and Evil--Ivy novella in the anthology Dates From Hell.
    • "Dirty Magic"--Mia short story in the anthology Hotter Than Hell.
    • "The Bridges of Eden Park"-Kisten/Rachel short in the US mass market edition of For a Few Demons More
    • Two Ghosts for Sister Rachel--Robbie/Rachel/Pierce novella in the anthology Holidays are Hell
    • "The Bespelled"-Ceri/Al short story in the US mass market edition of The Outlaw Demon Wails (Also in anthology Demons, edited by John Skipp)
    • Ley Line Drifter--Bis/Jenks novella in anthology Unbound
    • Blood Work -- Graphic Novel of Rachel's year interning under Ivy at the IS.
    • Hollows Insider -- Hollows world book
    • Harrison compilation -- Into the Woods (October 9, 2012)
    • Blood Crime (October 31, 2012) Graphic Novel of Rachel's year interning under Ivy at the IS.

    Last edited by genkicoll on Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:56 pm; edited 15 times in total

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    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison Empty Re: The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison

    Post by genkicoll Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:52 pm

    Dead Witch Walking, by Kim Harrison
    Book 1 of The Hollows
    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison DWWmmCover

    Imagine our world if science had taken a different path: Instead of turning our attention to the stars, we focused instead on bioengineering the perfect weapon to unleash on our enemies... and it escaped in true Stephen King-The Stand-esque style, wiping out a quarter of the Earth's human population.

    Now imagine that the creatures who have been hiding in the dark -- or even living beside us inconspicuously for centuries -- seize upon the chance to finally live in our world openly. Vampires and werewolves, fairies and pixies, leprechauns and more come to the forefront, creating a new kind of society, with new rules to play by.

    This is a world where man never made it to the moon, bioengineering is not only outlawed, but the most heinous of crimes, brimstone is the new cocaine, and witching is not only an art, but a blood right.

    The Federal Inderlander Bureau, or F.I.B., is the human-run side of the law, whilst the Inderland Security (I.S.) controls the non-human side of business. This is where our heroine comes in. Rachel Morgan is white witch, and a bounty hunter (or runner) for the I.S. Using street smarts, highly-defined reflexes, and an utter lack of fear, she is very good at what she does, but somehow things keep going wrong, and the job offers just keep getting worse and worse. How much can a good witch take? The problem is that the I.S. doesn't just let people break their contract, and the last Inderlander who did "accidentally" ended up blown to pieces...

    Add to the mix a bad-tempered pixie, a hot-blooded living vampire, and a corrupt but oh-so-sexy politician, and you have Dead Witch Walking, the first book of The Hollows.

    I knew none of the above when I started reading, and was thus confused in the beginning. Rachel kept referring to things that had happened previously, and while I was confident that the author was just trying to give us some background information on our heroine, I still had to double-check that I wasn't coming in to the middle of the series (made that mistake once already! haha) Still, it didn't take long to catch on to the ins-and-outs of this new society that our author has created, and to get sucked in to the story.

    I'm currently over 350-pages in to this 416-page novel, and loving every minute of it. I finally found a good breaking point (this far in The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison 580207494) where I could step away and do this review. It is very hard to put down! Suffice to say that I am greatly enjoying this book, and will be picking up the rest of the series ASAP! The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison 1404866550

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    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison Empty Re: The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison

    Post by genkicoll Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:27 pm

    The Good, the Bad, and the Undead, by Kim Harrison
    Book 2 of The Hollows
    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison GBUhcCover
    "[Rachel Morgan's] a protagonist that blends the best qualities of Anita Blake and Stephanie Plum." -- Jim Butcher, author of Death Masks

    The Good
    Author Kim Harrison once again swept me into the fantasy world she's created, seamlessly blending threads from Dead Witch Walking into the continuing story of Rachel's existence. I plowed through this 450+ page book in less than a day and a half, a willing captive to Ms. Harrison's storytelling and writing talent.

    The Bad
    I am appalled by the horrible editing that went into this book. Mistakes are rampant throughout, from spelling errors to using the wrong meaning of a word. Needless repetition, through instead of thorough, mores instead of moves, hid instead of hide... Even a few places where I had to read the sentences several times before I was able to understand what was trying to be said. I understand that I am hyper-sensitive to such errors, but this is a high-profile book in a high-profile series... I find it inexcusable that there should be so many mistakes! I am very glad that these problems weren't present in the first book, or I might have been so put off that I wouldn't have picked up #2.

    The Undead
    The vampires in this alternate world are truly a frightening species. Not cute like this guy The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison 4092355018 It surely does make for some interesting reading, though!

    Be warned that this series is truly dark, dealing with monstrous situations that can be stomach-turning at times. The Underworld movies frequently came to mind as I read these books (this one, especially). If you can't hack the movies, you probably won't be able to read these books.

    Now, despite my great irritation at the editing problems, I really did enjoy the book -- which is why I read through it so quickly. Despite the errors mentioned, I still was so enraptured that I couldn't put it down! The stories Kim Harrison creates are intricately woven, and the words she uses as her loom create a tangible fabric, full of depth and texture.

    She is an excellent author, and the aforementioned problems aside, this is an excellent book The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison 1404866550

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    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison Empty Re: The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison

    Post by genkicoll Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:23 pm

    Every Which Way But Dead, by Kim Harrison
    Book 3 of The Hollows
    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison EWWBDhcCover

    After the plethora of editing errors in the last book (The Good, the Bad, and the Undead,) I was wondering what this book would be like, but happily, I saw not one editing error in this book Happy bounce  I'm still hoping that the problems in the last book were because I'd gotten my hands on an early edition somehow. Alas, I digress! (what else is new? Laugh)

    As with the first two books, I was quickly caught up in this alternate universe that Kim Harrison has created.  It's funny -- before The Hollows and Kevin Hearne's Iron Druid Chronicles, I was NOT a fan of the first-person perspective in books.  These two authors do such an incredible job of describing what's happening that it feels like you're there, watching it all happen, and *that's* what I love in a book -- being so immersed in the world you're reading of that you forget anything else that's going on around you.  It's the reason I'm so picky about editing errors (they distract me toooo much!) and the reason I try not to read too often -- I have responsibilities, ya know~!

    I don't know that I can continue to give actual reviews -- I don't want to spoil anything, meaning that I can only say so much.  I'll go ahead and continue with the format I've set thus far in the thread, but it will be more comments than a "real" review.

    Now, as I mentioned, I spotted no editing errors in this book, but I was slightly irritated by what I saw as the overuse of one word.  She (Harrison) only used it six or eight times during this story, but she never used a synonym, and the word is uncommon enough that it bugged me.  Just one of those things that I tend to notice.  One of my quirks, you could say Silly face

    I enjoyed this third installment very much.  'Nuff said Elk grin

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    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison Empty Re: The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison

    Post by genkicoll Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:20 pm

    A Fistful of Charms, by Kim Harrison
    Book 4 of The Hollows
    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison FOChcCover

    No, I didn't stay up all night reading (though I have done that in the past Snicker) -- I finished books 3 and 4 last week, and just now got around to typing up my thoughts.  Speaking of thoughts, I have a LOT about this particular installment of The Hollows.

    This one didn't grab me like the first three books did.  It's not Ms. Harrison's fault, it's just that the storyline wasn't as enticing to me, personally.  That being said, I still sailed through the book in two days.  There were times when I chuckled, laughed out loud... once I was so blindsided by a comment made by one of the characters that I guffawed and couldn't stop giggling for a good minute.  Despite the fact that I said that this storyline didn't speak to me as much, I still got teary-eyed not once, but TWICE whilst reading it!

    As I started this fourth book, I was thinking, "How does this woman keep getting into SO much trouble?!"  Funnily enough, that question was answered as I read it!  It makes perfect sense now that it's been mentioned.

    The editing... You're waiting for me to gripe, aren't you.  Silly face  Fact is that there were a few contextual spelling errors (ie. "mute" instead of "moot".)   Towards the very end of the book, the editor got a little sloppy.  There was one missing sentence (as far as I can see) that would have changed the point of reference.  That missing information made the paragraph VERY confusing, and I never did figure out who "her" was. Gah!  I'm hoping that I'll figure it out in the next book (which I've already started.)

    I have to say that Jenks was the BEST part of this book.  I love him anyway, but he was especially awesome in this installment.  I loved learning more about pixie lore in the world of The Hollows, and it really added depth to the species, and to Jenks and his family themselves.

    It wasn't just pixies we learn a lot about, but werewolves, as well.  This is the part of the story that really didn't grip me, and I don't know why.  It was interesting, definitely!  Just one of those things, I guess!

    EDIT:  Upon reflection, I realize that it wasn't the werewolf element that I wasn't enjoying -- it was a specific character that was bugging me.  It think that was the author's intention, so mission accomplished! Laugh  Now I understand why I was able to get emotionally invested in the story, but still have an "off" feeling.  Blame it all on *insert character here*! (What, you didn't think I was going to put a spoiler in, did you?)

    Good book, and already working on number 5!

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    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison Empty Re: The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison

    Post by genkicoll Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:57 am

    For a Few Demons More, by Kim Harrison
    Book 5 of The Hollows
    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison FAFDMhcCover

    This book was -- in a word -- incredible.  It entangled me in an iron grip, and would not let go until I finished.  Even now I am dwelling on the events that took place.  The night before last, I had trouble putting it down, only doing so because I had to sleep. Yesterday I spent a solid ten hours reading, pausing only when interrupted, and thankfully finishing just before I needed to go to bed.

    The feelings it evoked were raw and honest, swirling with an intensity that left me breathless.  The rhythm was perfectly balanced, with sweeping crescendos, gentling into calming cadences, then back again.

    The only thing I didn't love is that the chapter transitions could be slightly abrupt.  Ms. Harrison would jump forward in time during a part of the story I wanted to read more about, skipping things that I wanted to know more about right that second! Silly face  It didn't happen often, and it's just a small thing when considering the book as a whole.  

    There is a lot more I'd like to say about this one, but I can't, lest I spoil the storyline for anyone who's not yet read it.  I will say though that I was more than misty-eyed during parts of the book - I actually cried.

    Suffice to say that, for me, this has been the most inspired writing I've seen from Ms. Harrison, and I was rapt throughout.  A magnificent addition to the series.

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    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison Empty Re: The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison

    Post by genkicoll Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:45 pm

    The Outlaw Demon Wails, by Kim Harrison
    Book 6 of The Hollows
    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison ODWhcCover

    This was another excellent addition to the series, cascading with revelations ranging from surprise to shock to downright alarm.  Rachel's mother makes her first appearance in this installment, and we learn more about her dad, as well.

    The description on the back of the book really has very little to do with the story... or rather, it only describes a small part of what happens, and is not the primary thrust of the book.  I don't even read these descriptions anymore -- they give too much away!

    I was riveted throughout the book, and wasn't able to put it down.  As a matter of fact, I was so wrapped up in The Holllows that I immediately picked up the next book, and finished it (see below) in less than a day.  I should have written up what I was thinking on this one before I started, but I just couldn't! haha Laugh  Now I really can't give any more information on this book because my head is filled with the next one!

    And so...

    White Witch, Black Curse, by Kim Harrison
    Book 7 of The Hollows
    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison WWBChcCover%20copy

    In this book we are finally able to discover the solution to a puzzle that has been present since book 5, For A Few Demons More.  We not only meet Rachel's brother, but spend some more time with her mother, as well.  There is a lot of growth of characters this time around, and although growth of characters has been present all along, it feels like they've really evolved this time -- Rachel, especially.

    The beginning of the book was difficult for me.  We meet a new kind of Interlander in White Witch, Black Curse, and I find the species to be very disconcerting... as I'm sure they're meant to be!  Still, it became easier (and more compelling, to me) once we were able to move past the introduction of these characters.

    I have the next book sitting right here on my desk, but I need hold off on reading it for a bit.  There are two reasons for this.  First, if I keep zipping through these books, I'm going to run out, and then what will I do for my Hollows fix?  Second, and more importantly, I need to give my eyes a rest.  I've been reading so voraciously that my eyes are fuzzing out on me, and I had to read the second half of this one with blurry vision! Overreaction

    ALL of these books are excellent, and I'm not looking forward to running out of books to read!  Be aware that you REALLY need to start at the beginning with Dead Witch Walking to truly enjoy the series.  It's truly worth the journey Okay

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    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison Empty Re: The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison

    Post by genkicoll Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:26 pm

    Black Magic Sanction, by Kim Harrison
    Book 8 of The Hollows
    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison BMShcCover

    I just picked up the next two books in the series, so I'd best get my thoughts on this one typed up before I start reading, again!

    Rachel's ability to get into trouble never ceases to amaze me.  The reason for this was explained several books back (and I'm glad, because it was starting to irk me a bit,) but this time, trouble finds HER... and in some ways, it's the most horrific scenario we've seen so far.  *shudder*

    On an unrelated note, we find out in the first book that witches are a completely different species than humans, which is why they were unaffected the the T4 Angel virus forty years back.  In book 3 (I think it was) it's mentioned that witches' anatomy is a bit different than a human's.  That tidbit really intrigued me, and I wondered if I'd missed something, or if Harrison would ever mention what these differences are.  In this book we find out exactly what those differences are, and the reason behind them.

    Because of a character that I really don't like, I had the same kind of simmering dislike that I felt when I read book 4, A Fistful of Charms.  Again, not the author's fault, I just have a problem with that character.  Despite said character, I still got wrapped up in the story enough to cry again.  Not just one or two drops, as with previous books in the series.  Oh no, not this time.  THIS time it was big, fat, sloppy tears streaming down my cheeks, even when I got interrupted by my kids.  I dealt with what needed to be done, then went right back to crying. Rolling Eyes   That's some good writing!

    That's about all I've got to say, for now~  Off to book 9 I go!

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    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison Empty Re: The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison

    Post by genkicoll Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:45 pm

    Pale Demon, by Kim Harrison
    Book 9 of The Hollows
    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison PDhcCover

    I finished this one last night, and I have to say, I never expected the story to go the direction Ms. Harrison has taken it.  Rachel Morgan has come a long way in these past nine books.

    In this book we learn a lot about Trent, demons, and Rachel herself.  Thrown in new knowledge about the ley lines and elven magic and culture, and you have book 9 of The Hollows.

    The story is powerful in a different way -- not an emotional roller coaster, but poignant nonetheless.  Another excellent addition.


    I'm just dying to talk about specifics of the series with someone who's read it.  The things I liked, the characters, the storyline, and yes, the discrepancies.  I've spotted a couple of glaring errors, but they only occurred to me in retrospect.  I'm curious if anyone else has noticed.

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    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison Empty Re: The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison

    Post by genkicoll Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:09 pm

    A Perfect Blood, by Kim Harrison
    Book 10 of The Hollows
    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison PBhcCover

    In this book we face the darker side of humanity, and it is an ugly and frightening sight.  It never ceases to amaze me how depraved the human race can be, and sadly, what Ms. Harrison depicts mirrors some parts of our reality too much for comfort.

    This book is truly a dark read, but as usual, it is rife with humor and interactions that are just priceless.  I'm really liking the direction part of the story is taking, and I'm hoping it carries through (in the way I want it to Silly face) in the next book, Ever After, which is already put on hold for me at the library -- just have to wait for it to come in Elk grin

    I've read through the series so fast that I know I've missed a lot of things, and I'm actually looking forward to finishing up book 11 and starting over!  haha  I've got the books I don't have on my Christmas wish list, so maybe next year I'll work on another read-through. Laugh

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    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison Empty Re: The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison

    Post by genkicoll Sun Aug 18, 2013 8:02 pm

    Ever After, by Kim Harrison
    Book 11 of The Hollows
    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison EAhcCover

    This is the most recent release, and I'm dying to see the next one... I'm so glad I came to the series this late -- Waiting for a new book in a series is soooo hard!  There are no cliffhangers, thank goodness, but we're definitely set up for more stories.  Can't wait! Happy bounce

    The danger in this book is much more up close and personal than it has been previously.  We have surprising and endearing moments, as well as atrocities that are hard to take.  I am so grateful the author did not make us "experience" these moments, choosing instead to allude to the events.  I wouldn't have been able to handle it if she had walked us through those moments.

    I mentioned last time that there was something I was hoping would happen, and she gave us a taste of what I was wanting.  The next book should be verrrrry interesting... but then, when are they not? Laugh 

    Ever After was another excellent addition to the series.  Once again, I was unable to put the book down until I finished it.  Thank you, Kim Harrison, for your dedication to The Hollows.  I have enjoyed the ride, and look forward to more!

    There are still the novellas to get me through, but I only have one at the moment Yeah right  I've got Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Beyond (a compilation of her novellas) on my Christmas wish list, but we'll see if I can wait that long... lol~ Big smile

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    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison Empty Re: The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison

    Post by djrum Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:15 am

    Oh my gosh, I finished Ever After the other night and what a delightful book it was. I simply adore The Hollows series and having read every single one of them, I will say, the stories are still fresh and I never tire of them.
    In Ever After, I think the relationship between Rachel and Trent was more fleshed out. Of Rachel's "crew", Jenks is still around, but Ivy...not so much.
    I was shocked & saddened by some um...unusual & abrupt events. *no spoilers intended*

    I'll put the next book (#12), titled "The Undead Pool" (due out Feb 25, 2014) on pre-order.

    (oh, am I allowed to post in here, Genki?)

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    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison Empty Re: The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison

    Post by genkicoll Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:51 pm

    (oh, am I allowed to post in here, Genki?)

    Use spoiler tags when appropriate, but goodness yes!  Please!  I've been dying to discuss these books with someone!

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    The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison Empty Re: The Hollows (Series) by Kim Harrison

    Post by djrum Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:51 am

    These books are so good! I look forward to reading a new one, whenever it comes out. And then, sometimes, I'll wait, only because I don't want to finish it.

    My sister had me reading the Twilight series and other "younger" supernatural books, but The Hollows are the most enjoyable reads for me.
    I found all the other ones sorely lacking in the storyline department.

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