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    Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera


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    Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera  Empty Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera

    Post by genkicoll Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:28 pm

    Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera

    Series links: Mystery Legends 1: Sleepy Hollow, Mystery Legends 2: The Phantom of the Opera, Mystery Legends 3: Beauty and the Beast

    Available at:
    Big Fish for PC as Collector's Edition / Standard Edition
    Big Fish for Mac as Collector's Edition / Standard Edition
    Iwin as Collector's Edition
    Play Pond (support the developer)

    Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera  Mystery-legends-phantom-of-the-opera-premium-box

    The ruins of the opera house stand as a tomb to unrequited love. Though long abandoned, an undying ghost still wanders its halls, plotting the return of his heart’s desire. Discover the history that haunts the opera house and face all its challenges. Confront the man behind the mask and complete the final act of the Phantom of the Opera!

    The Collector’s Edition includes:

    • Bonus quest and gameplay
    • Integrated Strategy Guide
    • Original Novel
    • Classic love story
    • Gorgeous gameplay

    For the Standard Edition:

    Click images to enlarge
    Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera  Th_screen1 Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera  Th_screen2 Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera  Th_screen3

    Last edited by genkicoll on Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:14 am; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 8429
    Join date : 2011-12-28
    Age : 51
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    Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera  Empty Re: Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera

    Post by genkicoll Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:13 pm

    Mystery Legends: Phantom of the Opera SE (IHOG)

    Options include separate sliders for Music, Sound Effects, Ambiance and Voices, plus four Display options: Widescreen, Regular, Windowed and Enhanced Performance for slower computers.

    In the Scores section, you are ranked by time taken and accuracy.

    The cut-scenes (voiced-over) are skippable, as is the tutorial. Everything will be tracked in your journal. The journal is not only useful, but absolutely necessary. There are no unsolicited hints in there, so no worries, you can read all you want Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera  2981382511

    You do have a task list, of sorts, beneath the HINT mirror: Guide. The guide will track your objectives, as well as give you general gameplay information (in case you skipped the tutorial or are newer to this kind of game).

    There is a MAP, which is accessible through your journal, and which will show you where active areas are. Alas, no "jump" function, but still VERY useful!

    HINTS take quite a while to refill, so use them sparingly. There is a misclick penalty after 4 or 5 random clicks. During adventure-play, the hint will either show you where you need to look in the room, or tell you there's nothing of note at the moment.

    The characters will randomly speak (without text), so I recommend turning the voices up. The music is environmental, as are the sound effects and the general ambiance.

    The artwork is very nice, definitely appropriate for the theme of the game.

    The primary thrust seems to be adventure-driven, with some hidden object scenes here and there. The HOG scenes, themselves, are overly-cluttered junk piles. There is a mirror in the bottom left corner that will show you the outline of any item, so you can power through the HO scenes if you so desire Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera  2981382511 You'll be visiting these scenes multiple times over the course of the game.

    You have the freedom to choose where you'd like to go in the game, yet it is linear enough that you don't get lost, simply wandering around. If you do realize you've gone the wrong way, you can always use the map to get your bearings.

    Between each section of the game, we have a "flashback" where we are required to find 20 musical notes on a sepia scene. Very reminiscent of an old poster, and some are very well-hidden... often in plain sight Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera  580207494

    Overall, the game took me nearly five hours to complete. Admittedly, I was a bit distracted during gameplay, but still! The game ends with a question mark. To be continued, or is this something that is wrapped up in the Collector's Edition? Either way, the game held my interest throughout, and I definitely enjoyed it. Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera  1404866550

    Last edited by genkicoll on Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 8429
    Join date : 2011-12-28
    Age : 51
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    Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera  Empty Re: Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera

    Post by genkicoll Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:18 pm

    Game finished, and the above review has been updated to reflect my new perspective on the game. ^__^

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    Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera  Empty Re: Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera

    Post by JustTheFacts Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:55 am

    I wrote this 2 years ago, when I had just started playing HOGs. It's not much, but consider it a place-saver. I'll redo it when I finish the others on my list Rolling Eyes

    Excellent Game New Take on Familiar Story

    Sunny Sunny SunnySunnySunny 


    Game Style: Emphasis on adventure style of play. Both adventure and HO are more difficult than most. Thankfully, the other puzzles are less difficult whilst still being both challenging and original.

    Artwork: Top of the range graphics, good use of audio and animations to create atmosphere.

    Story: Variation on a familiar story, it unfolds in well-paced bite-sized chunks.

    Hint Feature: Slow but useful if you use in conjunction with objectives.

    Replay: You'll want to play again immediately. The HO and mini-games have random generation, there's a time score AND accuracy score, plus a bonus section that can only be accessed by a good time score.

    Flaws: It's a complex puzzle from the word go, which might deter some. But definitely worth the effort of continuing.

    Tips: Use your hints wisely!!!

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    Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera  Empty Re: Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera

    Post by luvtoread Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:26 am

    If I remember right, this game started a thread in the BF forums "Why I can never be a
    Princess" by Autumnleaf. It was hysterical. There are parts in the game where the
    girl is such a ditsy do, you wonder why the Phantom didn't realize that it was not his
    love and just throw her out. Didn't she say when a HO pile appeared "Maybe I can find
    something here"? And refused to go out in the snow even though evil guy was in the
    I played the whole game--laughed at her, pfft  at her. Still enjoyed it. But now that I am thinking about it, I thought the ending left an open for a sequel? Like I said, been
    awhile since I played.

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    Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera  Empty Re: Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera

    Post by RenaissanceMom Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:03 am

    Ooh I remember love-love-loving this game!!! Wub 
    It's been some time since I played it; I'm curious to replay to see how well this would hold up in my estimation. Though, come to think of it I'm quite faithful - often I find my first loves remain my loves. Heart

    Posts : 5142
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    Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera  Empty Re: Mystery Legends 2: Phantom of the Opera

    Post by JustTheFacts Sun Dec 08, 2013 1:47 pm

    Me too! And I was very disappointed to see no further games in this series. I thought they were doing an excellent job.

    This game was my favourite for a long time, but then there were the Midnight Mysteries and then I discovered Big Fish and the Dark Tales series, and was lost...

    I think I lasted 3 more months at Game House, before I admitted to myself I could no longer resist the call of the ERS games and was doomed. Loopy

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